forced diversity in advertising

Etc. I know damned well that writing posts like this draws the ire of many of my fellow creatives and probably puts me out of the running with some potential new clients, but you know what they say: If youre not part of the solution, youre part of the problem. You pretty much have to go to the outdoors/hunting/fishing channels for that. Yes embarrassingand since you say this Im guessing you are black. Its great to have black people in commercials and shows and such but it is certainly not a representation of this country in terms of the amount of black people that are in commercials. Its a combination of pandering toward certain races and genders . Are advertising people those unassailable paragons of virtue we all know them to be attempting to assuage their guilty consciences for all the systemic racism they see in every nook, cranny, and crevice of America by meeting some kind of quota? Even a black president did not expiate the sin. It requires focus and a deep, longstanding commitment. Different strokes for different folks, Bob, but you have to admit, the man knows the Constitution. sorry that seeing non-whites on your tv makes you angry, Hitler. Whatever the reason for it, white males are the bungling idiots of the ad world, just as theyve been for years and will continue to be for as long as the culture deems them toxic. It would be like running ads that showed aging college professors using your outdoor gear because theyre under represented and, you know, there are analytics that show they are 1.3% of the buying group. Omgggggg now the woke tards are picking on the NHL? I got rid if my idiot box thirty years ago, and have not set foot in a cinema in forty two years. If you get a chance, tell them what you think on social media, too . And based themselves within Columbia University in NY. Today, long after the end of segregation, long after the Civil Rights Act, we still have black churches, black schools, black magazines, black television stations, and more. Being Educated as much as possible. Not like I am an advocate for blonde men or anything but more just an observation. I have been saying this for years. I see about 3% of Asians and less than 1% of Hispanics in commercials these days. They parade black people around to try and prove that most blacks can be upstanding. It is time to get over it. May be should be renamed critical replacement theory. Could it be the NHL is overwhelmingly white because of demographics, history, and lifestyle choices in large part? Are they hoping they can influence black families to behave like white families? Or they have a political agenda better served by a belief there are more minorities. I was dropping something off at USPS Store the other day. But this study will likely embolden even greater efforts to infuse more diversity in future commercial productions, I bet. You would think that there were no white couples anymore left in the country or that they were trying to make sure that every white woman television commercials is in an obvious marriage or relationship with children with a black husband in the commercial yet in real America black fathers are the smallest percentage of those at home with their children as a family unit. I know you are being sarcastic, but anyone who WOULD believe this is simply not living in reality. To your point, I turned on Netflix the other day and literally EVERY promotional image in the suggested movies list was filled with nonwhite faces. Ive noticed it, too a conspicuous number of women replacing traditional male leads in truck commercials, super-hero movies, etc. (Although, a quick Google search shows most of these body positivity models to be black, of course.) No, they arent. It panders to the woke, makes us fear to mention Christmas, any American things, or anything a white person would like. Black Rock? Because racism is OK when its a minority group thats doing it. It reminds me of an episode on the series Community in which the college mascot wore a tan jumpsuit that covered it head to toe because of the hype about college mascots offending people we will soon have a neutral society, everyone will be light brown. Use cartoons or just anything other than actors! Thighlander, I think you and I have been reading similar things and doing similar research. If your employees represent different genders, ages, races, political beliefs, ethnicities, physical abilities, sexual orientations and so on, your campaigns will be authentic without even trying. Modern Disney loves her plan! Makes no sense. Yeah, the same idea applies here. Are they implying 3% of their passengers are white, straight males? Not sure how its Obamas doing but whatever. Forced diversity in marketing is often obvious and occasionally offensive. Listen I know she is one of the best players ever, and I know this might be her last professional appearance. The irony is that at the same time the majority of commercials has switched to 90% black actors, depicting black families living in multi-million dollar mansions, spouses buying each other luxury sports cars for Christmas, climbing Mount Everest, and flying all over the world on European vacations, Hollywood, politicians and the media still continues to debate the issue of how black Americans cant seem to find their way into a DMV without white assistance to get an ID to vote and dont have the money to pay for the ID card, and how its racist to even suggest we have a voter ID card like they have in other countries. Mostly white men. I also notice that when there are white people in commercials with blacks very often the black people look good, trim, sharp, intelligent and the whites look scraggly, dorky, fat, dumpy. No doubt, interracial couples in commercials are a hot-button issue for many people of all races. Are black people the only ones who blow their nose, take cough medicine, buy insurance? Yes, equity is paramount and we marketers should all strive to achieve it. Brave white men fight and win wars defending freedoms but the woke in hollywood abuses that freedom and shuts them out and replaces them with blacks and asians. Even then I remember observing how these articles addressed this new future as if it were simply a matter of natural human progression vs the very intentional Hart-Celler Act coupled with our governments refusal to police its border adequately. Criminally inclined blacks dont burgle anymore. Along with the over representation of blacks, theres a ton of people of color from all races in most ads. Even if they use a purple clown. Also, try to find episodes of Max Headroom from the 1980s, early 90s. . Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), claiming that white people are undercounted, ethnic minority consumers actually prefer to see white people in ads, an article condemning Western brands and advertisers for overlooking the vast and diverse Muslim population, this survey from YouGovAmerica, Muslims account for just 1 percent of the U.S. population, their purchasing power is growing 70 percent faster than that of non-Latinos. I note in your article statistics on the percentage of each race in the population (citizens or non-citizens?) (This, as the woke Left shames and cancels people such as fitness instructor Jillian Michaels for not praising the morbid obesity of the musician Lizzo.) Another observation I neglected to mention in my last post. People dont have the stomach for it; they dont have any alternative brands to turn to; and in the end, its probably just not worth the time. Why do we constantly try and guess? Why is that the right decision for CBS, audience or sponsors? Thing is, in the Chevrolet commercial, Mr. and Mrs. Lopez look and sound no more Hispanic than Joe Biden. Sorry to hear it. The comments to the thread are right on the money too. Im not aware of any formal study, which I imagine would be difficult to do and the results may vary widely depending on the networks and shows surveyed. I truly believe advertisers are receiving a subsidy from somewhere or something, this cant be a lucrative selling campaign, it makes too many people angry, theres a subsidy. Thank you for pointing out yet another double standard. I am disgusted by all of this. Slavery is the original sin of Americans founding, and we are paying for it over and over again, from the Civil War to affirmative action and now to the over-representation of blacks in TV and print ads. Ive never seen Jewish representation in commercials. Sure you might have a few exceptions here and there, but sometimes stereotypes are actually true. But jeez, its getting worse and worse. It seems the same to me as a pregnant male having a baby. I commented about this about a month ago and after I did I felt so much better. Also, why is it that your kind always resorts to ad hominem attacks and calling people Hitler? The latest example that has gotten under my skin is the coverage of the US Open tennis tournament. And luxury car commercials. He names names, gives dates, gives quotes, and gives events, laying out an ironclad argument on why we are going through what were going through. The stunning lack of diversity in the advertising industry goes back decades and those in power have done little to change it. There are a number of outfits I will not have anything to do with if I can avoid them Coca Cola, Nike, the NBA and NFL, to name just a few. CBS has publicly stated that its reality shows will feature 50% non-white participants. and many references to the over-representation of Black actors in advertising (which I have noticed), but neither you nor anyone who has commented has given the percentage of commercials employing black actors. I do believe that their day will come sooner than they think. Thats another funny trope. I have no heirs and actually considered it for a moment but the HYPOCRISY of both BLM and the CRT government consultant who gets paid $20,000 for a LECTURE and $250 thousand annually by government. Do customer profiles. Again money and power for the rich was behind it money and power was behind slavery and it still is hopefully we will all get past the hate and discontent but, it wont happen by trying to force it. Its all so insincere. Its going to have an impact on how people vote. And I am CONVINCED this is due to SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS and PACs and ACTIVISTS. Good lord its so offensive. But the people behind the ads are all for this. I kept scrolling and scrolling until it felt like I was inside The Truman Show and the producers were playing some kind of weird joke on me to see how I would react. The home security ads all show white male burglars. That said, I think you expressed yourself quite well. See: Blackrock, Vanguard, ESG scores; and globalist agendas (including social engineering) originating with Klaus Schwab and his cronies at the World Economic Forum (WEF). If this was a book on physics, Mark Levin would win a Nobel Prize for his Theory of Everything. Most of the modern worlds issues stem from the hidden bitterness towards our own dads that were either present and imperfect or vacant altogether. Click the DOWNLOAD NOW button for the full report. And regarding your chromosome comment. All of this is was clearly agenda driven coverage. Vote the D. The 2 DAs running this country are putting us on more commercials and TV. Its so stupid. As one of my readers likes to say, The End is surely near., Sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks. If a white person says white power you would im be labeled a racist mainly because hate groups have wrongly kidnapped the term. When brand loyalty goes out the window, consumers tend to price shop or product hop, turning most of our landscape into boring commodities. Instilling diversity as a value and solidifying it through an appropriate vision and mission statement will ensure that its imbued in a companys ethos. Yes, the Marxists and monolithic corporations are about to achieve their dystopian societies. Photos courtesy of the individual members. NEITHER of these black democrats who blame whites for everything bad had GIVEN HOMES or anything that I know of to POOR BLACKS they PRETEND to care about. Being Enterprising and working to create as much legitimate value as possible for self-sufficiency and to benefit as many others as possible. There are very few ads that are unique in some way, interesting, relatable, maybe even make me laugh and actually highlight the friggin product. If I didnt know better, Id say it almost feels like many of these commercials were written with white people in mind, and then black actors were hired for the sake of diversity.. Thanks for writing, skinny white girl. Now dont get me wrong, I do recognize the population demographics are fast changing, but to exaggerate it like this, I feel, doesnt help matters. But when we all are forced to see people of every race, sex, and culture as equal (meaning the same), then we rob everyone of the traits and characteristics that make each of us stand out as unique and special. Excellent post, G. Youve been paying attention! Thank you. By the way, everyone has chromosomes. Ive been retired for a year now and watch more TV than I have in a while and I thought the same thing. I love how she justifies her paycheck. Men, know that most women do not like this, especially Christian women. Its gotten to the point where you never see a smart white male in a television commercial. Its absurd especially given the lack of Asian American representation. I became republican for this reason. I cant help wonder if there isnt some political manipulation going on here. When corporations like Google and Facebook have total control over the information and ideas that we are allowed to see and share, and the direction of the country is being altered by invisible forces with their own hidden agendas, then we as a country have big problems and wed better wake up. On YouTube Ive got the remote ready as soon as they say I can skip ads and usually have the sound down and am looking away at my laptop until its over, but still. I dont know how any young women these days can even be attracted to the opposite sex anymore since there seems to be nothing but a slightly more boyish version of themselves to choose from. I for one am going back to reading or streaming movies with no commercials. In some cities, the best and newest YMCAs are in mostly black neighborhoods. We the buying public are born with pretty good BS detectors. Woke companies like Mars are way ahead of you, having already revised their M&M candy characters to reflect a more dynamic, progressive world.. I do hear them complaining that TV commercials seem to be promoting an agenda rather than reflecting real life. I just watched a commercial for Lowes that refers to Christmas as Winterfest gifts. Personally, Im singling out these advertisers who are ignoring white America by falsely showing more gay & transgender people in a much larger percentage of America than it really it. I literally get up and leave the room or x out ALL of these commercials (and blacks are in ALL of them) that are bombarding and attempting to control our thinking that theyre normal .. It should be degrading them as it totally erases their culture and transforms them into white culture. This is a horrible world we live in. An industry filled with media creators so oblivious to human psychology and so far up their own pretentious asses, most couldnt portray a believable version of reality if their clients corporate profit-sharing plans depended on it. In regards to the number of black male/white female couples in commercials I would only add: What message does that send to black women? I call it Clown World and were all living in it. Then again, we live in an age of extremes the very rich, the very poor and a rapidly shrinking middle. (Hopefully I can post the YouTube link), [The Cranky Creative says: YouTube is playing games with the link below. Gee, Wallace, I wonder. Were being lied to on an epic scale and if you look at who is in on it there are not a lot of other possible explanations. Edit: Its six months later and the media still isnt done blaming the car: I am so disgusted by the the portrayal of feminized males in the media (and frankly their actual existence in real life) today. Im glad you found some catharsis in this blog post and in the reader comments. If we are waiting for Republicans to get up off their asses, I think well be waiting a long time. [Same goes for Indian Americans the departments led by Indians were the same: 80% Indians, a few whites, a token far East Asian, a token Hispanic, no blacks]. ELI5: What is forced diversity? : explainlikeimfive as racists. And everyone suffers. Im talking about ads in which we could all really see ourselves. Shopping malls and soft drinks over index with black customers, so feature higher percentage black actors in those ads. I find the media, the big corps, anti-social media, etc., quite nauseating. Sometimes, its hard to tell. 2. I have ad blocks on youtube and on many websites. However, the. Back in the 1980s, I read several papers on how Americas changing demographics was going to leave any corporate players who didnt get on board with the new normal of the time at a distinct disadvantage in this profitable market segment. Instead of being objective purveyors of information, these companies selectively pick and choose the info we see based on their politics and agendas. I think the dramatic shift in commercials is very odd, mostly because I cant quite figure out what corporate America is trying to do. Diversity in TV advertising has improved in the ensuing years. I suggested it as further reading for all. Its pure manipulation, and its done all the time with surveys and scientists (name your field) and poll numbers all for the express purpose of tricking us into throwing our weight behind whatever cause they The Powers That Be want pushed. It is Hispandering plain and simple and it is insulting to Latinos. And their purchasing power is growing 70 percent faster than that of non-Latinos. I dont blame you a bit for turning off the tube in favor of books and movies, Madge, but I would encourage you to hit back with a parting shot before you go. These cookies are required for basic site functionality and are therefore always enabled. You are where you are because of him, you idiot! Deselecting these cookies may result in seeing advertising that is not as relevant to you. They hate normal people. They are a very loud and sometimes violent minority. Has this information crossed the desk of advertising people? As a matter of fact, what that is is actually racist. More and more people are becoming convinced that all of the things you mentioned are part of a globalist agenda to weaken Western nations and allow organizations such as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization to gain power and control. Its almost as if, as you say, studies like these are meant to shape reality rather than reflect it. Id love to hear an actual black persons take on the representation of black people in TV commercials. I just got a lifetime ban from Twitter for talking about how blacks are having everything handed to them and taking over and I think Im at about 7 30-day bans on Facebook. One of the things that concerns me most about this topic is how many brainwashed people are so eager to dismiss us the people who dare to speak out about the ridiculous mishandling of representation in advertising, entertainment, etc. I do think there are definitely some sinister forces intermeshing here globalism, socialism, and extreme greed. But one analysis that does spring to mind is this thread on Reddit in which the topic creator recorded the race of all 433 actors in Super Bowl 2022 commercials and compared the percentages to the actual U.S. population. Either way, marketing was just generic white dude stuff. Again, youre not racist just observant. Actually, it was breakfast cereal companies who, 100 years ago, propagandized breakfast as the most important meal of the day. lol. No worries, SL. But there are MANY surveys saying the advertising industry, including behind the scenes people, is mostly white. Congratulations for exposing what has been obvious to me but taboo to speak about if one is a white male. No, I suggest you do a web search to find what you are looking for. Im constantly bombarded by tweets and posts lamenting the disenfranchisement of this gender or that racial group, and I rarely find any usable news or information to be had. Its the preposterousness of the ads premises that makes so many commercials unwatchable. And when it really comes down to brass tacks, the end of our currency lies at the heart of much of this as well. There was a shooting today in a predominantly black neighborhood where 13 people were shot by a young white male, the white male is claiming he was driven by the great replacement theory, of course I dont condone his violent act but it doesnt take much for The Fringe to react, these commercials that have erased the strong white male in our society will push many white males over the edge and into acts of violence against those they feel replaced by. Spot on Dave as a former MarComm professional I feel as you do. There is no war against white people. Blacks are slowly and methodically destroying this country theyve already poisoned the minds of all of our kids. I dont feel guilty about being an upper white middle class citizen but I am feeling a bit offended because advertisers of TV commercials are completely ignoring their main buying group of the population. The current state of race relations goes back to the 60s with LBJs civil rights Bill.

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