32390 (a) The Governing Board of any school district may offer a fingerprint program for children enrolled in kindergarten or. Main Line: (559) 457-3514 Fax: (559) 457-6206 Email:. If parent/guardian resides within the Fresno Unified School District boundaries and requests for student to attend a school district other than Fresno Unified School District. The Superintendent or designee shall designate a certificated employee to serve as custodian of records, with responsibility for student records at the District level. A written statement must be filed annually with the principal by a parent/guardian requesting exemption of their child from the routine health screenings for vision, hearing, and periodic dental inspections. When the student has a confidential medical appointment. ATLAS Portal Help; EduText; Family Learning and Technology Support (FLATS) Center . Attendance at funeral services for a member of the immediate family. Ed-Data is a partnership of the California Department of Education, EdSource, and the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team/California School Information Services (FCMAT/CSIS) designed to offer educators, policy makers, the legislature, parents, and the public quick access to timely and comprehensive data about K-12 education in California. This will meet the requirements of the Right to Carry law for asthma inhalers as described in section 4 above. After that, your fresno unified transfer office phone number is ready. How can I transfer my child to another school? 5141.3; A.R. (E.C. Upon receiving notice that a school district has withheld the grades, diploma, or transcripts of any pupil pursuant to Section 48904, any school district to which the pupil has transferred shall likewise withhold the grades, diploma, or transcripts of the pupil as authorized by that section, until the time that it receives notice, from the district that initiated the decision to withhold, that the decision has been rescinded under the terms of that section. Any information maintained for the purpose of second-party review is considered a student record. Please do not call the school. An overview of SmartFind is available in the HR Manual, Section HR 2607.2. *Future Year Requests: final decision is provided no later than 14 calendar days following the beginning of the school year for which enrollment is sought. All medications, prescription and over-the-counter, require a written note from the doctor. When court jurisdiction is terminated, foster youth in K-8th grades may continue in the school of origin including through feeder patterns, while those in high school may continue through 12th grade. What is the phone number to my union? Student Selection Criteria: Eligibility for GATE services is based upon multiple criteria and not a score from one (1) test. 5113; A.R. Health problems that are found early are easier to correct. Such insurance may be purchased from or such membership may be taken in, only such companies or corporations as are authorized to do business in California. The Board shall appoint members to the districts SARB, who may include a parent/guardian as well as representatives of various agencies including, but not limited to, school districts; the county probation department; the county welfare department; the County Superintendent of Schools; law enforcement agencies; community- based youth service centers; school guidance personnel; child welfare and attendance personnel; school or county health care personnel; school, county, or community mental health personnel; the county district attorneys office; and the county public defenders office. H. & S.C. 120365, 120370, 120375. The ERC is located at 822 N. Abby Fresno, CA 93701. . Fresno Unified School District Office - Living New Deal An unsubstantiated personal conclusion or inference; A conclusion or inference outside of the observers area of competence; Not based on the personal observation of a named person with the time and place of the observation noted; In violation of the privacy or other rights of the pupil. 5141.31; A.R. (AB2132- Amends CEC 49423). Teresa Martinez-Trevino. The College and Career Readiness Department plays an integral part in achieving the Districts mission of preparing career ready graduates. The number of children whose parents/guardians have given written waiver pursuant to Section 124085 that they do not want their child to receive a health screening examination. Fresno Unified School District. 99.31 (a) (2) shall: An educational agency or institution may disclose an education record of a student in attendance to another educational agency or institution if: The Board of Education of the Fresno Unified School District believes that providing students the opportunity to attend schools with diverse student bodies has inherent educational value. The decision to revoke the transfer shall be communicated in writing to the parent/guardian. ATLAS Portal Help; EduText; Family Learning and Technology Support (FLATS) Center; Project Connect; . Grades in keeping with the students ability; Satisfactory attendance, including promptness in arriving to school and classes during the day. Family Learning and Technology Support (FLATS) Center, Rapid Alert: Fresno Unifieds Emergency Notification System, The Foundation for Fresno Unified Schools, District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), Labor Relations & Collective Bargaining Agreements, TIMELINE FOR SCHOOL CHOICE OPTIONS FOR 2023-24 SCHOOL YEAR. 18. Students must be treated and their hair/scalp is free from live lice. Kirk website. This portal provides a variety of online applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Email, Calendar, and more. To be admitted to school, children must be fully immunized in accordance with the law. Inter-District Transfer Request . Participation in religious instruction or exercises in accordance with District policy. Fresno Unified School District Workers Compensation Office. The decision of the Governing Board shall be final. Business and Financial Services Division - Fresno Unified School District The Superintendent or designee shall establish a comprehensive and integrated system for the early identification of attendance problems and shall implement strategies to encourage students attendance. This section and Section 48904 shall also apply to the state special schools, as described in subdivision (a) of Section 48927. When a student is identified as a chronic absentee, the Superintendent or designee shall communicate with the student and their parents/guardians to determine the reason(s) for the excessive absences, ensure the student and parents/guardians are aware of the adverse consequences of poor attendance, and jointly develop a plan for improving the students school attendance. Illness with a fever of 100.0 degrees F or greater, Illness that affects your childs ability to participate in class. Fresno Unified Administration; Main Locations; PROGRAMS. Phone: 559-457-3416. The parent or legal guardian of a pupil may be excused from complying by indicating on a waiver form that the oral health assessment could not be completed. Class checks are no longer part of district guidelines. The medication must be in the container with the pharmacist label attached (or in the original container for non-prescription medications). jennifer.gomez@fresnounified.org. 46601, 46602, 48024(b); A.R. The $3 registration fee is non-refundable. H. & S. C. 124040, 124085. The Board desires to ensure that all students attend school in accordance with the states compulsory education law and take full advantage of educational opportunities provided by the district. A parent/guardian having control or charge of any child enrolled in the public schools may file annually with the Principal of the school in which he/she is enrolled a statement in writing signed by the parent/guardian stating that he/she will not consent to a physical examination of their child. Transfer requests are kept on file for up to one year. . Transfers Office; Family Tech. By faxing in your application to (559) 600-7706. Fresno Unified School District does not release information or records concerning your child to non-educational organizations or individuals without your consent. Board Policies 5116 and 5116.1 reference specific criteria and conditions for these transfers. For a list of the circumstances or conditions under which the district might release student information to outside people or entities please refer to AR 5125. 5116. Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. . Fontana Unified School District places a high premium on preparing students for college, career, and beyond. Requires written notification of the purpose of AIDS instruction to parents/guardians of pupils in grades 7-12 and requires the notification to specify that parents/guardians may request that their child not receive such instruction. Fresno Unified School District; Main Phone: (559) 457-3000; Questions or Concerns: (559) 457-3736; 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721; Fresno Unified School District. The districts SARB shall provide support to improve student attendance and behavior through proactive efforts focused on building positive school environments and improved school connectedness, early identification and immediate intervention to re-engage students with poor attendance or behavior, and intensive intervention with students and families to address severe or persistent attendance or behavior issues. Learn more. (Education Code 48321). However, in accordance with Section 49066, the Superintendent or designee shall not order a pupils grade to be changed unless the teacher who determined the grade is, to the extent practicable, given an opportunity to state orally, in writing, or both, the reasons for which the grade was given and is, to the extent practicable, included in all discussions relating to the changing of the grade. Where can I find the dress code for my childs school? Any medical exemptions issued in CAIR-ME shall expire when the student enrolls in the next grade span, or the medical exemption issued was temporary and has an expiration date. Classroom instruction is provided by trained educators and designed to meet the academic, social and emotional needs of gifted students. Pension on Higher Salary: Online application for validation of Joint Option. The pre-participation screening exam for sports is not a substitute for the recommended comprehensive annual evaluation conducted by a students regular authorized health care provider. The Board retains the authority to grant or deny such a transfer in accordance with the process and procedures outlined in the regulation adopted pursuant to this policy. Enrollment, Attendance, and Transfers - Fresno Unified School District For students who participate in athletics, we. School Districts Schools. If the student does not successfully complete the Truancy Prevention Program or other similar program, the student shall be subject to subdivision (d). The County Office of Education or the Governing Board of the school district of attendance shall exclude any pupil who has not been immunized properly pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 120325) of Part 2 of Division 105 of the Health and Safety Code. The school district shall make a reasonable effort to notify the parent/guardian and the pupil in advance of compliance with a lawfully issued subpoena and, in the case of compliance with a court order, if lawfully possible within the requirements of the order. The information that CAIR keeps about your child may include: name, birth date and birthplace, sex, current address and phone, names of parents/guardians, types of vaccines and dates given, any serious reactions to vaccines, and other information that may help identify you or your child accurately. San Joaquin County School Districts - SJCOE Interventions for students with serious attendance problems shall be designed to meet the specific needs of the student and may include, but are not limited to, health care referrals, transportation assistance, counseling for mental or emotional difficulties, academic supports, efforts to address school or community safety concerns, discussions with the student and parent/guardian about their attitudes regarding schooling, or other strategies to remove identified barriers to school attendance. The City of Fresno PARCS Department through our dynamic and dedicated staff, enhance the quality of life for the community by providing safe, clean, accessible parks and community centers offering diverse programs and recreational activities and fostering meaningful community partnerships. Transfers denied due to lack of space at the requested school or program may not be appealed. The request shall be in writing, shall state why the denial or revocation was improper, shall give the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent, and shall be delivered to either the Principal or Superintendent within five (5) days after the denial or revocation. Any student subject to compulsory full-time education or to compulsory continuation education who is absent from school without valid excuse three (3) full days in one (1) school year, or tardy or absent for more than any thirty (30)-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three (3) occasions in one (1) school year, or any combination thereof, is a truant and shall be reported to the attendance supervisor or to the Superintendent of the school district. Transfers to other Neighborhood Schools that are outside of your attendance boundary. Families with children who are 3 years old by December 1. Thereupon the child shall be exempt from any physical examination, but whenever there is a good reason to believe that the child is suffering from a recognized contagious or infectious disease, he/she shall be sent home and shall not be permitted to return until the school authorities are satisfied that any contagious or infectious disease does not exist. To Spend time with an immediate family member who is an active-duty member of the uniformed services, as defined in the Education Code 49701, and has been called to duty for deployment to a combat zone or is on leave from or has immediately returned from such deployment (E. C. 48205), Attendance at a naturalization ceremony to become a United States Citizen. C.C.R., Title 5, Sec. In addition to using these Office applications online, students can install up to five . Changes will take effect January 1st of the following year. This system provides the ability to review and accept open sub assignments. Fresno, CA 93721-2002. Education Code 58501 specifies that any school may establish a separate school or separate classes within a school. Parents/guardians will be contacted for injuries of serious nature or if a student is too ill to remain at school. Executive Assistant to the Superintendent. Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly. The Constituent Services Office can be reached at (559) 457-3736. Fresno Unified School District is soliciting Request for Proposals for Event Planner Services. This requirement does not apply to any school district that has only one school or any school district with schools that do not serve any of the same grade level. (559)265-3010. mcopher@fcoe.org. signNow makes signing easier and more convenient since it provides users with numerous additional features like Invite to Sign, Add Fields, Merge Documents, and so on. The Fresno Unified Board retains the authority to grant or deny a request for an interdistrict transfer to Fresno Unified in accordance with the process and procedures outlined in the regulation adopted pursuant to this policy . Fresno serves more than 73,000 students at 106 schools, and the Constituent Services Office helps to connect parents and community members with the information and resources to get the help they need swiftly. However, in accordance with Section 49066, the Governing Board shall not order a pupils grade to be changed unless the teacher who determined the grade is, to the extent practicable, given an opportunity to state orally, in writing, or both, the reasons for which the grade was given and is, to the extent practicable, included in all discussions relating to the changing of the grade. California Education Code allows qualified district employees (stated in sections 49452, 49454) to administer routine vision, color vision, and hearing screenings to each student enrolled in schools within the District. Students with the written consent of their parents/guardians, may be excused from school in order to participate in religious exercises or to receive moral and religious instruction at their respective places of worship or at other suitable place or places away from school property designated by the religious group, church, or denomination which shall be in addition and supplementary to the instruction in manners and morals required elsewhere in this code. Student records include the students health record. 46600, 46601.5. Illness or quarantine of the child or of the parent/guardian; Time spent with a parent/guardian or other relative as required by a court of law or which is clearly in the best interest of the child. Contact your child's principal or vice principal. At nine (9) unexcused absences a third letter is sent to the parents/guardians at the end of the next attendance period notifying them of the absences and possible consequences. A child shall be admitted to a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) maintained by the school district at the beginning of a school year, or at a later time in the same year, if the child will have his or her fifth birthday on or before February 2. Apply for Enrollment ChoicePlease do not use auto-fill on the web-based application. Fresno Unified School District; Main Phone: (559) 457-3000; Questions or Concerns: (559) 457-3736; 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721; Fresno Unified School District. NO pupils shall be compelled to accept such service without their consent, or if a minor without the consent of their parent/guardian. Truancy letters are mailed to the address listed in ATLAS, and can be viewed/printed from the ATLAS Parent Portal. What programs are available to support English Learners? Email: ttrevino@fcoe.org. The California Department of Education developed this type 2 diabetes information in collaboration with the California Department of Public Health, American Diabetes Association, California School Nurses Organization, and Childrens Hospital of Orange County. Give the parent/guardian or eligible student, upon request, an opportunity for a hearing under subpart C. The student is enrolled in or receives services from the other agency or institution; and. The identification, description, and security of student records, as well as timely access for authorized persons; Parental review, inspection and right to photocopy student records; The identification of categories of directory information, which may be released; The withholding of the students grades, diploma or transcripts in cases involving certain student misconduct; and. School districts are required to notify parents/guardians that California State Law authorizes all school districts to provide for alternative school programs.
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