mike duncan after revolutions

Because you can blow up every single tank, and every single plane, and take out every single gun, but if youve left your enemy with the will to keep fighting, theyll figure out a way to pick up sticks and rocks and rebuild themselves and come back at you. Theres a silly debate going on right now about whether the professional managerial class has revolutionary class consciousness. Mike Duncan is one of the most popular history podcasters in the world and author of the New York Times-bestselling books, Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution and The . I mean, its such a deep dive into these very specific details, these specific chunks of history, but its really easy to follow, and its just a really incredible work of popular history. You can listen to it while youre doing chores. This is like a game that I like to play. Like Charles X or Louis Philippe I or Napoleon III could have rolled out cannon after cannon, after cannon of grapeshot. Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution (Paperback) By Mike Duncan. It just restarted something that has been an ongoing conflict in American history since the very beginning. A lot of that is being driven from the populist right rather than the working class left. Revolutions. We came out of World War II, we had the Civil Rights Movement, and this is the end of all of that. When, in point of fact, the French Revolution was something that went on for 10 or 15 years, depending on where you want to mark the beginning and the end. Carl Heneghan (@carlheneghan) January 30, 2023. Yeah, what will be really fun is in like 20 years, when everything has gotten much, much, much worse, and then even Stephen Miller is like, Wait, I dont like this. And then we are going to be like, Oh, Stephen Miller is good now.. But, and as you just said, as long as you keep moving around and talking about it from the perspective of Louis XVI and then from the perspective of Robespierre, and from the perspective of Lafayette, you can cover most of your bases. There is no guiding hand here, it does not exist. Share with Friends Add To Playlist. Im a , whatever, an elder millennial of the Oregon Trail generation. Technical article alert, but for real you should read I believe that its a good thing for society, for people, for citizens, to know as much history as possible. There have always been people out there who want to fill in that role between what is going on in the universities, and what the general public is actually able to learn. For tickets to the October dates: Oct. 3 Austin TX @ Paramount Theater. Few people have done more to make history interesting and accessible to the layperson as Mike Duncan. And if youre going to study Cicero and Seneca, you have got to learn about the Roman Empire. pulp magazines and then, after his death, in book form by Arkham House and many other publishers, including hundreds of translations in more than thirty languages. People are going to have to live in different areas. We can accuse the people who are mass migrating out of Florida. I think that one of the other great fears, which is entirely legitimate on top of climate change, is that weve been pumping ourselves full of antibiotics for the last 50 years. And also, it plays interestingly into this modern monetary theory debate that are going on rightwhich, of course, is about what it means for the United States to have debt as a sovereign, which is of course a very different situation from what it meant for the king of France to have debt as sovereign. "Highly recommend Revolutions by Mike Duncan, especially Season 10", Musk tweeted. And as long as you can stick to trying to explain each persons motivations from their own perspective, then I think you can listen to it without being like, Oh, this just Marxist analysis, or, Hes just some reactionary scumbag who is trying to say that Robespierre was the devil.. Or that you start hoping to accomplish something, and then its a bit by bit thing, where everyday you do a small course correction and a small course correction and you do something in that day for that moment that you feel like you have to do. Wait, are you asking if its the end of history, Lyta? I do care about debt, that is true. A new biography of the giant of both European and American history. Yeah, you really do a great job of avoiding the great man of history thing. By Mike Duncan. After completing The History of Rome podcast he studied Public History at Texas State University but dropped everything to move to Madison WI where he now changes diapers, writes short cartoon histories and produces the Revolutions Podcast. But what I do know is that it has far less to do with out-and-out debt or the size of the debt or what kind of deficits you are running, as it does with confidence in the regime. But I can analyze it from a historical, political perspective, and everything I said I do believe in. You can tell Mike is passionate about the subject and makes its exciting. There have been a lot of episodes, to be fair to you. One of the things getting back to what I think my purpose here is, what my role is as a popularizer of history, is if you take the French Revolution, people say, Oh, yeah. Oh man, were doomed. We have two missions: to produce the world's first readable political publication and to make life joyful again. And this guy is making immigration policy in the United States of America. You do mass surveys with the kids who are 14, 15, 16 years old and theyre baffled about homophobia, about racism, about trans issues, about immigration issues. Mike Duncan, the ever-impressive podcaster, delivers a really fun page-turner with this book. The false promise of billionaire space plans, the dangers of natural law, the politics of Dr. Phil's show, the history of Stalin's atrocities.plus a delightful assortment of amusements, from the Intergalactic Zoo to behind the scenes at Fox News! July Revolution 7. Mike Duncan on History, Revolutions, and the Future, subscribing to our magnificent print edition. The History of Rome, Revolutions. See, obviously I havent even written it. But when you actually get into what the Reign of Terror was, and who the victims of the Reign of Terror wound up being, it is not usually the case that it is some hateful aristocrat who had the crimes of history, the blood of history, on their hands. People like us will be sitting there like, Why is Stephen Miller good now? He is not good now. And that necessitated all of this study of political events and political history. These are just facts. Theres a colonization project amongst, let us say, proto-, crypto-, and out-and-out fascists, to use the Roman Empire to their own political advantage in the modern world. So, I think its happening, I think its going on. 9.05. Things are going to move around. Education History. And that has been going on for, lets say, 500 years. But I wondered, have you thought about that at all? . And then the podcasting part of it: its a new medium. To have a sense of how long humans have been at this. Add to Wish List. You mean the people in history are people? Its not an issue of where I am in the org chart, its a completely different set of people. Do you see that as being part of a trend? Yeah, you have seven people working on this, and then five people over here, and 13 over here. So, thats the question. Im going to have a lot of time on my hands after Revolutions, and at some point I dont know exactly what I am going to do with myself. I dont think that things have changed so much that we will not continue to get the same kind of recurrent challenges from below to various existing regimes. It could have gone to some of Louvertures way, it could have gone Andr Redouts way, it could have been that the British actually wound up conquering San Doming and reimposing slavery and San Doming becomes a British colony, or it could have re-fallen to the French and gone back to being French, but then its going to be under Napoleons rule. Revolutions podcast - Free on The Podcast App If youre into, again, small d democracy, or youre a small d democratic individual, which I consider myself to be, the degree to which the Republican Party is embracing anti-democratic talking points is really, really, really, something. Hero of Two Worlds by Mike Duncan | PublicAffairs History is usually a mess of people whose motivations are running into each other. I mean, one of the things that is very noticeable about studying all of these revolutions is that nobody has ever successfully predicted a revolution. Erika Cruz. The same judge who in 1991 sentenced the Kansas City, Missouri, man to life without parole plus 200 years for . Most of the time, when youre talking about if a revolution from below succeeds or doesnt succeed, it has very little to do with whether or not the sovereign can bring full force to bear. Theyre just going to strike it all down as unconstitutional, and then where are we going to be? I listen to podcasts when I do dishes. Youre talking about revolutions. . And you know, you get into 1848, and its exactly the same scene. Im joined by Sparky Abraham, our finance editor. We already know that there are drug-resistant super viruses out there and bacteria out there that can race through the population. English Revolution 2. Revolutions, which describes itself as "a weekly podcast series examining great political revolutions," is the latest project of a guy named Mike Duncan, whom Lawfare readers might know as the creator, writer, and narrator of the History of Rome podcast---which had a rather large cult following which included What those guys thought they were up to in the 1890s is not where they wound up in 1920. On Thursday, the CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk takes on Twitter to highly recommend Mike Duncan's podcast called Revolutions. Starting with Russia has got to be a very different perspective on Mike. So again, I think that its not a matter of ever believing that you can step away from yourself or step away from history to create something thats objective, but you can bounce around enough. Because you can talk about non-climate change division history unfolding as it does. Sparky Abraham is the finance editor, a position he attained by way of nepotism. French Revolution 4. I think that what we are going to see is much closer to Romes Crisis of the Third Century period, which was a huge moment of state breakdown. We have to lock it down. Thats very cool. ISBN: 9781541730342. I mean, even a lot of Napoleons career is built around mistakes and luck far more than him having some genius plan and pulling it off. Revolutions About Me - Revolutions The podcast is divided into seasons, with each season focusing on a particular revolution. And theres a lot of truth to that, but that doesnt mean things are just going to Pollyanna is the one who doesnt think anything is going to go wrong, right? It goes back to my first loves in history. Mike Duncan expertly weaves the story of some of history's greatest events into a fun easy listen. What the banking class is saying to the sovereigns is, If you dont call the parliament, were not going to give you any more money.. Richard Duncan Expand search. Mike Duncan: [00:07:21] But getting back to the fundraiser each T-shirt is thirty five dollars. This does seem like its becoming a bit of a trend. Sure. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. After not finding any Roman history podcasts in 2007, Duncan began The History of . Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution Oct. 26 Boston @ The Wilbur. Do you think its remotely likely that well move more toward an open borders, more accepting society? I mean, probably my favorite season so far is the Mexican Revolution season, and one of my favorite parts of that is that I had the sense, Oh, I know about the Mexican Revolution. I have the people who I understand as being important and who I agree with or disagree with. There was one called The History of Rome, which is finished up and is excellent and really, really worth getting back to. I know the French Revolution. 76.5M . Today, I would like to let you all know that I am working on a new course that will explain the present: How The Economy Really Works Now. Michael Green invited me to discuss my book, The Money Revolution, with him on Episode One of a new book club he is launching on Substack. 00:02:05. And if we can get the Duc dOrlans in on the throne, then hes going to want to bring in a British-style constitutional monarchy, which is going to elevate landowning and banking class into some kind of parliament where now were going to be able to call the shots. And the Duc dOrlans is happy with that because he just wants to go watch racing and gamble. But I think, in any case, this is bad news. 9.04. Dismiss. On Day 2 of the Estates General, the Third Estate went on strike. The Cry of Dolores. Another aspect of this is the period of time in which these events are happening is relatively short in terms of human history. A year later, Mike launched another podcast Revolutions. It happened in Prussia, it happened in France, it happened down in Italy. Instead, he loomed large on the world stage for decades after the war, and history podcaster Duncan does a fine job of filling out his subject's life. 20170727 - The Storm Before The Storm_ Chapter 1- The Beasts of Italy.mp3 download. But truly, when you look at how much people from a different area can be demonized so easily for the smallest things, that when this shit actually gets real, I think that is only going to blow up even further. This is a thing that I do actually believe. bit.ly/lafayettebook Joined March 2007. Revolutions Hero of Two Worlds by Mike Duncan. People have accused me of being a doomsayer. Yeah, Im asking if were going to see these patterns of the revolutions that Mike has talked so much about, or are they going to just be different? Mike Duncan (@mikeduncan) / Twitter NoTengoBiblioteca 6 mo. Because I think kids are all right. I mean, you said that theres an alternative. We will leave them nameless, for the moment. Lets Blow Up the Camp of the Saints, by Mike Duncan. Current Affairs is 100% reader-supported. Mike Duncan is an American author and political history podcaster. Alright, it sounds reasonable. But then I wound up moving on to ancient history.

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