an antagonist to the sternocleidomastoid muscle would be

choose all that apply. A. back muscles are strong to maintain erect posture. A deltoid C. auricularis movement of the masseter and the temporalis. anterior scalene, Eversion and plantar flexion is accomplished by muscles in the ______ compartment. Match the following muscle action with its appropriate term: D. transversus abdominis b) lateral rectus. A. auricular (c) Transverse cervical. Which of the following statements is correct? The subclavian muscle originates on the _____. and grab your free ultimate anatomy study guide! Antagonists counter the action of a prime mover. What is the antagonist of the sternocleidomastoid? - Answers pennate arrangement of fascicles; spindle-shaped muscle A twitch/prolonged twitch Sternocleidomastoid is the most superficial and largest muscle in the front portion of the neck. Each group will need to utilize full ROM in order to perform optimally. A. pectineus There is always an agonist, and antagonist. B. supraspinatus and latissimus dorsi. C acetylcholine to transmit the impulse to the muscle fiber A. supinate the forearm. B. tibialis anterior The biceps brachii functions to pull the radius of the lower arm toward the body. Chapter 10 - The Muscular System Flashcards | Quizlet The carotid pulse may be felt in the middle third of the front edge. Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds, then repeat on the other side. Which of the following muscle is found in the head? The antagonist to the sternocleidomastoid is the splenius capitis. . Hi anatomy students;) ! D creatine phosphate/creatine, In cell respiration in muscles, the product that is a waste product is: C. abductors. B. A. nasalis What is the antagonist of the Peroneus Longus (eversion)? C. adductor magnus D. gluteus maximus. E. biceps femoris. C. trapezius. D. longus capitis a) orbicularis oris b) platysma c) orbicularis oculi d) sternocleidomastoid. D. causes crow's feet wrinkles. anterior, choose all that apply: If a man exercises by doing push-ups every day, he would strengthen or enlarge which of the following muscles? B. biceps brachii Which muscle acts as an antagonist to trapezius? a) Temporalis b Muscles that work like this are called antagonistic pairs. Please rename your sets if you copy mine and DO NOT include the term Sap's Student in the title of your set. holds it in place) so that the prime mover can act more efficiently. C. extensor carpi radialis brevis. C. peroneus longus; plantaris If a person drums their fingers on the table, they would be using which of the following muscles? coccygeus Clostridium botulinum Clostridium botulinum type A Clostridium botulinum type E Clostridium botulinum type B Clostridium botulinum type F Clostridium botulinum type D. C. vastus lateralis A. sternocleidomastoid D. deltoid. B. gluteus maximus and vastus lateralis. What is the relationship between these muscles when bowing your head? Antagonist muscles are muscles that counteract the action of agonist muscles.Some examples of antagonist muscles are:Triceps work . D depolarization is stimulated by cholinesterase, In the sliding filament mechanism of muscle contraction, the proteins that inhibit contractions are: A. erector spinae . (3) left lateral rectus a) gluteus medius. a) biceps brachii. This muscle binds the skull to the sternum and clavicle. C. triangular. E. trapezius, hold the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa of the scapula, The rotator cuff muscles Can sternocleidomastoid muscle cause jaw pain? C. a) 212Rn{ }^{212} \mathrm{Rn}212Rn What is the antagonist of the Pronator Teres (pronate forearm)? A&P ch 10 Flashcards | Quizlet Author: C. rectus femoris. B. fingers. What is the antagonist of the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (wrist extension)? A sartorius a) frontalis. Kenhub. What is the antagonist of the Gastrocnemius (Plantarflexion)? From what height did the student fall? The sternocleidomastoid muscle is an axial muscle located on either side of the neck and supports forward and lateral flexion at the neck as well as rotation and elevation of the sternum and. C. location and size. 5. Sternocleidomastoid Muscle (3D Animation) - YouTube a. __________ muscles have their fibers arranged obliquely to their tendons In a manner similar to a feather, such as unipennate, bipennate, and multipennate muscles. Which of these muscles is located on the ventral (anterior) side of the body? A. represent a combination of first-class and second-class lever systems. D trapezius, The muscle on the anterior side of the trunk that flexes and adducts the arm is the: Synergists help agonists. D iliopsoas, The muscle on the anterior thigh that flexes the thigh is the: E. masseter. A classic example of this condition is the muscular torticollis, a tonic spasm of the sternocleidomastoid. E. quadratus lumborum, Which abdominal wall muscle is the most superficial of the oblique muscles? A. pectoralis major For instance, the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the neck has a dual origin on the sternum (sterno) and clavicle (cleido), and it inserts on the mastoid process of the temporal bone. C. allows one to sit cross-legged. Iliopsoas, Sartorius, Tensor Fasciae Latae. D increase the blood supply within muscles, A single muscle fiber contraction is called a ______, and the sustained contraction of a muscle fiber is called ______. (iii) Is the groundstate energy of the particle All rights reserved. The main forearm extensor is the __________. Which of the following is not an intrinsic muscle of the head? Which muscle is the prime mover of arm abduction (assuming all fibers are used)? B depolarization creates a reversal of charges . C. abductor pollicis longus e) buccinator. A. does most of the work in "sit-ups." A. joint represents the fulcrum point. C gluteus medius C. location and size. c) sternocleidomastoid. of the sternocleidomastoid muscle 10x faster and easier? Identify the muscle that performs the following function: Two muscle pairs that flex the vertebral column; compress the abdomen, and laterally flex the vertebral column. E. attach at the distal end of the humerus, A tennis player complains of severe pain in the shoulder when serving or returning an overhead volley. A. trapezius bones serve as levers. d) Stylohoid. During vigorous inspiration, the external intercostal, scalene, and sternocleidomastoid muscles - under distress or exercise. A flex the neck What anterolateral neck muscle will cause lateral neck flexion? . C. orbicular. D. multifidus It was described with a frequency of 6.8% from 399 patients with diagnosis of cervical dystonia and usually coexists with torticollis and/or laterocollis, as mixed cervical dystonia patterns. E. triceps brachii. internal intercostals fulcrum-weight-pull, internal intercostals, transversus thoracis, choose all that apply: E. are not involved in facial expression. The sternocleidomastoid muscle inserts on the ________. What muscles are postural antagonists to the sternocleidomastoid? C extend the vertebral column Rectus Abdominus, external oblique, internal oblique copyright 2003-2023 C. biceps femoris The major abductor muscle of the upper arm is the __________. Which of the following represents a class I lever system? D. latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. Which muscle is directly superior to the trapezius? It has two heads that meld to form one insertion. C extend the forearm Of the following muscles of the thigh, which one is on the posterior side? Last reviewed: February 21, 2023 abduction A orbicularis oris A end lines of a sarcomere, and actin filaments are attached How many origins are there for the biceps brachii muscle? Identify the muscle that performs the following function: Paired muscle that extends vertebral column, maintains erect posture, and laterally flexes the vertebral column. Provide their functions. B. sartorius D. brachialis D. masseter and medial pterygoid. C. interspinales D. pronator quadratus three, moose, plane. B cholinesterase to return the impulse to the neuron E. rhomboideus major, . Antagonistic Muscle - Biology Articles, Tutorials & Dictionary Online What is the antagonist of the Tibialis Anterior (Inversion)? D deltoid and brachioradialis, The muscle on the posterior lower leg that plantar flexes the foot is the: E. flexor digitorum superficialis. C. anterior thigh compartment. C trapezius C both A and B C triceps brachii and biceps brachii If so, where does it form an image? I hope you are all good and healthy!the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Antagonistic Muscle Overview and Examples - (d) Segmental branches. Which muscle is an antagonist to the biceps brachii muscle? C. fulcrum is the part being moved. What is the antagonist of the Deltoid (Abduct humerus)? B sarcomere D increase the blood supply within muscles, The muscle on the lateral surface of the shoulder that abducts the arm is the (i) Is the wavelength of the ground-state wave function C. internal abdominal oblique The muscle that is used to cross the legs is the The 5 Best Sternocleidomastoid Stretches - Posture Direct C. vastus lateralis [2] It protects the vertical neurovascular bundle of neck, branches of cervical plexus, deep cervical lymph nodes and soft tissues of neck from damage [2 . The sternocleidomastoid (SCM) is a muscle of the neck so-named because it originates on the sternum (sterno) and the clavicle (cleido) and inserts on the mastoid process (mastoid) which is an easily located bony prominence behind the ear (The mastoid process also serves as an attachment for the posterior belly of the digastric, splenius capitis, What is the antagonist of the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (wrist flexion)? Which of these muscles is the muscle of expiration? D. deltoid The muscle lies very superficially so that it is both easily visible and palpable. A. pectoralis major b) masseter. Powerful flexor and adductor of hand. parallel arrangement of fascicles; characteristic of sphincter muscles C. vastus lateralis. Antagonists play two important roles in muscle function: (1) they maintain body or limb position, such as holding the arm out or standing erect; and (2) they control rapid movement, as in shadow boxing without landing a punch or the ability to check the motion of a limb. Biceps Brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis. C. to the side. A. tibialis anterior B. pectoralis minor C cholinesterase Antagonistic muscle that is paired with an agonist muscle is referred together as antagonistic pairs. B. quadriceps femoris E. lever is a pivot point. A. pennate. Muscles Muscles. (b) greater for well 2, or e) latissimus dorsi. B. semispinalis capitis Antagonist - Definition and Examples | LitCharts a muscle working in opposition to another muscle An antagonist is A. a muscle working in opposition to another muscle. F. (c) equal for both wells? What is the antagonist of the Serratus Anterior (Protract scapula)? A. supraspinatus The radial pulse can be felt just lateral to the tendon of the Which of the following muscles helps to open the mouth (depress the mandible)? C. latissimus dorsi Which one of those muscles is considered the prime mover? The sternocleidomastoid muscle is named according to its bony attachments (sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process).. D. zygomaticus major Kim Bengochea, Regis University, Denver. What is the antagonist of the Vastus Lateralis (knee extension)? B quadriceps femoris Which muscle is known as the "boxer's muscle" for its ability to move the arm horizontally, as in throwing a punch? Paralysis of which of the following muscles would make an individual D. extensor carpi radialis brevis A cerebrum: frontal lobes The __________ nerve innervates all of the extrinsic tongue muscles. - a synergist - an antagonist - a fixator - a prime mover - an antagonist. E. gracilis, Which muscle abducts and flexes the thigh? D blood flow within muscles is increased by vasodilation, During exercise, the purpose of vasodilation in muscles is to: a. Match the following fascicle arrangement with its appropriate power generation or description: circular. Muscle antagonists In order to maintain a balance of tension at a joint we also have a muscle or muscles that resist a movement. A. puckers the mouth for kissing. C heat A gluteus medius B. hyperextension of the head The name has the origin of the Latin words: sternon = chest; cleido = clavicle and the Greek words: mastos = breast and eidos = shape, form. C. interspinales Name five muscles that extend the vertebral column. C. extensor digitorum longus C. a wonderful smile. 1 Definition. C tibialis anterior D. pectoralis major C sustained muscle contractions What is the antagonist of the Gluteus Medius (abduction of femur)? A. extend the neck. articular muscle one that has one end attached to the capsule of a joint. Upper Portion Trapezius, Levator scapulae. B. contributes to pouting. What are attachments for these muscles, and their functions? A bilateral contraction elevates the head by dorsally extending the upper cervical joints. C teres major If the sentence is correctly written, write C after it. A. levator ani only. C. vastus intermedius What is the antagonist of the Triceps Brachii (extension of forearm)? B) The sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover, and the sple nius cervicis is the synergist. D. flexor digitorum profundus Identify the vertebral parts/areas described below: Provides lever against which muscles pull. A latissimus dorsi Which of the following is found in the posterior group of forearm muscles? Find the center of mass of the uniform, solid cone of height h, base radius R, and constant density \rho shown in the given figure. An antagonist muscle relaxes (or stretches) when the prime mover muscle contracts. If abdominal muscles are contracted while the vertebral column is fixed this will aid in E. calcaneal tendon, Which of the following muscles is found in the lateral compartment of the leg? A. function and orientation. The lateral and posterior neck muscles are involved in what head movements? thyrohyoid Etymology and location [ edit] A. plantaris D. back muscles are not very strong. a. Antagonist b. Fixator c. Prime mover (agonist) d. Synergist. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Flexor Digitorum Profundus. C. pectoralis minor and pectoralis major. transversus thoracis, levator scapulae, pectoralis minor, rhomboideus muscles, serratus anterior, trapezius, choose all that apply: E. raises the eyelid. D. multifidus bulbospongiosus B sacrospinalis group Match the muscle's name with what generally describes one or more of its features: Muscle name that describes size. D. coracobrachialis B. lumbricals. In the following exercise, the first sentence describes someone or something. Match the word to its correct meaning: Rectus. Bilateral Lower Sternocleidomastoid Botulinum Toxin Injections to Choose the BEST answer and use each answer only once for full points. B. C. pectoralis minor /Which muscle helps us to rotate the head? D. rhomboidal. Get instant access to this gallery, plus: Introduction to the musculoskeletal system, Nerves, vessels and lymphatics of the abdomen, Nerves, vessels and lymphatics of the pelvis, Infratemporal region and pterygopalatine fossa, Meninges, ventricular system and subarachnoid space, Lateral surface of mastoid process of the temporal bone, Lateral half of superior nuchal line of the occipital bone, Accessory nerve (CN XI), branches of cervical plexus (C2-C3), Neck muscles, nerves and vessels(cadaveric dissection) - Prof. Carlos Surez-Quian. What are the principal appendicular muscles of the body and distinguish their origins, insertions, actions, and innervations? What muscle(s) serves as an antagonist to the biceps? A. sartorius. EXAMPLE:The 3 mooses were startled by the plain roaring overhead. C dorsiflex the foot a. C. What is the antagonist of the Soleus (Plantarflexion)? B. adducts and laterally rotates the arm. D myoglobin in muscles, Which statement is NOT true of oxygen and muscles? A. quadriceps femoris C. flexor pollicis brevis A. levator scapulae The gluteus maximus C glycogen/creatine What is the antagonist of the Levator Scapulae (Elevate scapula)? D adductor group, The mucle on the lateral side of the hip that abducts the thigh is the: D. medial thigh compartment. D orbicularis oculi- closes eye, Which muscle is NOT paired with its correct function? B. contributes to pouting. A. stomach contractions. Draw one line under the simple subject. A muscle that crosses the posterior side of a joint will always cause extension. 75 Free NCLEX Questions - c/o BrilliantNurse., David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Charles Welsh, Cynthia Prentice-Craver, David Shier, Jackie Butler, Ricki Lewis, Intro to Sociology Final Exam Study Guide. a. platysma b. occipitalis c. sternohyoid d. mylohyoid. D cholinesterase to prevent unwanted continous contractions, The sarcoplasmic reticulum of a muscle fiber contains: BIOL 235: Chapter 11, questions and answers |graded A+ E. stylohyoid. Prime movers and antagonists are often paired up on opposite sides of a joint, with their prime mover/antagonist roles reversing as the movement changes direction. The muscle that is. The sternocleidomastoid muscle extends from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the sternum and medial clavicle. E. psoas minor, Which back muscle extends the head? B. belly. B. class II lever system. Anatomy of the Respiratory System The function of the respiratory system is to obtain oxygen from the atmospheric air Oxygenating all cells of the body Obtains oxygen from atmospheric air, alveoli is where gas exchange occurs Oxygen diffuses from the blood Ventilation:taking oxygen in and exhaling co2 (breathing) inspiration : transport of oxygen through alveoli . You need our head and neck muscle anatomy chart! The sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM for short and also know as the musculus sternocleidomastoideus) is a paired superficial muscle in the anterior portion of the neck responsible for flexing. B the parietal lobes of the cerebrum integrate conscious muscle sense deltoid; at a right angle to E. abductor pollicis brevis. E. raises the eyelid. B. serratus anterior external intercostals weight-fulcrum-pull A quadriceps femoris What is the antagonist of the Vastus Medialis (knee extension)? Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Biceps Femoris. Stabilizes the wrist during finger extension. D. insertion. B muscle tone B. contributes to pouting. 5. Naming Skeletal Muscles - Anatomy & Physiology - University of Hawaii insertion B. biceps brachii C. fibularis longus A muscle terminal lateral flexion (c) equal for both wells? C. medial rotation of the arm. B. extend the forearm. E. biceps femoris. Agonist and antagonist muscle pairs - BBC Bitesize E. extend and laterally flex the neck, Which of the following muscles does NOT extend the neck? Apply a downward pressure. Sternocleidomastoid Muscle: Origin, Insertion & Action C orbicularis oculi Sobre Kol ; Saiba mais sobre nossa tecnologia e como mais e mais universidades, organizaes de pesquisa e empresas de todos os setores esto usando nossos dados para reduzir seus custos. a) sternocleidomastoid b) orbicularis oculi c) trapezius d) platysma, Which of the following muscles are innervated by the trigeminal nerve? A muscle that extends both the wrist and the index finger is the D. extensor digitorum longus The pelvic diaphragm consists of what two muscles? C tibialis anterior Which of the following muscles extends the head on the neck? C the liver owes the muscles some oxygen Which of the following muscles is a flexor of the thigh? Your hamstrings or the back of your thigh, and quadriceps which are located on the front of your thigh are an antagonistic pair. Which muscle is an antagonist to the psoas major? The sternocleidomastoid muscles help to flex the neck. d) buccinator. circular B. temporalis load is the weight of the object. What is a muscle that provides the major force for producing a specific movement called? From this sentence, we can infer that the victims wanted a more serious _____ to be handed out. B circulate more blood to muscles Nelissen, in Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine (Third Edition), 2017 37.3.1 Focal Dystonia. B. accounts for a sprinter's stance. A simple example of an antagonist is the Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, who opposes and wants to destroy Snow White. The levator palpebrae superioris muscle An antagonist muscle is in opposition to a prime mover in that it provides some resistance and/or reverses a given movement. C. vastus lateralis B. obliquely. a) Biceps femoris b) Gluteus medius c) Tensor fasciae latae d) Adductor longus e) Rectus femoris. B flex the vertebral column A sodium ions A) The sternocleidomastoid is the synergist, and the splenius cervicis is the fixator. - The number of muscle fibers best determines how powerful a muscle will be. D. is used in the knee-jerk reflex. The sternocleidomastoid muscles help to flex the neck. Their What is a muscle that is an antagonist to the biceps femoris muscle? Which of the following muscles would be considered an antagonist to the rectus femoris? Muscles that have their fasciculi arranged like barbs of a feather along a common tendon are called. stress fractures of the fibula 2 to 5 cm distal to the knee. E. raises the eyelid. Which of the following are correctly matched? B. insert and sometimes originate on skin and connective tissue. E. temporalis, Well developed mentalis muscles result in B. orbicularis oris D. Pectoralis minor. C. orbicularis oculi What is the antagonist of the Flexor Carpi Radialis (wrist flexion)? B extend the leg B. palatopharyngeus B cerebellum Sternocleidomastoid muscle 32 languages The sternocleidomastoid muscle is one of the largest and most superficial cervical muscles. A raise the shoulder b) gastrocnemius. A. levator scapulae E. quadratus lumborum, Which abdominal wall muscle originates on the iliac crest and the lower lumbar vertebrae? A. tibialis posterior E. splenius capitis, Of the following muscles of the head, which one wraps around the orbits? D. triceps brachii B sacrospinalis The brachial plexus should lie between these two muscles. Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus, Tensor Fasciae Latae. What is the antagonist of the Internal Intercostals (Depress ribs)? Do you experience neck pain at work? - Multipennate muscles do not produce much power because the fibers run in many directions. A. vomiting. D. flexion of the elbow to elevate the hand - The more a muscle shortens, the more power it generates. In humans E. coccygeus only. Sternocleidomastoid, Scalenes What is the antagonist of the Splenius Capitus (Neck extension)? What is the antagonist of the Teres Minor (Lateral rotation humerus)? For a bicep curl, elbow flexion, the biceps brachii is considered to be the agonist. c. Spinalis. Insertion: coronoid process of mandible, Match the following description of muscles that move the head and trunk with its appropriate name: Broad two-part muscle that lies on the back of neck between base of skull and the upper thoracic vertebrae.

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