arthur and mary beth fanfiction

Arthur respected Miss Grimshaw's authority. He's even avoiding Abigail so she tries to get an answer out of him. Now, the fate once again brought the two of you together. In doing so, he must think long and hard about the family hes got, and the family he secretly wishes for. You sniggered, "Mary-Beth, I wouldn't dream of stealing your man." Mary-Beth, blushed. It will be the paradise Arthur deserved. If he ever comes back here, He whispered to the fire, the rage pumping through his veins with every beat of his heart, Ill make him wish he had died.. "What? I thought Mary Linton was a good person. Arthur has a brief yet friendly relationship with Joe, with the two talking about recent events. The Pinkertons then arrive at the gang's hideout and a shootout begins, John and Arthur flee through a cave and up a hill, where Dutch, Micah, Cleet and Joe begin chasing them. Once she finally builds up the courage to do so she does it in her own way. Vidla ped sebou chlapa, kter mluvil ke konm a respektoval eny, a ukzala na jeho mladho bratra, toho s nevymchanou hubou a vychovnm srovnatelnm s nosorocem, a ekla chci tohohle. The two grow close enough that Arthur feels comfortable to, for the first time, talk about his son and former lover, who both died after being murdered by two robbers over a petty amount of cash. Whilst at camp he talks to Arthur about robbing a lucrative stagecoach and introduces him to Alden, who can be used throughout the story to find stagecoaches to rob. Ultimately, Arthur leaves a positive impression on Rains Fall. As the story progresses their relationship slightly improves. Despite this, Arthur is, occasionally, willing to follow him. Arthur also keeps a flower next to his bed, which his mother saw as a good luck charm. John comments that Arthur has always had his back to which Arthur responds, "Maybe not always." Whilst at camp Javier can ask Arthur to find him some Oleander, and in return he will regularly leave throwing knives at his tent. Uses very bad, cringy, pick up lines. During the final train robbery Abigail is abducted by Agent Milton and taken to Van Horn, both Sadie and Arthur decide to rescue her. This care for Arthur's well-being is further shown when, after Arthur and the others end up in Guarma and he locates them, Dutch exclaims with great relief that its a "goddamn miracle" that he had survived, and hurrying the others to get him some water immediately. The siblings quickly become Arthur's new family, though Arthur is especially taken with Victoria. For a few moments, they held hands and watched the sun sink below the horizon. Mary-Beth's long-dead muse for an unfinished book suddenly comes back to life. However, Arthur still gets frustrated by John's poor decisions, such as when they, along with Javier, steal horses from the Braithwaites for, what they hoped would be $5,000, only to be told they would get $650. Arthur would regularly bring Charles on jobs, believing him to be a more reliable pair of hands than anybody else in the gang. Arthur's insistence on the matter infuriates Dutch but he hides this and feigns indulgence to Arthur's pleas, and says he will let John and his family leave after this last job. Edit: Shout out for my first Silver ever. Mary-Beth is hopelessly in love with Arthur Morgan, and so far all efforts to capture his heart have failed. Same, the two dances I had were both with Karen. Stepney was built at Brighton Works in Brighton, England in 1875 as an LB&SCR A1 class engine and later rebuilt as an A1X in 1912. His eyes fell on Dutch and Miss Molly O'Shea now. Stuck in Colter with no stables to buy a horse from, Arthur decides to go out and get you one, but not just any one, a White Arabian. They hide in a barn until nightfall, only for them to get caught again by Cornwall's men. 2), Also it's up to you if you want this to be an & fic or a / fic. ", I got to dance with Karen when Dutch randomly put on his record player at Clemens Point , Yes me too! Dutch, who turned back to get him, tells Arthur that he could not find John and that he is either dead or has been captured, with Arthur being visibly devastated from the news. However, their relationship strained when John ran away for little over a year after getting Abigail Roberts pregnant with his son, Jack. Lenny's performance and competency impressed Arthur to such an extent that he declares he will ride with Lenny anytime. a series of purely self indulgent things I want to see, there isnt enough variety in this fandom. Arthur first meets Eagle Flies along side his father, Rains Fall, in Saint Denis. The player can have Arthur partake in various activities throughout the story, as an outlaw both within the Van der Linde gang and outside of it, that will define his relationship with certain characters. In regard to Arthur's indefatigable ability to provide the gang with money, food, and supplies, Dutch, while encountered in camp, will call Arthur "the best man among us.". When Arthur asks what happened with the botched ferry heist, Dutch offers the simple yet telling reply: "We missed you." He doesn't work on jobs or engages in any killings of any kind. Late in the story Arthur, Dutch and Sadie attend Colm O'Driscoll's public execution and thwart the rescue effort by the O'Driscoll Boys, securing Colm's death and avenging Kieran. At camp, Kieran never goes up to Arthur to engage in a conversation (with the exception of Jack's return party where he is drunk). Every few months Arthur would visit Eliza and Isaac and stay with them for a few days. Arthur's last encounter with Dutch is after he and Micah have a brawl and Arthur, who is crawling and barely alive from his tuberculosis,is about to grab the gun and kill him only for Dutch, who suddenly appears, to stop him. He also aids Arthur and Javier when they need to take out two bounty hunters to save him. Pearson is usually upbeat and kind to Arthur and he returns the favour. One of the motives for Arthur rescuing John from Sisika Penitentiary was for her and Jack, but also because John had begun to show that he does care for Abigail and Jack greatly, indicating that Arthur prioritises their well-being. When the group went to Valentine, with Arthur and Uncle, she was the only one not to get into any confrontations. After being caught and reprimanded for her actions, she cant help but ask who the woman was. Thanks to time travelers Francis Sinclair and Charles Smith, Arthur's life has been saved by a Saint Denis hospital in the year 2021. This shared view gave Arthur confidence to confide in Charles his views and illness. Arthur empathized with her and decided to take her out with him to collect supplies. Arthur then dies and, depending on his honor level, it will either be from Micah killing him or peacefully succumbing to his tuberculosis. The two men were under orders from a mysterious figure known only as The Traveler to save Arthur, as a reward for turning his life around. During the standoff in Beaver Hollow, Bill sides with Dutch and Micah against Arthur and John, without hesitating. Jack just wants a little time with his uncle Arthur, but the man's been very distant lately. Whilst at camp Arthur treats Jack with great care and affection when talking to him. By this point, they both share mutual feelings on Dutch and how he has changed. Nonetheless, Arthur and Strauss maintained civility towards each other, with Strauss calling Arthur "Herr Morgan" (German for "sir") and Arthur referring to him as "Mr. Strauss", or on some occasions, "Herr Strauss". He stepped cautiously along, barefoot, and murmuring to himself. Mary-Beth was attempting to stumble after them, but thankfully Charles intercepted and grabbed her, seemingly trying to keep her distracted. The two then bid each other farewell, with mutual respect, this being the last time they see each other. tbh I woulda plowed the shit out of Karen if I was in the gang lmao. They both robbed a homestead and went fishing together, with Javier providing some tips and bait to help Arthur's fishing woes. Summary: Its been three years since thatfateful night. requests are closed. Summary: Mary Beth want to confess her feelings for you, but she's nervous. She stood and walked with him to the edge of the river. Micah is one of the camp members Arthur can play Five Finger Fillet with. This culminates into Arthur trying to help John escape with Abigail and Jack so they could live a better life, away from Dutch and the gang's violence. Throughout the game, at camp, Swanson often goes to Arthur to speak about his tendency to drink too much and his insecurities about the events taking place, asking Arthur at one point if the Pinkertons are finally going to kill them, Arthur responds that they probably will with Swanson expressing his worry. Wont go into any discussion, too much spoilers. It mightve been fourth or maybe even fifth, but you couldnt tell. Abigail is one of the gang members that Arthur can play Dominoes with at camp. Tilly is also very kind to Arthur, frequently expressing concern for him as his health begins to deteriorate and wishing he'd take better care of himself. At camp John is one of the gang members that doesn't come up to Arthur for a spontaneous chat. And it was raining so I danced with Karen in the rain, awww. Honestly that shit was god damn real as it gets if you've been there. But even that was proving to be complicated, for you didnt speak the language that the people did. What little shred of faith and loyalty Arthur had left for Dutch had finally been broken. But after their return from Guarma Javier starts to lose respect for Arthur because he has lost faith in Dutch, this is highlighted when Arthur tries to talk Javier about Dutch's erratic behaviour only for him to brush it off and refuse to talk, stating he has nothing to say to him whilst simultaneously questioning Arthur's loyalty. Whilst exploring the world Arthur can, rarely, encounter Uncle being kicked out of a Saloon and about to be attacked by a man, with Arthur having the choice to intervene and protect him. I ended up loving how they concluded Marys plot line in the end credits. Arthur comforts him and tells him that he no longer has to worry about being alone again. If you have been in a relationship you'll get it though. When Dutch's advances toward Mary-Beth become increasingly pointed and difficult to brush off, Mary-Beth realizes that the best way for her to remain with the gang and to keep Dutch at a distance is to take up with one of the other men. Arthur and Dutch have a long history together, with Arthur seeing him as a mentor and a father figure who taught him the life of an outlaw and embraced Dutch's view of a life free from modern civilisation and its rules. There are so many delightful characters in camp that interact with Arthur. Sean interpreted this as proof that Arthur and the gang missed him with Arthur not wholeheartedly disputing this. The group she dominantly presided over were the girls, who she made sure were doing their chores. Was it for the last time, or was something else bound to happen? Arthur and Bill were originally on good terms and worked well together, but due to the latter's recklessness and stupidity Arthur would often hold Bill in poor regards. Arthur aiding Eagle Flies gained his respect despite the fact he initially loathed Arthur and his kind, but nonetheless ends with Eagle Flies giving up his life for Arthur's. He aided their fight to protect their land by sneaking into Leviticus Cornwall's office to find proof that his tribe will be forced to move. Very patient when it comes to teaching you anything, be it the drawing, horse riding or shooting. Abigail Roberts Marston/Arthur Morgan - Works - Archive of Our Own Sadie builds up enough trust in Arthur that she asks for his help to hunt the last of the O'Driscoll Boys, bluntly telling Arthur that he is the only one out of all the fools in the gang she trusts. During the failed bank job in Saint Denis Hosea is killed by Agent Milton. In a canon-compliant universe up until the Pinkerton ambush on Lakay, Mary Beth and Arthur start their new life together, trying not to worry about what tomorrow will bring and living for today. Whilst at camp, one of the chores has Arthur moving two sacks to Pearson's wagon, and he will occasionally thank Arthur for doing this. My favorite trio UwU. Their friendship was brief, but impactful for both parties. This is in contrast to the others, particularly the girls, who do not like her because of her stuck up attitude and entitlement. If you wanted a season two this is it. . During the robbery, however, Arthur witnesses John getting shot and falling off the train. Arthur treated Jack like he was his own son and believes John neglects him too much. This optional mission nailed that shit. Despite Sadie's insistence and his sympathy with her, Arthur will say revenge would be no good for them for the time being. This is what actually started me writing RDR2 fic. In another encounter around the Marston family's homestead Uncle can be seen talking to Abigail, telling her how all good things start with a good women, that John is the luckiest man alive and it was Arthur who told him that, causing Abigail to get up and leave whilst crying. Arthur Morgan is the pinnacle of Rockstar's character crafting as he's more realistic than any character who has come before him. As times goes on Swanson gets his act together and becomes sober, surprising even Arthur. In regards to his death, Arthur says that he watched Lyle die and "it weren't soon enough,"referringto himas a "no good bastard" in a journal entry after his tuberculosis diagnosis. Press J to jump to the feed. The fire crackles at his feet, glowing orange across his dark boots and spitting sparks into the darkening sky. Arthur never showed his gratitude for Kieran openly, and whenever Kieran mentions it Arthur responds that they are even because he allows another day to go buy without killing him. He later learned that they were robbed and killed for a meager amount of money. He stood, going to his saddlebag, and retrieving an item before offering his hand to Mary-Beth. Bethharmon Stories - Wattpad Arthur, depending on player decisions, can encourage her to sober up or be scornful for her alcoholism. She revealed that she had given him to Angelo Bronte in Saint Denis. A few years later Abigail finds out that Jack can remember Arthur and believes that it was Arthur that saved them, Abigail confirms this and says that, "None of us would be here today if it wasn't for Arthur." Years later, whilst he was living with his family on a homestead, Jack talks about Arthur with Abigail and tells her that he can remember Arthur saving them, if only a little. After Arthur died, Charles found his body and buried him on a hillside facing the evening sun, fulfilling Arthur's wish when he was asked how he wanted to be buried by Hosea, Lenny and Tilly. He also gains new relationships throughout his journey. Gets easily irritated, but always the first one to apologize. Lenny does not come up to Arthur for a spontaneous chat around camp. Finally, a comment about her I can relate to. As well as being friendly to each other around camp, Arthur can, when the gang is celebrating, dance with her. It is generally believed that Mary-Beth had a crush on Arthur until, at least, she started developing feelings for Kieran, although this is unconfirmed. John was deeply saddened by Arthur's death and thought about him a lot, but only referred to him as an "old friend" in conversations with people. Arthur will ask Swanson questions about his decision to leave with him trying to explain himself. Arthur, although shocked, doesn't try to help her, but this is likely because he was caught up in the tense standoff and couldn't afford to pay any attention to her dying. Hell have to write his own. However, Arthur and Sean would banter over this incident. Should the player accept, Arthur will attack the ranch. If Arthur does decide to go back for the "money", it is likely that he instead wished to have one last showdown with Micah, evidenced by the fact that he will shout his name and ask him to show himself, even admitting that he went for the money because of "unfinished business" he had with him, showing the intense hatred between the two. Mary-beth x reader. After what Marston's done I dont think I can do neither. It turned out that Molly had lied and in fact rejected any attempt by the Pinkertons to recruit her, she lied about being a rat to simply get Dutch's attention. Sean, the bastard thats dragged him along that evening, skips past him to sit in the booth behind her. This is quite frankly a place for me to just collect anything I write for this little rare-pair. It was Trelawny's intel that helped the gang locate Sean after he was captured in Blackwater following the failed job there. The alternative dialogue will have Swanson tell Arthur that he is a good person who should, and will, save the right people with what little time he has left. The two agreed that Dutch had become the man he taught everyone not to be, with both of them pondering the idea that either the Dutch they are seeing now is his true-self or that Dutch is a shadow of his former-self. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". It hits all the feelings you get from it. The gang is in trouble, and as Arthur and Mary Beth aim to set out on their own one day, they must find a way to help those they love while eventually, finding escape. Arthur was Leopold Strauss' strongman when he loaned out money to desperate people. Charles would talk about Arthur being a good man, and would go with Sadie and John to kill Micah to avenge Arthur. Arthur barges in and immediately knocks him out. If not thats totally okay!! Further adding that John doesn't like to talk about him. RDR2: Arthur's Optional Camp Therapy Sessions, Explained - Screen Rant However, Arthur would reassure Lenny that he has friends and that he should not try to impress everyone in the gang because the people that matter (himself, Dutch and Hosea) are aware of the effort he puts in. Whos my good girl? Mickey liked Arthur as he states that he was his only friend. Arthur is the longest serving member of the Van der Linde gang, excluding Hosea, with the Van der Linde gang starting with just Dutch, Hosea and Arthur. Arthur takes off his hat and gives it to John, as well as his satchel. Throughout Arthur's last moments fighting Micah he continuously bragged that he has won, contradicting Micah's claims that he had lost, because he successfully saved John and his family. Karen is also one of the few women that carries out guard duties, which Arthur respects her for. If John wasnt mistaken she also touched the mans arm. Arthur catches him packing his bags and he tries to give an explanation but Arthur makes it clear he doesn't have to hear his reasons to understand why he is leaving. If he chooses the former Anthony keeps his promise of staying away from Tilly. Pearson is the one who arranges a parlay between Dutch and Colm O'Driscoll after he has a run in with some of Colm's men, however, this inadvertently leads to Arthur being captured and tortured by Colm and his men, something Pearson repeatedly apologises for. What if Arthur stepped in to help raise Jack and take care of Abigail? "Who would you choose, I bet you'd choose Arthur," Mary-Beth said dreamily. Nonetheless, Arthur is slightly saddened for her death. Before the gang's last heist, Arthur, who has already planned secretly with John to steal Dutch's hidden stash for when he escapes with his family, tries to convince Dutch to let John, Abigail and Jack, as well as the other women, leave peacefully, however, Dutch takes offense to Arthur's insistence but feigns indulgence and promises he will do so after this last train robbery. Its during a game that she tells Arthur that she learned how to play Dominoes, as well as the piano, when she was a young girl working at a bar. Mary and Arthur reunite when she sends him a letter to come meet her outside of Valentine, and asking for his help in getting her brother away from Chelonia, and later again in Saint Denis, this time with her father. Older Sibling Arthur Morgan - Works | Archive of Our Own Upon learning of the pregnancy Arthur offered Eliza whatever support he could give. John shook his head, Hes the strangest man., Abigail smirked, Ye have to admit, the crops were better than ever last year. Arthur would write in his journal that Charles was a good man at heart. This is where I post my fulfilled tumblr-requests, all centered around our favorite cowpokes. This is followed by an assault on the gang's hideout by the O'Driscolls. This shows Arthur trusts Sadie to care for John's family when he is under the impression that John has died or has been captured. Pearson can ask Arthur to find him a Naval Compass and in return will give him a bottle of Rum. At camp Javier doesn't go up to Arthur for random conversations. Nope. Arthur spoke up again. Early on in the story Pearson complains that there isn't enough meat to feed the camp and will ask Arthur, and Charles, to go hunting in order to get the necessary food. Arthur can have positive conversations with her, and at one point both of them discuss about how much they love to write, with Mary-Beth preferring to write stories and Arthur preferring to write his experiences in his journal, they both bond slightly over this shared interest. Prior to this Mary-Beth asked Pearson about Kieran having gone missing, but Arthur can interject and tell her that he will be fine, with Mary-Beth choosing to trust him. Mary Linton is a good person. Work Search: Their bond further grew as Sadie continued to prove herself as a fearless gunslinger, such as when the O'Driscolls assaulted Shady Belle, she disobeyed Arthur's orders to get inside the manor and instead slaughtered dozens of enemies. Arthur points out that he is loyal and Bill is too dumb to realise the reality of the situation. When you dont answer shed call again and look down, only to see your eyes closed. As he crawled towards his final resting place, he never intended to wake up again. Micah convinces Dutch that Arthur and John have become disloyal which begins to strain Arthur's, and the gang's, relationship with Dutch. There, you got it. Whilst confronting Milton Arthur is told by him that Micah has been informing the Pinkertons about the gang's activities. When Dutch intervenes in the fight he tells him of his success with John, ultimately feeling a sense of redemption because of this and no longer caring if he dies. Will be more than happy to teach you how to draw. If Arthur chooses to help Mary, their relationship improves to the point in which she reveals she still has feelings for Arthur. I feel your pain fellow bros that knows. He has a rich arc full of ups and downs . How will they survive when all hope seems lost? After the latter incident Trelawny chooses to stay with the gang for a while. Furthermore, Arthur has an honour system and depending on the honor level, either low or high Honor, which is dictated by the player, Arthur will receive different dialogues from certain characters and will be treated differently by NPCs, too. Due to Beatrice dying when he was very young, Arthur doesn't remember his mother very well. Mary-Beth Gaskill/Arthur Morgan - Works | Archive of Our Own Abigail chuckled, swaying to whatever rhythm liquor makes. A/N:I think the last line in this piece is the best line Ive ever wrote simply because oh the image it evokes :(, Based on this request: Could you please do a fic set during the prologue of rdr2 in Colter, that Arthur tries to tame the white Arabian for the reader because their horse died instead of Boedecia, it takes hours to do it and when he brings it back to camp he starts sneezing and catches a cold so the reader thanks him by taking care of him :D. If you prefer to read on AO3, click here. Strauss protests this by saying the sick delude themselves, a reference to Arthur's worsening illness, and that he was Arthur's friend. Arthur saw Lenny as a very bright kid and talented member of the gang, he would often stand up for Lenny whenever Micah taunted him. She does love him, she just can't join his world anymore than he could join hers.

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