dangers of celebrate recovery

Contemplative prayer, and other eastern meditation practices were, and are still very much part of AA. Admission of powerlessness is the first step in liberation. Celebrate Recovery | Fellowship NWA The program addresses not just alcoholism and drug addiction, but codependency, depression, eating disorders, gambling, sexual addiction and sexual abuse. So, I dont think we really have differing views on this, as you can be led into a church, program or group to share the truth of Gods Word, without necessarily being a partaker in it. Celebrate Recovery founder John Baker, who turned his testimony recovering from alcoholism into a biblical 12-step program used by more than 7 million people, died unexpectedly on Tuesday at age 72. 1. Forest Brook Community Church. I know several people who were addicts and now can occasionally partake in rare occasions because they no longer want the life they had before . During the times of Yeshua and the disciples, there was no need of recovery groups or reliance on a 12 step program, when they had the Word of God, and His Spirit. AA is a religion. Moving forward to my last few months at CR, Yah had revealed to me the full truth surrounding AA, as well as the foundation that Celebrate Recovery was built upon. So, if you are sharing the truth about Gods Word, and how it contradicts the doctrine and spiritual application within AA, then great, but I am not sure how they would allow that to continue if the leaders of AA became known you were speaking out against the program. Sermons about Celebrate Recovery - SermonCentral.com from the intoxicating influences of sin (like the impact of selfish passion, greed, etc.). 48But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. This is what I encourage people to do with the writing of this blog, and not leading people blindly into a program that has led many to accept a false gospel. This was actually the point of my blog post. If you have a drinking problem in 2014, or a drug problem, or a gambling problem, your medically, socially, culturally, and politically mandated solution is a set of 12 . Willingness is the key. He wanted a specifically Christian addiction recovery group, so with the support of Rick Warren, Celebrate Recovery began as a ministry of Saddleback Church under Bakers leadership in 1990. Much love to you Kellie and your endeavors . (As well as: 1 Thes 5:6, 8, 2 Tim 4:5, 1 Peter 1:13, 1 Peter 4:7). BE SOBER-MINDED. 1 Peter 1:13Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;14As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:15But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;16Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. I had provided her some more truth concerning Rick Warren, but ultimately she did not understand what my purpose was there, and told me that I could not come back to Celebrate Recovery. Wilson was also not shy in expressing how he felt about Jesus/Yeshua Christ. Jesus must be rescued from a pedestrian and parochial orthodoxy that demands he monopolize the deity.. I did not continue on with AA, and I am thankful for that. Would you disagree that we should take God/YHWH at His Word if we profess to walk in His truth? It was then that woman after woman, that spoke after me, praised only the program. If so, then I challenge you to put your emotions aside from the program, and dig into the Word. There were many practices/beliefs that I was led to not partake in. Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. True sobriety is not only having control over the body, but also the mind. All those in A.A. are "recovering" alcoholics, who, according to A.A., never completely recover. Show me the Buddha worshiper or the person whos higher power is a rock, and I can pray that God will use me and give me the wisdom through His Spirit to share Gods Word and the Good News with that person. With the knowledge above, of these steps, how can we then take Scripture to pile over it? If you are not familiar with Rick Warren and his apostasy, please check out the below 6 minute video from Good Fight Ministries, that exposes one aspect concerning Rick Warren : I attended CR for a year, and during that time I was instructed by the Spirit to not partake in the worship, as the music and worship came from Saddleback. When I was in CR (Celebrate Recovery) which I talk on within most of my post and testimony, is that God used me to bring His Light and truth to the darkness that both AA/CR have as a foundation. Ive seen Gods fruit in AA and CR as anything Good comes from God. Thirty years ago John Baker turned the ruins of his life over to Jesus Christ and God transformed him from a driven businessman with an addiction to alcohol, a failing marriage, and alienated children to a Christ-follower with a passion to help others with their hurts, habits, and hang-ups through the principles of recovery, wrote Kay Warren, cofounder of Saddleback Church and a mental health advocate. Celebrate Recovery : Palo Cedro SDA Church Palo Cedro CA One of the worst things that an individual can do in early recovery is jump headfirst into romance. Celebrate Recovery Bible by Zondervan Staff (2007, Hardcover) (4) $9.99. Celebrate Recovery on the App Store I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing, and my life is unmanageable. Plight of the disillusioned. (KJV), John 10:7Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. Embarrassed to receive recognition and praise, or gifts. Like you mentioned, allowing God to guide you away from false teachings. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this sites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. I decided to leave after that, and not attend the meeting, and I didnt come back for a couple weeks. When I was very young in my faith and had little discernment into things and practices I was doing, I had gone to get a different kind of massage called a chakra massage. Contrary to what people think, this program is not only for people with alcohol and drug addictions. Too many pastors use an academic model in which they simply lecture their congregations. SPEAK TO SOMEONE TODAY. I was never once told that it was a sin. Get the most recent headlines and stories from Christianity Today delivered to your inbox daily. Lost faith found in A.A. Both founders, Bill Wilson, and Bob Smith were heavily involved in practicing necromancy, performing seances, using the Ouija board, seeking spirits, and allowing a practice in the occult called automatic writing. God is good, all the time. I brought up that step three goes against the first two of the 10 commandments, and that there shall be no other gods before Him. What is Celebrate Recovery? - Centers.com It's important to realize relapse is more of a process as opposed to a mere lapse in judgment. Michelle, thank you for your thoughts and I am glad that you took time to read this. Judge everything you think, say, or do harshly, as never "good enough." Are a perfectionist. Wow. I would like to also share a few things if you will so allow me.. How should a Christian view alcoholics? The one woman though, who had praised Jesus, wanted me to stay and chat with her for a little while. Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. He told me exactly what would happen, and how it would play out. Mental obsession plus physical allergy. What's Wrong With Inner Healing? | thebereancall.org Through much prayer, and acquiring the Fathers will, the Spirit instructed me when I needed to go back, to finish what He had begun in me. So if I forgive God, then that makes Him limited and also makes mistakes? For example, as I mentioned in my post, I would not partake in the worship: I attended CR for a year, and during that time I was instructed by the Spirit to not partake in the worship, as the music and worship came from Saddleback. As above, I will be going through steps 1-3, and 12, and directly quoted from CR website: 1 ) We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable. Jesus said He came to bring a sword, not peace (Mat 10:34), this means that truth will divide, and the outcome may not be peaceful because of offense. Every meeting, except my last, I was always led to open my Word and read directly from it. I know, for me, it wasn't hard to recite the 12 steps in solidarity at a . To find out if these will be offered at your group, please call the contact number. Im going through something similar at my job. Go and see for yourself. Is Celebrate Recovery a biblical program? It becomes an addiction because the flesh craves it. 3 ; Recognize that Im not God. The lead woman was not there, and Yah instructed me where I needed to sit. This was a situation that I had never planned myself but was led through the Holy Spirit to go through and then lead others into the truths pertaining to these programs. People were healed and delivered from blindness, leprosy, epilepsy, demon-possession, sexual lusts and perversions, etc. The Landing: Celebrate Recovery for Students Kit - Pastors.com 3. Needless to say, CR has had a major influence on the church. This program is not something that you complete and then all of sudden, Hey, Im better. 2. The Dangers of Dishonesty in Recovery - Alcoholics Anonymous Cleveland I say dont throw out the baby with the water. Celebrate Recovery - Canton GA, Woodstock GA, Holly Springs GA Exposing Recovery - THE WAY MINISTRY CHURCH Amen brother, you are correct, we cannot be unequally yoked with unbelievers, or mixing light with darkness(2 Cor 6:14). A new state of consciousness and being is received as a free gift. People who have experienced this deep form of sin sickness God has used and helped people through these programs. Thanks for your post. Satan manifests as an angel of light, and his workers as ministers of righteousness(2 Cor 11:14). I was rejected by all those whom I shared the truth within CR that day, and I understood that would happen, because of what the Father had sent me to do. It's your choice. St Boniface Church-Franciscans. Too many churches judge them for who and what they are instead of trying to help them. No person has the same journey and everyone has something to recover from. Title: Celebrate Recovery 1 CelebrateRecovery! During the past 25 years, some 20,000 churches in the United States have reportedly used CR, with some 2.5 million people having completed the program. During the worship time, I sat in the back reading my Word. Christian Fellowship has an active missions program. CR is for anyone with a hurt, habit or a hang up. They literally drain us and leave us feeling fatigued, unmotivated and even depressed. All rights reserved. Roughly in 2014, I was going through some books in our bookshelf, and my eyes came upon the Big Book (Alcoholics Anonymous), and an Alateen book that I had for quite a long time. Most people cannot stay sober or clean or free from any perversion for more than six months on average, only to "go back out". 27). Celebrate Recovery at New Life Church is here for you New Life Church As they had all turned their backs on Yeshua/Jesus and His Word, they then had no problem turning their back on me. Home - Celebrate Recovery There are many who have either themselves or known someone to have gone through AA, NA, Alanon, etc. Whether you choose a Christian rehab center that uses the Celebrate Recovery program or follow a different approach, you can find the help you need to live a sober life. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. 35Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness. So, with my meetings with the woman I sponsored, I started out with repentance and I went through the 10 commandments, what sin is, and what it means to turn from sin. Celebrate Recovery has been a great program for me as well as thousands of others that need the love and support of others. Baker is survived by his wife and Celebrate Recovery cofounder, Cheryl; children Johnny and Jeni Baker and Laura and Brian Gibney; and their grandchildren. Yet, this is an occultic practice, which is a form of witchcraft. Celebrate Recovery meetings rarely focus on the fact that continuing to drink can result in death. Has anyone been through Celebrate Recovery? - Worthy Christian Forums I was also told that alcoholism is a disease, and that once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. Elena, yes, thank you. John Baker continues to be the primary author of The Celebrate Recovery curriculum and materials (quoted from Wikipedia). Also, by their fruits you shall know people. 3525 nph properly, to be sober (not drunk), not intoxicated; (figuratively) free from illusion, i.e. III. I confronted her on the involvement of Rick Warren, AAs non biblical stance and that basically she and others are leading people astray and that they should be presenting the gospel of sin, repentance and being set free from bondage. Readiness to receive free gift lies in practice of Twelve Steps. While your experiences, are your experiences, they should never override that of sound doctrine. (Acts 17:30) At such time we can no longer claim ignorance and will be held accountable to such. They know that it worked for them, and thats the greatest story they have.. Colossians 2:8 states: "See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the . While I want everyone to come to know Jesus Christ our Lord, it is ultimately their decision. This is what brings us to our Lord. I will say too, that these programs do sometimes act as a religion and Ive seen that for myself, but just as when I go to church or study my Bible, I have to let God guide me away from the false preachings and allow Him to give the message that is meant for me. The ouija board got moving in earnest. Recognizing these dangers will help you avoid a possible problem in the future. This is a good read and that is what God has laid in my heart over the years of my addiction and recovery. (Pgs 5-6), Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.Joy of living is the theme of the Twelfth Step. Safely Celebrating Milestones in Recovery - Pocket Rehab 70 percent of the people that attend are not church members because they feel that the churches have let them down. The Celebrate Recovery Step Studies use the 12 Steps with their biblical comparisons and the eight principles that are based on the Beatitudes. The magnificent reality. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory. There is simply no way to put into words how I love John and will miss this kind, creative, brilliant and faithful man., Evangelical leader Johnnie Moore, whose family previously belonged to Saddleback Church when living in California, remembered Bakers commitment to saving the lives of the people whom God loves., He became a doctor of hope for those whose lives were caught in vicious cycles of guilt, shame, and failure. TSF is the law of the land. 14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. See ya, Baker said. Celebrate Recovery | Brookwood Church - Simpsonville SC Continued on with my story above, I started to attend Celebrate Recovery(CR), as prompted by the Spirit, even with the knowledge that it was a program that was directly tied to Rick Warren and Saddleback church: John Baker was an alcoholic and staff member of Saddleback Church who began healing through Alcoholics Anonymous. It also anti-christ as it denies Yeshua/Jesus as the Only Way(1 Joh 2:22-23, Joh 14:6). They are drunk, but not with wine; They stagger, but not with intoxicating drink. I appreciate you sharing your insight and the leading of the Lord that you have followed without wavering. This is why we are told to come out, Be ye separate, Be holy, as He is Holy. However, that is part of what it means to count the cost (Luke 14:28) of following Christ. Celebrate Recoverys 12-steps, are AAs 12-steps, but with a biblical comparison to each one. Hi Kellie, Baker immediately saw the need to connect the gospel with the recovery program he had gone through. With 40% to 60% of those with a substance use disorder who receive treatment relapsing within the first year, some people even refer to relapse as a natural part of recovery. It will just be painful, like ripping into old wounds that Jesus has already healed. (Pg 5), Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.What can we believe in? (BSB), John 10:1Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. While I understand that you may feel comfortable at your current church, perhaps the Lord is encouraging you to take a step forward in faith and maturity and be out of your comfort zone. For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. 1 Timothy 1:3 As I urged you on my departure to Macedonia, you should stay on at Ephesus to instruct certain men not to teach false doctrines. Also, during this time, I was able to minister to quite a few women, and also became a sponsor.. The most common reason why people relapse after a period of sobriety is that they become stuck in recovery. Right relation to God. 20 years ago, Saddleback Church launched Celebrate Recovery with 43 people. 8,093 talking about this. He wrote out a vision for what would become Celebrate Recoverys own version of the 12 steps, each one paired with a teaching from Scripture, and shared it with Rick Warren back in 1991. Leviticus 19:31Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD(YHWH) your God. I also believe in the deliverence of it. They meet at Family Life Church on Monday nights at . Lets help and love others walking in the calling he has for each of us individually not judging others and glorifying God, my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ in the process. One of my last few meetings, the Spirit had come upon me so strong during my 5 minutes(we were only ever allowed to speak for 5 minutes) of talking that I exposed and rebuked the lie of Alcoholism being a disease, confronting it as the sin of drunkenness, that the saying once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic is a lie from the pit of hell, and that the the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ can set us free from all bondage, and that His Word says that we no longer need to be identified with our sin, once it has been repented and been crucified with Christ. Prison Fellowship president James J. Ackerman collaborated with Baker to add Celebrate Recovery Inside to its curricula. No Celebrities Except Jesus: How Asbury Protected the Revival, After Pushing for UMC Unity, Former Bishop Joins New Denomination, The Kings College Faces Threat of Closure, Southern Baptist Convention Disfellowships Saddleback Church, With Gossip of the Gospel, the Church Grows in Nepal. Within AA, the introduction is similar in the person identifies as their addiction, My Name is, and I am a drug addict/alcoholic. Live customer service hours are Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM CST [email protected] Call Toll Free: 866.419.7446; 1 Peter 1:13Therefore prepare your minds for action. Promote your Celebrate Recovery Chapter with a Full Color Vinyl Banner! Gods Word is clear about trying to mix pagan worship or other religions with His. Both men, who developed the 12-step program were directed by a spirit(demon) guide in their revelation. It is basically peddling the same lie that Satan spoke in the garden, in that both Adam and Eve would achieve knowledge apart from the wisdom of God. The program seems to tip-toe around sin and evil instead of calling it out as such. To produce good fruit, a practice or program has to be sound in the word of God. Celebrate Recovery IS: A safe place to share; A place of refuge; A place of belonging; A place to care for others and be cared for; A place where respect is given to each member; A place where confidentiality is highly regarded; A place to learn; A place to demonstrate genuine love; A place to grow and become strong again; A place for progress They'll say, "I don't know anybody that doesn't need recovery" where I often chimed in, "I don't know anyone who doesn't need Jesus." (Pg 5), Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him.Step Three is like opening of a locked door. 4 Manny blessings, and I will be praying for you! I dont go to CR meetings like I used to but at times I still go. I am glad that you found this blog edifying. 3525 /nph (be sober, unintoxicated) refers to having presence of mind (clear judgment), enabling someone to be temperate (self-controlled). It can come as a shock to many individuals to discover that the good times can also be a test as well. The Scriptures make it quite clear that these practices are contrary to the way of the Lord(YHWH). This is a dangerous form of denial. John was a great leader, and he will be greatly missed, but the impact of his faithful obedience will go on for generations, Ackerman wrote in tribute. For some, this repentance is quickly and some it is slowly as God meets us with our willingness at whatever point we are in life. Next, I moved on to being baptized, which both my husband and I were able to actually do for her. They preached about their higher power being God or Jesus but seemed to have no faith that He could deliver her or anyone Without AA. I am only going to provide, and go over a few of the steps, as I think it would be to exhaustive to go over every single one. This program is being run at my home church and I love the church (Biblical teaching) and dont want it to feel awkward. | We have Graphic Designers to assist you | service@banners.com 1.866.419.SIGN. Recovery signals a dramatic shift in the expectation for positive outcomes for individuals who experience mental and substance use conditions or the co-occurring of the two. 4. Whether the battle is with addiction, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, consequences of bad choices, or any specific mental health issues, Celebrate Recovery saves lives. Celebrate Recovery is for adults 18 years and older. Hello Patrick, thanks for reading and commenting. Hi Kellie, Any spiritual experience that is not vetted through the written word, and the Spirit of Truth, could lead a person down a path of destruction. What is CR? - Celebrate Recovery Romantic relationships can be a great source of happiness in sobriety, but they can also be the source of great pain. Substitution of A.A. as Higher Power. A perpetual drunkard, is being in perpetual sin, and those who do so, do not inherit the Kingdom. Many coming into AA are ready for a change in life spiritually; its a great harvest ground. As the story goes, Warren replied, Great, Johngo do it! and the program soon launched at Saddleback. Over the years, many celebrities have chosen to use their voices and their platforms to speak openly . The atmosphere had changed, and I could sense the Spirit strong with me, and guided my every step. Dr. Genita Petralli, The Urban Lies of AA, and the Truth that - Patch Gender-specific Groups meet for issues with anger, co-dependency, chemical addiction food addictions, sexual integrity, survivors of abuse, grief, and life issues. (Luke 9:23) In such, our reward, or our treasures will be laid up greater in heaven. Contact: Bob & Pam Bay. Eventually Baker considered himself a functioning alcoholic, turning his back on God and separating from his wife. I was informed that the lead woman of the group would not be there(the same one who had pulled me aside), and that I would be speaking first when the group began. Bauxite mining would threaten birds, plants, and clean water. 23No one who denies the Son can have the Father; whoever confesses the Son has the Father as well. What an amazing God. I see it as a ripe mission field to share my testimony and experience; to share the Word of God and what Jesus Christ has done for me. God loves and sent His Son to die for us all. Those who profess to be a believer in Jesus/Yeshua should repent of any and all involvement, and get rid of any material associated, to include: books, chips, manuals, etc. Celebrate Recovery is just another type ofSyncretism, as mixes Gods ways with heathen ways. There is a good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Or perhaps a sort of alternative that is more Christ centered such as Celebrate Recovery? Start your new life now! Celebrate Recovery West Palm - Good News Christian News I have found that times when I am feeling too comfortable, that I am not growing or stepping out where I should be.

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