What are pros and cons of an intense personality? How can I - Quora 7. Being intense isnt just about how you feel it is also about needing to fulfill a burning desire to keep moving and progressing. Signs Of An Intense Person. You use strong words. Exploits others to achieve their goals. Why do I need to be less intense (to please others)? Here's how to tell if you're an intense person. Big hugs! Discover Your Colours - Your Intensity - Clear or Soft - Inside Out Style how to soften an intense personality. Dealing with abrasive personalities - Unique Training & Development Confused About What Intense Eye Contact Means? -Get Answers -Men Because you are in fight or flight mode like our ancestors were when they perceived a thread or danger and they had to run from the lion. 8. As an A-type personality, uber driven, organised and ambitious person, who always excelled at anything I put my mind to, "soft" is not a word that would ever have been used (either by myself or anyone else) to describe me. how to soften an intense personality. And hours. If youre a person who experiences impassioned, fervent, frenzied, vehement, and agonizingly ardent emotions youre probably an intense person. 8. 3. Lots of love! 9. In such times of demotivation the softhearted continue to lead while others retreat. Helping the "Emotionally Intense Person" - Wise Heart Know when to steer clear of a touchy subject or let something go before you get frustrated trying to make them listen to a point of view they dont want to hear. 19. They are passionate people. My lifestyle was so scattered and my healing wasnt consistent because I wasnt treating myself with respect. It was my own shadow that I couldnt even see in myself but I knew there was something that I was doing that didnt make me feel like the other gals. 29. how to soften an intense personality - Fennimuayene.net Youve learned to accept yourself as you are and not to sweat the uninformed opinions of those whose expectations you dont meet. 2. Have any thoughts to share? how to soften an intense personality. Dont get me wrong: if this is how you are right now, it is OK. When a person has an intense personality, it's often because they're highly sensitive. INTENSE Synonyms: 79 Synonyms & Antonyms for INTENSE | Thesaurus.com Its not a makeup mistake. 4. When someones interests are centered around just one thing, it occupies the bulk of their time and thoughts, and can become wearing for an outsider. Im committed to being more direct with my needs. YES you are so right. The Abrasive Personality - Harvard Business Review An intense person requires a lot of energy and patience to be around. When you argue (or fight), you play to win. We live with our motto "Skills Up. Let's look at ways you can soften anger, without turning it against yourself or dumping it on someone else. 19. To the point of mental exhaustion. Make characters' eyes contrasting or incongruous. It is no one's fault, but it is easy for you to be frustrated by a partner, as you think, feel, and sense the world at a different pace. You don't waste time on small talk. 5. 5 Traits Of An Emotionally Intense Person - The Minds Journal TheHealthyApple.com chronicles my 14-year struggle with chronic illness, How to Soften Yourself: A Key Step for Healing. An active way to examine and express your thoughts is to start a journaling practice or start expressive writing regularly. We value a raw, real, and down-to-earth approach to spirituality. If you're looking for positives, it means you know what you want and don't want to waste any time. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2. You are clinging to your closest connections. I stopped being so forceful and started embracing the gentler side of me. Feel free to contact me on the contact page of my website. Can you see why this can be such a precious quality? This post may contain affiliate links. They push, push, push to get things to work out their way or simply ignore the anxiety and stress and shut down the emotions that these reactions cause. We pay undivided attention to each person we talk to. Whilst some people can be turned off by continuous eye contact, discussions about the future, or forming a deep emotional bond, the people who are meant to be in your life will recognize the authenticity that a more focused friend brings to the table. There might be affiliate links on some of the pages of this site, which means we could earn a small commission of anything you buy. In a world where everyone is trying to fit in, blend in, and be liked, it can be hard being an intense person. how to soften an intense personality - Yeltech.com Learn Which Types Are The Brainiest, Wondering What You Should Do Today? This post is a 100% christal clear mirror to me. They can also be highly competitive, which can make them seem overly intense to some people. I played varsity sports and I was a little warrior trying to make my parents proud of me by being tough and strong. A lack of consistency makes it difficult (if not impossible) to trust someone. I was more like a librarian than anything. Thank you for your note. But what does it mean to have an intense personality and how do you know if you have one? Art, music, dance, nature, and other forms of beauty speak to you on a soul-level. You enjoy deep chats. Because you have put time and effort into using your brain for good, you hate it when people make instant judgements about things they do not know anything about. ralph boston obituary; james clear gewohnheit spickzettel; verizon international calling outside us. Having such a strong personality is usually OK, but we must be self-aware of what we are. In a world where emotions run high and feelings run deep, it can be difficult to focus on the here and now and engage fully in your everyday world. Many people with intense emotions are highly gifted individuals with exceptional levels of empathy, intelligence, creativity, and imagination. If you struggle expressing your own, it could be a good opportunity for you to talk about why you find it hard to share these feelings with other people. Youre a sucker for an epic romance, and you want one of your own. Maybe you already suspect as much, but youre not sure exactly what it means to have an emotionally intense personality. Have you ever been told youre too intense? And you resent being told you shouldnt feel as much because theyre not real. Theyre real to you. We all love to be loved, especially when youre dating someone new. I've vented a time or two. Dont expect others (even those who love you) to get you all the time. Learning Mind does not provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. And its 150mg per capsule. 5 Reasons Why INFJs Can Be Intense - IntrovertDear For instance, if we saw a snail crawling across a footpath, we would stop to help it cross. If you describe an activity as intense, you mean that it is very serious and concentrated, and often . The INFJ is one of the eight introverted Myers-Briggs personality types, making up roughly 1-2 percent of the population. I was still a 10 year old girl in survival mode just trying to toss food in my mouth standing up in my apartment and doing everything to just survive while pushing so hard to get things done. You expect the same of them. Narcissist borderline personality relationships: Here's what you need A common warning sign is the feeling that your relationship is unbalanced. Typical clues include facial expressions and unique postures as they switch from one voice tone to another we should all be taught this as children. The thing with dramatic people is that they are well dramatic. It requires a firm to resolve and get to the finish line when things get rough. People of this sign are known to have . Not you. I wasnt soft. Here are signs your personality is so deep and intense that it is intimidating to others. Its usually not a cause for concern, although you may need to adjust your parenting approach to better align with your childs intensity. What I've Learned from Being "Way Too Intense" - Medium If youd like to embrace who you are more, heres some guidance: Do you have an intense personality? My view of an intense personality is one who is intent upon issues, and focused on either solving a problem, or sharing an issue that compels them greatly. To answer the first one, intense personalities are rooted in the way your mind works and how you process what youre feeling. Learning Mind 2012-2022 | All Rights Reserved |, 8 Signs You Have an Intense Personality and What It Means, What I Learned from Divorcing a Narcissist: 6 Tips, How to Own Up to Your Mistakes & Why Its So Hard for Most People, 10 Signs of a Superficial Relationship That Is Not Meant to Last, 10 Traits of a Feisty Personality People Often Misunderstand. Make sure, if you know someone like this, that they arent asking too much of you. Therefore the norms may be more challenging to reach for others. Some people just cant lose an argument, and being on the other side of that can be seriously intense. Thank you for offering this to the community. To be an intense person means that youll likely experience some of the following feelings, desires, and behaviors: All of these qualities can help you tremendously on your path of growth, transformation, and yes, spiritual awakening. I suggest you dont take them for longer than 3 months because they will block your detox pathway- watch my Facebook Live on this on Facebook. Their opinions of you dont matter. Negative impacts for those with intense personalities include depression, being unable to cope with anxiety and sadness, and obsessive behaviors. These types may also be very determined to make plans come true. As you can imagine, that behavior isnt always well-received. Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist My intensity is who I am. One way to do this is using these seven clever tricks to soften an intense personality. We respect all Whadjuk Elders both past and present, and any First Nations people. 7.7% of men and 4.8% of women will develop narcissistic personality disorder at some point in their lifetime. So many people (including the old me) would react without thinking, instantly moving into the fight or flight fear mentality putting themselves into the victim mode. I'm not an angry person. 12 Signs You're An Incredibly Intense Person - David Avocado Wolfe Were die-hard romantic idealists. A Deep Sincerity Some people can say a lot without saying anything. Watch out for loud, fast talkers who, even if they ask you a question, never seem to draw breath long enough to hear your answer. 6. You have a built-in radar for the real motives behind someones nice behavior. Couldnt we get together for lunch sometime.she needs a mentor like you. Like anything, emotional intensity has a positive and negative side. There is no online registration for the intro class . We hope you find this article helpful! All content published on this website is intended for informational purposes only. Some people might be a bit awkward in social situations. Many people with intense personalities have undergone awakenings where they begin to question their choices, seek a higher purpose, and try to find their destiny. For example: When someone yells at you, gets short or snaps at you- they have squeezed all of the water of you (the sponge). This overview has been extremely, extremely, *intensely* of great value to me. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Spending time with someone can become too intense when you arent spending enough time away from them. After all, youd rather know the whole truth, even if it hurts. You Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve. Im talking about when someone gets serious all the time. Big hugs love and congrats for taking this step in your journey. Vanderbilt University in Tennessee and the Massachusetts Hospital published a study on the subject some years ago. Intense definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary Is envious of others. Youre fully capable of keeping yourself entertained without anyone elses attention or admiration. Intense is often a word that often comes up when describing children. But this is how you find your tribe. According to Schaubroeck, perfectionistic personality traits predispose people to hostile, impatient, and competitive behavior. This is when you can see solutions clearly as opposed to having a knee-jerk reaction, which does nothing but effect your health and emotions as well as effect the other persons health and emotions, as well. When a person lives for the drama, it makes it hard to build a solid foundation for any kind of relationship with them. You have a lot of inner drive (or 'fire'). Answer (1 of 2): I have smiling eyes, so even on days when my mouth does not have a curve it still looks like I'm smiling. Because intense or not, were all people who deserve to be loved and understood. Being intense means that, most likely, you wont stay on the surface of life like the majority of other people. 6. We tend to have intense highs and lows. It appalls you when someone is content to remain ignorant. Its best to try to have a balanced outlook on life and try not to become too wrapped up in one person or activity. how to soften an intense personality We only have so much of ourselves to share around and you should surround yourself with people who bring a richness to your life, not leave you feeling drained. 14. Wondering whether youre an intense person? We dont like having big social networks they dilute our intensity too much. I always thought it was just me too and that I was alone and that no one else felt this way. If someone is asking for more from a relationship than they are investing back into it emotionally, then you should take a step back from them and question what you are really getting out of it. Those lions (stressors) are your emails, your spouse, your inlaws, your health, your kids, travel, etcand anything else that stresses you out during the day. You Are Opinionated And Convincing, But Not Arrogant You know your own mind and you aren't easily swayed by others. They may feel a combination of extreme feelings, to a higher degree than other people, and often fluctuating between them quickly. How to make my personality softer - Quora You might be able to handle a conversation like this once in a while, but if this is everyday life for you, youre going to wind up resentful of the attention they are demanding from you but not giving back in return. As you can imagine, that behavior isn't always well-received. However, there are some strong personalities that the adults in your life may have told you about them since you were young. You always make eye contact. Feeling Intensely: The Wounds of Being "Too Much - Psychology Today Yet despite the downsides of this trait, having an intense personality has helped me tremendously on my life journey and spiritual path. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Learning Mind is a blog created by Anna LeMind, B.A., with the purpose to give you food for thought and solutions for understanding yourself and living a more meaningful life. These eight signs are traits common to owners of a strong personality, so if you see yourself reflected here consider yourself intense. 29 Signs of an Intense Personality - Live Bold and Bloom Theyre said to be the radicals of society, the misanthropes of the world, and the killjoys of polite and amicable conversations. If you feel overwhelmed by the conversations you are having, its ok, theres no need to get serious all the time and discuss topics youre uncomfortable with. Intense Person: Effects, Signs And Downsides - Mantra Care Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist They are keenly aware of their internal world and often have a running mental dialogue with obsessive thought patterns. Or you may be that person and wish you could be more fun and social. These include being excited, feeling fearful, being happy, and experiencing despair all in quick succession. Despite the beauty and benefits of your emotional expression, there may be times when you must tone it back. Your email address will not be published. If you want it to work, sometimes its best to pick your battles and know when to agree to disagree.
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