earth is stationary quran verse

If you can replicate the experiment on your own then well and good, but by Allah you will not be able to get this value ever in real life. It is therefore highly significant that the Quran directly links the process of the Earth spreading out to the formation of underwater mountains, in the following verses: And the earth have We spread out [madadna], and set therein firm mountains [Rawaasiya] and caused everything to grow therein in proper proportion. [15:20], And the earth We have spread it out [madadna-ha], and placed therein firm mountains [Rawaasiya]; and We have made to grow therein every kind of beautiful pair. [50:8]. They look the same from the earth, traversing through the sky; but as everyone knows in reality their orbits . It does not refer to its revolution around the earth i.e. TheDuaCo. but his theory that the earth is stationary and the sun and stars rotate around it, delayed the progress of the science of Astronomy and kept mankind in . It is unbelievable that you people think everything has to be in accordance to the views of modern scientific establishments. Observation is the key here. The length of something doesnt dictate the validity of ones arguments no more than the type of font one uses. The Quran says that when the night and the day overlap, they make a ball (sphere): Quran 39:5. Please be more open to ideas, as Quran is a book for people who can think . Note on that verse. So why would the whole world conspire to falsify the words of Allah and why are our top scholars bending backwards to capitulate to so called Science. In his second treatise, Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has elaborated that the sun is in motion while earth is static based on astronomical observations and calculations. This is the meaning of God visiting the land; the same phrase of God destroying something by literally visiting it is referred to in 2:211. The evidence that the earth is round includes the following: Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): "He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose; He wraps the night around the day and the day around the night" [az-Zumar 39:5]. Do you know what happen if the stars where at the lowest heaven/sky. Moreover, we all know very well that mountains grow, move, crumble, erode and disappear forever. Is the Quran Referring to Sea-Floor Spreading? Each one is floating in a circumference. [, O listener! [Allah] Created the heavens and the Earth in truth. It is noteworthy that the early commentaries maintain silence on the true meaning of this verse which suggests that it was too difficult for them to interpret. : in the mountains themselves, did every beautiful species come forth, i.e. Are Two Female Witnesses Equal to One Man in Islam? One interpretation given for this verse by classical exegetes is that the sun and moon actually move in an orbit around the earth. Nowhere is this better seen than the Islamophobic website WikiIslam devoted, it seems, to the most absurd allegations against the Quran, the religion of Islam, and the person of the Prophet Muhammad, on whom be peace. And He is the Knower of the minutest, being Well Aware. [Surah 67, Verse 14]. Anything which cannot be dislodged can never be catapulted out of the earth, to fly alone, leaving the earth behind.The Holy Quran exquisitely succeeds in making this revelation in a manner that the prevalent knowledge of that time is not too loudly challenged. When you were talking about Sky above us you said it was referring to the layers of our atmosphere. Everything is mentioned in it. (present tense) which indicates that the expansion of the universe is a continuous process. You said: Moreover, the word jibaal is never conjoined with the Earth spreading out. [Surah 58, Verse 22]. Nowadays, the spheroid shape of earth is an undisputable scientific fact that is . Einstein later explained very well why it failed. According to the western world, the sun is the stationary centre of the universe and the earth revolves on its own axis as well as around the sun. This is reflected in the strange choice of words used by the Quran with respect to this spreading process. These terms can mean he either evened out and extended it or he . This modest depth of penetration is much more in agreement with a spherical Earth that has impenetrable layers, than with a relatively thin disc-shaped Earth as suggested by the FEM. How dare we believe in thesame folks that staged the fake moon land and disbelieve in Allah. Based on your logic stars would be found in the troposphere which we know isnt accurate. If you need whole paragraphs to try to refute something written into the Quran quite plainly in a few words, then you are greatly deceived. It is a hallmark of its beauty that when it refers to scientific phenomena, it does so in a manner that does not fall foul of incorrect or primitive beliefs on the nature of Earth and the universe, while yet containing essential truths discernible in more scientifically enlightened, future ages. We just need to understand its secrets. But I dont think that the seven heavens mean layers of the atmosphere, because in verse 41: 13 it says that the lowest heaven is adorned with lamps: However, it is too complicated to discuss here. And the stars are subservient by His command. lying one above the other which is exactly the case. [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], In another verse it is stated, The sun and the moon have been set proportionately. [Surah 55, Verse 5], This refers to the speed of the moon and the sun, which is determined by Allah Taala. Thus, the process of seafloor spreading that creates these hydrothermal vents may be essential to the origin of life itself. Besides the above verses, there are numerous other verses of the Holy Qur'an that prove that the earth is stationary and the sun is in rotation. The Earths crust is also consumed in other places, to produce a continuous conveyer-belt effect of production and destruction. Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari stunned students at a university in the. As it happens, the majority of the features of the FEM contradict and discredit a large number of scientific theories and scientific knowledge that has been known and accepted for many centuries. Many people dont believe now because there are ants and birds talking to people in Quran, so doesnt that mean by your applied logic, Allah shouldnt have mentioned such stories either. It does not rotate on its axis nor does it rotate around the sun. OMG this is a parody of sort, Why didnt Allah mention earth is round because people will not understand that in that time? But how can we know for sure that the verse is talking particularly about seafloor spreading that occurs at the bottom of the ocean? Trying to bend the verses to fit the narrative of the modern science is literally pushing donw the scripture, Earth is flat and geocentric as we experience , NASA LIES SO DOES ALL GOVERMENTS. And yes, the Quran holds that the sun set in a spring of muddy water. He is the co-founder of Rational Religion. Note the following verse: "He merges Night into Day, and he merges Day into Night, and he has subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law): each one runs its course for a term appointed. These two forces combined account for the process of seafloor spreading: new crust pushes old crust away, and old crust pulls new crust along. An official website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Level up the land or Flat the land 45 And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. I know being apologetic and defending a book written by 700AD desert dwellers could be challenging so try again. Rather, the principles of our tradition dictate that we accept the heliocentric model of the universe that currently stands as the consensus position of those specializing in the study of celestial bodies. You would see everything outside the train window moving and it would feel to you that you are stationary. A Saudi Arabian cleric has claimed that the Earth does not orbit the sun and is in fact stationary, making the opposite true. Its strange why the blessed ones are actually the most negligent . He cannot explain that because the article is pathetic, contradictory, and twisting the Quranic verses to suit his science He has written for the Huffington Post, Patheos and the Guardian. By virtue of a worldwide treaty between all governments of the world, the ice wall is protected by soldiers to stop anyone from crossing it. As in other subjects . I bear witness that I do not associate any partners with Allah and I do not mock his book, neither do I measure or compare it with science in order for me to believe in it. If earth were flat, it would not have a diameter. This is not what the Quran says at all. Login with username, password and session length. There are other verses, besides those given at the beginning of this article, using which WikiIslam argues that the Quran presents a flat Earth. Friday, June 10, 2022posted by 6:53 AM . Thank you for your concern but were good. WikiIslam authors argue that because the Quran describes the sun as setting into the sea, it means the sun literally enters into the water. Great article! Do not lie. There are many verses of the Holy Quran that clearly show the rotation of the moon and the sun, which are given as under: Such a statement is a sure sign of the Prophet Muhammad's truth, peace be upon him. are you serious Quran written at least 1500 years after Babylonian Mythology. God ends the verse by referring to His concern to protect and provide for His creatures. Earth ( ) is mentioned in many verses of the Quran as the dwelling of humanity in the worldly life. Each one runs to a term stated. These are deep trenches in the ocean where the lithosphere of one tectonic plate slides or subducts under another plate, resulting in the recycling of the Earths crust. The Quran does not talk about talking ants. Allah plans every affair and explains clearly the signs so that you may believe the meeting with your Lord. [, And He made the sun and moon and stars subservient to His command. [, And He made the day and the night, the sun and the moon subservient to you. I was once like you brothers, but now I praise my Lord because he has awoken me to the falsehood of the Jesuit priests, secret worshippers of the sun, the son. The failure of this allegation reminds me of the following statement of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas: I have seen people who make objections against Islam and I have collected these objections; and I say this truly that the point on which those who are unfamiliar with these matters have raised an objection, is precisely the point where a treasure of wisdom, truth and deep knowledge is buried and the person who objects has nothing but foolishness and blindness. Picture yourself sitting on a train that is travelling at a high speed. The Light Verse - Abstract Painting - Spiritual art - The Holy Quran verse art - Divine Light meditative painting - Prayer and Celebration. The mountains that you see, you think they are stationary while they are constantly floating like the floating of clouds. By: A. Muhammad, 2001 - 2023 Copyright | All Rights Reserved - True Islam |. Thank you brother Felix. No rational reason is given as to what would anyone gain by hiding that the Earth is flat, if indeed it were. Great read there, taught me a thing or two! According to his model, which was accepted for around 14 centuries, the Earth was believed to be stationary and positioned at the centre of the universe while the Sun, Moon, planets and all stars revolved around the Earth. If they are lying (whoever) it is about the size of the earth. Interestingly however, he found that the land closest to the volcanoes, was younger. Given that Continental drift to human beings hundreds of years ago would be impossible to imagine, the first conclusion Muslim scientists should have drawn was that the Earth was spinning on its axis based on a literal reading of the Holy Quran. It describes the construction of a ostrich nest. Allah let us discover those on our own. are not physical objects that can be rolled like a ball, but only visual phenomena, the rolling can only be related to the physical object on which these phenomena occur, which is the Earth. If the Quran had described the earth as stationary and the heavenly bodies as revolving around it, then although the people of that time might have been satisfied with this description, the people of the later ages would have treated that statement as a proof of the ignorance of the Qurans author. 4 Will Surprise Is the Earth Really Flat According to the Quran? The idea of mountain peaks being beyond man's reach was an illusion, as was also their stationary aspect. 68 Followers. It is known that the earth orbits the sun, not the other way around. Zameen ko barabr karo We know that because the waters God created had to have been flat, just as they are today. My prayers are with you all! earth is stationary quran verse. Thus even the ancient philosophy, which advocated the movement of the sky, is false, as well as the modern philosophy which accepts that the earth moves on its own axis. But there are other verses that can. It is interesting to know that if you visit Dubai during the month of Ramadan, and you visit Burj Khalifa, which is the tallest building in the world; a height of 829 metres (2722 ft), you will find that when it is time to break fast during the month of fasting (Ramadan), which happens at sunset, people dining at the top restaurant break their fast 2 minutes later than the timing at ground level. Who knew? Clearly, the setting of underwater mountains on the Earth bears no relationship to the spreading of the Earth like a carpet, as Wiki-Islam would have us believe. 2 . It simply states that when the mountains are crushed and scattered, there will be no elevation or depression in the Earth. 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