hind ibn abi hala description of the prophet

He was always surrounded by his Companions. He had splendid kneecaps, elbow joints and shoulder blades, free from hair. 148 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 5JE. Obeyed, liked, neither verbose nor cryptic.. He always looked down. They helped those with needs and showed mercy to strangers. Hind bint Abi Umayya (Umm Salama): Mothers of the Faithful Updated on. His hair was neither delicate nor curly. He was balanced and consistent. 67. It is from habits and features that the heart is appeased. It is reported in some sources that he always carried with him a comb, mirror, miswak (a small natural toothbrush), tooth-pick, scissors and a kuhl bottle.88 The Prophet (saas) advised his companions to do the same, and said: He who has hair should honor it.89 Some other reports that have reached us of his hair and beard are: Sayyidina Rasulullah (saas) often rubbed oil in his head91, Jaabir bin Samurah (ra) was asked a question regarding the white hair of Rasulullah He replied: When Rasulullah (saas) oiled his hair, it (white hair) did not show. Nothing provocative angered him. He did not take small steps. We reviewed the proofs, the weight of the paper, the quality of the inks. Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) walked quickly and not like the Romeos of this age who walk like women. The wise respected him in accordance with their degree. Some say it means to lift the leg with force. The course covers the science of Shama'il, or the description of the Prophet based on the famous hadith by Hind ibn Abi Hala. was needed to do it, then he did not part his hair in the middle. However in this Hadith, Imam Tirmidi has translated this to mean wide eyes, as a narrator of this hadith has done, which according to the linguists is not correct. I saw Musa (Alaihis salaam), he had a thin body, like one from among the tribe of Shanuah. If he spoke, he struck with his right palm the inside of his left thumb. [2] Family [ edit] When he walked, he lifted his legs with vigor, leaned slightly forward and placed his feet softly on the ground. These are some of them: The Prophet (saas) was the greatest of the Arabs in oratory and beauty of speech. He walked at a quick pace and took rather a long step. We made some changes. His neck was slender and pure as silver, his shoulders, biceps and calves were large and thick, his wrists were long, his fingers also long, and his hands and fingers rather thick. Slightly curly. (Hazrath Anas) He never in his life struck anything with his hand except when he was fighting in the name of Allah. That is why he said, that there was no one left besides him who had seen Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). He was prepared for any eventuality. He walked in a dignified manner and walked easily. This entry was posted on April 16, 2009 at 4:37 pm and is filed under Prophet Muhammad. When he spoke his attendees would lower their heads as if birds had alighted upon them. He spoke with his full mouth (was not arrogant), and spoke concisely. Other narrators of this hadith include the grandsons of the Prophet (saw), al-Hasan (ra) who was seven years old when the Prophet (saw) passed away and his younger brother by two years al-Husain (ra). [ 8] The companions of the Prophet (saas) have passed on a great many detail about him, from the beauty of that blessed individuals external appearance, his radiance and disposition that left those who beheld him in awe, to his smile, and many other beautiful aspects that Allah had manifested in him. He used to say, Those who are present should convey things to those who are absent, and you should let me know about what is needed by people who cannot convey their needs to me. Munaawi wrote that every person is required to believe that with whatever physical qualities and attributes of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) is described, no other person can compare with it. Both sides, the shoulders and the upper portion of the chest had hair. He said: I am the greatest orator among the Arabs.116 When he beckoned, he beckoned with the whole of the palm of his hand, and when he was astonished, he turned it over, and when he spoke, he gestured with his hands, and placed his right palm over the base of his left thumb. CJIIS Tarikh Exam 1. This beautiful designhas historically been displayed in a prominent place in Muslim households throughout the world. He would say: If you see someone in need, fetch him to me. He would not accept praise except from those who were balanced and not excessive. Often people are nave about the vast historical, political and social stimuli that impact, Very rarely we hear positive stories of inter-religious affairs in the news nowadays. He would not speak unnecessarily. Habib Ali taught three classes on the portrait (shama'il) of the Prophet Muhammad as mentioned in the famous tradition of Hind ibn Abi Hala. He had protruding joints and shoulder-blades Between his shoulders was the seal of prophecy He had a finer chest than anyone else, was truer in utterance than anyone else, had the gentlest nature and the noblest lineage. The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam combined both outward and inward perfection. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 81, 110. His blessed hair had four plaits.87, The grooming of the Prophet (saas)s hair and beard. He would extol a blessing, however small, and he would not find fault with any aspect of it. Some Ulama in the translation of this sentence, have expressed other opinions. He was patient with a stranger who had coarse language. His speech was well set and free from the use of superfluous words, as if it were rosary of beads. Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was of a medium stature, but slightly taller. On that night he wore red clothing. In the famous description of Hind ibn Abi Hala, the Prophet's stepson from the Lady Khadija, "He was dignified and awe inspiring, radiant like the radiance of the moon on the night it is full"[14. Through his teachings and leadership as fourth caliph, Ali nourished Islam. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 224, 125. His feet were smooth, because of their cleanliness and smoothness the water did not remain there but flowed away quickly. Imam Ghazzalis Ihya Ulum-Id-Din (The Book of Religious Learnings, Volume I, p.138, 151. The Physical Appearance of The Prophet (Saw) Things you'll learn in this episode of Our Prophet:- Imam Hasan's narration on the Prophet's way of speaking- The perfect balance found in Prophet's . Expert solutions. His skin was extremely white, his beard was black, his mouth was pleasant, his eyebrows were long, and his shoulders were wide", "I never touched silk or any soft fabric equal to the softness of his palm, and I never smelled a scent more pleasing than his.". He had patience with the strangers when they were gruff in speech and requests, to a degree that his companions would fetch them to him. He only spoke about things for which he expected a reward from Allah. elbows and knees etc.) They would not expose one-another's errors, but would be equal, encouraging each-other in the fear of God. Ruqayyah bint MUHAMMAD 601-624. He said, "The Messenger was imposing and majestic. Hind bint Utba ( Arabic: ), was an Arab woman who lived in the late 6th and early 7th centuries CE; she was the wife of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, a powerful man of Mecca, in western Arabia. And he relieved the people of three: He would not degrade any among them or abuse them, he would not search after their honor or private matters, and he would not speak except in matters which he hoped to be rewarded for. He used to call the people, high or low towards Allah. His chest was broad. Description of the Prophet March 14, 2008 . He did not speak without cause. 4, p. 340, 126. He would say: 'If you see someone in need, fetch him to me.' Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Nomani, Maariful Hadith, (Meaning and Message of the Traditions), Darul Ishaat Publications, Karachi, Volume 4, p.335, 123. A Beauty Most Sublime: A Commentary on the Hadith of Hind ibn Abi Hala (LogOut/ Thick, sometimes touching ear lobes and sometimes reaching upto shoulders.- (Bara bin Azib) Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 115. Description of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) | Islamic History He exalted all blessings no matter how small and never belittled a single one. The Ulama say that Sayyidina (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) walked at the back because of his humbleness. Neither tall nor short, small but middle-sized. (Hazrath Anas) Fazlul Maulana, Al Hadis, Vol. Thats why IGI has made a version of the Hilya Sharif available in our bookstore. His noble habit was to look at something with a slight glance. Lekin jis maqsad ke liye wo aye uska haq unhone pura-pura ada kiya. facing upwards].When he talked, he held/struck his right thumb in his left palm. Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). When he retired to his house, he divided his time into three parts one part for Allah, one for his family and one for himself. Black and drooping. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 163, 139. Hind ibn Abi HALA : Family tree by Gileno BARBOZA (gilenob) - Geneanet He would never praise his food nor criticize it. We will find that within our homes, we have Gardens of Paradise. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Date of Birth of Prophet(S), Special Conditions upon Birth of Prophet(S), Importance of Mondays and more. Rasullullah (saas) therefore had a ring made, the whiteness of which is still before my eyes.109, The inscription engraved on the ring of Rasulullah (saas) was Muhammad Rasulullah, of which in the first line was engraved Muhammad, in the second line Rasul, and in the third line Allah.110, I did not see anyone more handsome than Rasulullah (saas). his Companions (ra)]. (LogOut/ Copyright 2023 Muslim Hands. When asked about it, the Prophet said, This mark between my shoulder blades is like the marks on the prophets before me 78, I saw the Seal of Prophethood of Rasullullah (saas) between his two shoulders, the size of which was like that of a pigeons egg.79. That is the final fate of those who have done their duty. He never responded to disparagement or evil words. The button loop of Rasulullah (saas) was open.102, I have never seen someone with long hair and red clothing more handsome than Rasullullah (saas). I desired and wanted him to describe them to me because I wanted something to hold on to. The scholars interpret this word in several ways. Despite has poor conditions and lack of proper food his body was stronger and more virile than those of better nourished persons. (Al-Mawahib) Anas bin Malik (ra) tells us the following: Rasulullah (saas) used to mingle with us and joke.124. When he walked, he lifted his legs with vigour, leaned, slightly forward and placed his feet softly on the ground. I saw Ebrahim (Alaihis salaam). He was big-boned and broad shouldered (Al-Katad), his body hair was well-placed, and he had a Masrubah, his hands and feet were thick (Shathn). He had not omitted anything. Ali ibn abi Talib described Muhammad (pbuh) as follows: He was not vulgar nor did he condone vulgarity, and he was not one to shout in the market place. Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Nomani, Maariful Hadith, (Meaning and Message of the Traditions), Darul Ishaat Publications, Karachi, Volume III, 1652/287, 98. It was the noble habit of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) are described. Khadija bint Khuwaylid - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core What Do I Do When the Month of Rabi al-Awwal Arrives? Books on Seerah (History of the Prophet peace be upon him) and ahaadeeth are replete with descriptions of his beautiful qualities. (LogOut/ You can hear the description in Arabic and English by playing the videos. Anas ibn Malik radi Allahu anhu was the servant of the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam for ten years, and his description is more . He treated his servants well. He would ennoble the noble of the people and charge them with their affairs. The Prophet (saas) attached great importance to cleanliness. Hind ibn Abi Hala (the son of Muhammad's wife Kadijah) described Muhammad (pbuh) as follows: "The Messenger of Allah was of consecutive sorrows, continuous thought, never finding rest, long in silence. Firstly, there is a ro`b (awe) for physical beauty, with this when other Kamaalat are added what more could then be said of the rob (awe). His forearm was long and palms were wide and fleshed. Thin and bright, symmetrical, openings in front teeth. (Hazrath Ibn Abbas) Imaam Tirmidhi has quoted in this chapter those ahaadith that have been narrated on the noble features of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). He would not be angry for his own sake or come to his own defence. When he walked it seemed as if he was descending to a lower place. Hind ibn Abi Hala, vdiq pas vitit 656. All rights reserved. The Messenger of Allah (saw) referred to them both lovingly as, the chiefs of the youth of Paradise. According to some a wide mouth means eloquence (fluency of language). She was legally married before August 610 to Utayba ibn Abi Lahab, but the marriage was never consummated. Wide. (Jabir bin Samra) Both sides, the shoulders and the upper portion of the chest had hair. White but wholesome. (Abu Tufail) Umm Kulthum bint MUHAMMAD 603-630. The Messenger of Allh (SAW) was neither very tall, such that he would be clearly noticed, nor was he short. Aug 1, 2007. He was neither rough nor coarse. (The age of Sayyidna Hasan (Radiallahu anhu) at the time of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam)s death was seven years. are also included. He was a cousin of Muhammad and Ali, and he was the first Martyr of the battle of Badr. He had often described the noble features of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) in detail. He stayed in Mecca ten years and at Medina for ten years and Allah the Mighty, the Majestic made him die when he was sixty. Prophetic description (Shama'il) 3. Before entering the city, the Prophet reached Qurayshs leader Abu Sufyan, who submitted to the Prophets requests to engage in no war, accept Islam, and allow this massive army to enter the city peacefully.

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