how to report a stolen gun in washington state

A. Mercy, Do Laws Restricting Access to Firearms by Domestic Violence Offenders Prevent Intimate Partner Homicide?. U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. . Montanaro, Domenico, Poll: Most Americans Want to See Congress Pass Gun Restrictions, NPR, September 10, 2019. Adams said in the press conference that police had recovered more than 6,000 guns in the city last. Cummings, P., D. C. Grossman, F. P. Rivara, and T. D. Koepsell, State Gun Safe Storage Laws and Child Mortality Due to Firearms,, Cummings, P., T. D. Koepsell, D. C. Grossman, J. Savarino, and R. S. Thompson, The Association Between the Purchase of a Handgun and Homicide or Suicide,. Older Adult Men,, Kaplan, M. S., B. H. McFarland, and N. Huguet, Characteristics of Adult Male and Female Firearm Suicide Decedents: Findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System,, Kapoor, Reena, Elissa Benedek, Richard J. Bonnie, Tanuja Gandhi, Liza Gold, Seth Judd, and Debra A. Pinals, APA Resource Document on Risk-Based Gun Removal Laws,, Kappelman, Jack, and Richard C. Fording, The Effect of State Gun Laws on Youth Suicide by Firearm: 19812017,, Kapusta, Nestor D., Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, Elmar Etzersdorfer, Martin Voracek, Kanita Dervic, Elisabeth Jandl-Jager, and Gernot Sonneck, Influence of Psychotherapist Density and Antidepressant Sales on Suicide Rates,, Kapusta, Nestor D., Martin Posch, Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, Melitta Fischer-Kern, Elmar Etzersdorfer, and Gernot Sonneck, Availability of Mental Health Service Providers and Suicide Rates in Austria: A Nationwide Study,, Kapusta, N. D., U. S. Tran, I. R. Rockett, D. DeLeo, C. P. Naylor, T. Niederkrotenthaler, M. Voracek, E. Etzersdorfer, and G. Sonneck, Declining Autopsy Rates and Suicide Misclassification: A Cross-National Analysis of 35 Countries,, Karras, Elizabeth, Cara M. Stokes, Sara C. Warfield, Shannon K. Barth, and Robert M. Bossarte, A Randomized Controlled Trial of Public Messaging to Promote Safe Firearm Storage Among U.S. Military Veterans,, Kasper, Rebecca E., Jonathan Green, Rachelle N. Damle, Jeremy Aidlen, Pradeep Nazarey, Mariann Manno, Esther Borer, and Michael P. Hirsh, And the Survey Said. The report shows that from 2017 to 2021, there were more than a million guns reported stolen, with nearly all, 96% stolen from private citizens. Updated: 2:04 PM EST March 3, 2023. A. Braga, Youth Violence in Boston: Gun Markets, Serious Youth Offenders, and a Use-Reduction Strategy,. Blissett has helped LMPD to recover more than 100 firearms so far this year, and said many guns are stolen from people who don't remember their weapons' serial numbers. Can supervised individuals possess firearms, ammunition, explosives, or body armor? United States case law defines actual possession as having physical custody or control of an object (United States v. Nenadich, 689 F.Supp. As of May 7, 2017: Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, Mass Shootings in the United States: 20092016, April 11, 2017b. 5/24-4.1 (within 72 hours); Mass. Introduced by Rep. Liz Berry (Seattle) (D) on January 11, 2021 Official Text and Analysis. Chapman, S., P. Alpers, K. Agho, and M. Jones, Australias 1996 Gun Law Reforms: Faster Falls in Firearm Deaths, Firearm Suicides, and a Decade Without Mass Shootings,, Chapman, Simon, Philip Alpers, and Michael Jones, Association Between Gun Law Reforms and Intentional Firearm Deaths in Australia, 19792013,, Chapman, S., M. Stewart, P. Alpers, and M. Jones, Fatal Firearm Incidents Before and After Australias 1996 National Firearms Agreement Banning Semiautomatic Rifles,, Chaudri, V., and J. Geanakoplos, A Note on the Economic Rationalization of Gun Control,, Chauhan, P., M. Cerda, S. F. Messner, M. Tracy, K. Tardiff, and S. Galea, Race/Ethnic-Specific Homicide Rates in New York City: Evaluating the Impact of Broken Windows Policing and Crack Cocaine Markets,, Cheng, Cheng, and Mark Hoekstra, Does Strengthening Self-Defense Law Deter Crime or Escalate Violence? By WCAX News Team. 380,000 firearms are stolen from gun owners. Incident Type: stolen Crime . Type the Captcha text. Concealed Carry Association, webpage, February 15, 2021. Kwon, Roy, and Joseph F. Cabrera, Income Inequality and Mass Shootings in the United States,, Kwon, Roy, and Joseph F. Cabrera, Social Integration and Mass Shootings in US Counties,, Kwon, Roy, and Joseph F. Cabrera, Socioeconomic Factors and Mass Shootings in the United States,, La Valle, James M., Rebuilding at Gunpoint: A City-Level Re-Estimation of the Brady Law and RTC Laws in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina,, La Valle, James M., Re-Estimating Gun-Policy Effects According to a National Science Academy Report: Were Previous Reports of Failure Premature?, La Valle, James M., Gun Control vs. Self-Protection: A Case Against the Ideological Divide,, La Valle, James M., and Thomas C. Glover, Revisiting Licensed Handgun Carrying: Personal Protection or Interpersonal Liability?, Lang, Matthew, The Impact of Mental Health Insurance Laws on State Suicide Rates,, Langford, Linda, Nancy Isaac, and Stacey Kabat, Homicides Related to Intimate Partner Violence in Massachusetts: Examining Case Ascertainment and Validity of the SHR,, Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Jennifer, Top 10 Greatest Hits: Important Findings and Future Directions for Intimate Partner Violence Research,. (d) The prohibited person's access to the firearm was obtained as a result of an unlawful entry, provided that the unauthorized access or theft of the firearm is reported to a local law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction in which the unauthorized access or theft occurred within five days of the time the victim of the unlawful entry knew or reasonably should have known that the firearm had been taken. Rhode Island had just four charges for its law. Summer. (1) A person is guilty of theft of a firearm if he or she commits a theft of any firearm. Connecticut filed 19 charges, but none resulted in a conviction. 380,00 firearms stolen every year. Mass Shootings, 19822017: Data from, Follman, Mark, Gavin Aronsen, and Deanna Pan, US Mass Shootings, 19822019: Data from, Follman, Mark, Gavin Aronsen, and Deanna Pan, US Mass Shootings, 19822020: Data from Mother Jones Investigation,, Follman, Mark, Gavin Aronsen, and Deanna Pan, US Mass Shootings, 19822022: Data from Mother Jones Investigation,, Fortunato, David, Can Easing Concealed Carry Deter Crime?, Fowler, Katherine A., Linda L. Dahlberg, Tadesse Haileyesus, Carmen Gutierrez, and Sarah Bacon, Childhood Firearm Injuries in the United States,, Fox, A. M., and K. J. Novak, Collaborating to Reduce Violence: The Impact of Focused Deterrence in Kansas City,, Fox, James Alan, Missing Data Problems in the SHR: Imputing Offender and Relationship Characteristics,, Fox, James Alan, and Monica J. DeLateur, Mass Shootings in America: Moving Beyond Newtown,, Fox, James A., and Emma E. Fridel, The Tenuous Connections Involving Mass Shootings, Mental Illness, and Gun Laws,, Fox, James Alan, and Jack Levin, Multiple Homicide: Patterns of Serial and Mass Murder,, Fox, James Alan, and Marc L. Swatt, Multiple Imputation of the Supplementary Homicide Reports, 19762005,, Franklin, Joseph C., Jessica D. Ribeiro, Kathryn R. Fox, Kate H. Bentley, Evan M. Kleiman, Xieyining Huang, Katherine M. Musacchio, Adam C. Jaroszweski, Bernard P. Chang, and Matthew K. Nock, Risk Factors for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis of 50 Years of Research,, Frattaroli, Shannon, Elise Omaki, Amy Molocznik, Adelyn Allchin, Renee Hopkins, Sandra Shanahan, and Anne Levinson, Extreme Risk Protection Orders in King County, Washington: The Epidemiology of Dangerous Behaviors and an Intervention Response,, Frattaroli, Shannon, April M. Zeoli, and Daniel W. Webster, Armed, Prohibited and Violent at Home: Implementation and Enforcement of Restrictions on Gun Possession by Domestic Violence Offenders in Four U.S. Localities,, Freed, L. H., D. W. Webster, J. J. Longwell, J. Carrese, and M. H. Wilson, Factors Preventing Gun Acquisition and Carrying Among Incarcerated Adolescent Males,, Freedman, David A., On the So-Called Huber Sandwich Estimator and Robust Standard Errors,, French, B., and P. J. Heagerty, Analysis of Longitudinal Data to Evaluate a Policy Change,, Fridel, Emma E., A Multivariate Comparison of Family, Felony, and Public Mass Murders in the United States,, Fridel, Emma E., Comparing the Impact of Household Gun Ownership and Concealed Carry Legislation on the Frequency of Mass Shootings and Firearms Homicide,, Fridel, Emma E., and James Alan Fox, Gender Differences in Patterns and Trends in U.S. Active shooter drills are normal for a generation of American schoolchildren, instilling at a young age the sad and unnecessary realization that a mass shooting can happen in any community, in any school, at any time. Evidence from a National Sample of Adolescents,, Webster, D., C. K. Crifasi, and J. S. Vernick, Effects of the Repeal of Missouris Handgun Purchaser Licensing Law on Homicides,, Webster, D. W., L. H. Freed, S. Frattaroli, and M. H. Wilson, How Delinquent Youths Acquire Guns: Initial Versus Most Recent Gun Acquisitions,, Webster, Daniel W., Alexander D. McCourt, Cassandra K. Crifasi, Marisa D. Booty, and Elizabeth A. Stuart, Evidence Concerning the Regulation of Firearms Design, Sale, and Carrying on Fatal Mass Shootings in the United States,, Webster, Daniel W., and Marc Starnes, Reexamining the Association Between Child Access Prevention Gun Laws and Unintentional Shooting Deaths of Children,, Webster, Daniel W., Jon S. Vernick, and Maria T. Bulzacchelli, Effects of State-Level Firearm Seller Accountability Policies on Firearm Trafficking,, Webster, Daniel W., Jon S. Vernick, and Lisa M. Hepburn, Relationship Between Licensing, Registration, and Other Gun Sales Laws and the Source State of Crime Guns,, Webster, Daniel W., Jon S. Vernick, and Lisa M. Hepburn, Effects of Maryland's Law Banning Saturday Night Special Handguns on Homicides,. Roberts, Darryl W., Intimate Partner Homicide: Relationships to Alcohol and Firearms,, Roberts, John M., Jr., Aki Roberts, and Tim Wadsworth, Multiple Imputation for Missing Values in Homicide Incident Data: An Evaluation Using Unique Test Data,, Robinson, Jo, Lay San Too, Jane Pirkis, and Matthew J. Spittal, Spatial Suicide Clusters in Australia Between 2010 and 2012: A Comparison of Cluster and Non-Cluster Among Young People and Adults,, Robinson, Lucas, Watch Now: Gun Buyback Was Virtue Signaling, GOP Dane County Sheriff Candidate Says,, Rockett, Ian R. H., Eric D. Caine, Steven Stack, Hilary S. Connery, Kurt B. Nolte, Christa L. Lilly, Ted R. Miller, Lewis S. Nelson, Sandra L. Putnam, Paul S. Nestadt, and Haomiao Jia, Method Overtness, Forensic Autopsy, and the Evidentiary Suicide Note: A Multilevel National Violent Death Reporting System Analysis,, Rockett, Ian R. H., Nestor D. Kapusta, and Jeffrey H. Coben, Beyond Suicide: Action Needed to Improve Self-Injury Mortality Accounting,, Rodway, Cathryn, Sandra Flynn, David While, Mohammed S. Rahman, Navneet Kapur, Louis Appleby, and Jenny Shaw, Patients with Mental Illness as Victims of Homicide: A National Consecutive Case Series,, Roeder, Oliver, The Phrase Mass Shooting Belongs to the 21st Century,, Rogers, William H., Regression Standard Errors in Clustered Samples,, Roman, C. G., N. W. Link, J. M. Hyatt, A. Bhati, and M. Forney, Assessing the Gang-Level and Community-Level Effects of the Philadelphia Focused Deterrence Strategy,, Roman, John, Do Stand Your Ground Laws Worsen Racial Disparities?, Romero, Michael P., Garen J. Wintemute, and Jon S. Vernick, Characteristics of a Gun Exchange Program, and an Assessment of Potential Benefits,, Roncek, D. W., and P. A. Maier, Bars, Blocks, and Crimes Revisited: Linking the Theory of Routine Activities to the Empiricism of Hot Spots,. The crime leaves us with the question what happens to stolen gun What Happens to Stolen Guns Once They Are Recovered? - KNWA FOX24 A., D. M. Hureau, and A. V. Papachristos, An Ex Post Facto Evaluation Framework for Place-Based Police Interventions,, Braga, A. Everett, Sherry A., James H. Price, Archie W. Bedell, and Susan K. Telljohann, Family Practice Physicians Firearm Safety Counseling Beliefs and Behaviors,. A., D. Hureau, and L. Grossman, Braga, A. Someone who "loses" firearms three times and fails to report them is either really unlucky and/or none too bright, or a trafficker. Report Something The Washington State Patrol is committed to keeping the public safe but we need your help. Email or fax your 3310.11 (Theft/Loss) or 3310.6 (Interstate): Email: Fax via Avaya Email: (304) 260-3676 Regular Fax: (304) 260-3671 Reporting for Non-FFLs Public Law 116-94, Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, December 23, 2019. Your tax-deductible donation will directly support nonprofit journalism on gun violence and its effects on our communities. One of them was used to kill Kareem, but others were still out there to be used in shootings throughout the Lehigh Valley. 1. Stat. If they dont get reported, we dont get to act on it and in a timely fashion, said Frank Occhipinti, deputy chief of the firearms operations division for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Replace your driver license while out of state According to one analysis, more than two hundred eight thousand students attending at least two hundred twelve schools have experienced a shooting on campus since the Columbine mass shooting in 1999. A Bias Analysis of Unmeasured Confounding in the Firearm-Suicide Literature,, Miller, M., M. Warren, D. Hemenway, and D. Azrael, Firearms and Suicide in U.S. Cities,, Miller, Matthew, Yifan Zhang, Lea Prince, Sonja A. Swanson, Garen J. Wintemute, Erin E. Holsinger, and David M. Studdert, Suicide Deaths Among Women in California Living with Handgun Owners vs Those Living with Other Adults in Handgun-Free Homes, 20042016,, Miller, Matthew, W. Zhang, Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, and Deborah Azrael, Child Access Prevention Laws and Firearm Storage: Results from a National Survey,, Miller, Matthew, Wilson Zhang, Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, and Deborah Azrael, Child Access Prevention Laws and Firearm Storage: Results from a National Survey,, Miller, Megan, and John Pepper, Assessing the Effect of Firearms Regulations Using Partial Identification Methods: A Case Study of the Impact of Stand Your Ground Laws on Violent Crime,, Mills, Emily, 'Take Dangerous Firearms Off the Streets: Summit County Planning Gun Buyback Event,, Milne, John S., Stephen W. Hargarten, Arthur L. Kellermann, and Garen J. Wintemute, Effect of Current Federal Regulations on Handgun Safety Features,. The Trace found that even states with reporting requirements rarely enforce them. Be sure to submit the original form(s) to ATF and retain copies for your records. RCW 9A.56.300: Theft of a firearm. - Washington Do You Have to Report a Lost or Stolen Gun? Many Times - 19FortyFive The thousands of firearms still in the sheriffs possession were transferred to a trust and will likely be sold at auction. Ward, Emma E. McGinty, Colleen L. Barry, and Daniel W. Webster, Public Opinion on Laws Regulating Public Gun Carrying,. Federal law requires licensed firearm dealers to report lost or stolen guns to local authorities or the U.S. Attorney General within 48 hours (18 U.S.C. As of December 7, 2021: National Research Council, Fairness and Effectiveness in Policing: The Evidence, Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2004a. However, if your firearm is stolen before you have the opportunity to write this information down, there is still hope. As of October 20, 2019: National Conference of State Legislatures, Fiscal Affairs Program. A. Leitzel, Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy: An Economic Analysis of the Attack on Gun Control,, Cook, Philip J., and Jens Ludwig, Defensive Gun Uses: New Evidence from a National Survey,. You will be able to report your incident without waiting and be able to print a copy of the approved report. A pile of firearms recovered from a South Carolina man's home in Chesterfield, in 2015. N.Y. 1988]). Report Firearms Theft or Loss | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Public Law 112-74, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012, December 23, 2011. Stander, V. A., S. M. Hilton, A. P. Doran, A. D. Werbel, and C. J. Thomsen. As of October 14, 2019: National Shooting Sports Foundation, "Gun Storage for Your Lifestyle," fact sheet, undated-a. Cook, Philip J., and Harold A. Pollack, Reducing Access to Guns by Violent Offenders,. Confiscated firearms, ammunition, and body armor that are not turned over to a local, state, or federal law enforcement agency as evidence for a new prosecution will be disposed of per DOC Policy 420.395 (pdf). Changing that would save lives. Criminal Justice Information Services Division, National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Section: Active Records in the NICS Indices as of December 31, 2021, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, December 31, 2021. The Ohio Attorney General's Office (AGO), LEADS and the reporting agencies strongly recommend that no citizen take any individual action . Lott, John R., Jr., and William Landes, Multiple Victim Public Shootings, 2000 (unpublished). As of May 13, 2019: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Table 1: Crime in the United States, by Volume and Rate per 100,000 Inhabitants, 19982017, webpage, Crime in the United States 2017, 2018d. If the firearms are unaccounted for during inventory, you should make it clear to the authorities that there is no evidence of a crime and that the disposition of these firearms is unknown and may stem from a record keeping error. Corrections is thankful to the Tribes for caring for these lands since time immemorial and honors its ongoing connection to these communities past, present and future. For this reason, we are providing a reference guide for how to report a stolen gun. The number is likely much larger because only 15 states have laws requiring gun owners to report a theft. Lost or stolen reporting is a reform designed to crack down on the major sources of gun crimes: loss, theft, and straw purchasers people who buy guns and then sell them to people who can't legally buy guns themselves. Criminal Justice Information Services Division, National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Section Active Records in the NICS Indices, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, December 31, 2016. Federal Law You must also provide the name of the dealer, time frame of purchase, firearm information and all the purchaser information including any identifiers. As of June 19, 2020: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Expanded Homicide, webpage, Crime in the United States 2018, 2019f. [5], What Science Tells Us About the Effects of Gun Policies, In Search of Common Ground: Expert Judgments on Gun Policy Effects, New Approaches to Understanding the Effects of Gun Policies, Additions and Updates to the Gun Policy in America Initiative, Prohibitions Associated with Domestic Violence, Prohibitions Associated with Mental Illness, Surrender of Firearms by Prohibited Possessors, Bans on the Sale of Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Magazines, Firearm Sales Reporting, Recording, and Registration Requirements, Lost or Stolen Firearm Reporting Requirements, Laws Allowing Armed Staff in K-12 Schools, Explore all gun policies and outcomes from our research review, Firearm Injury Hospitalizations in America, Firearm Law Effects and Mortality Explorer, Inpatient Hospitalizations for Firearm Injury, State-Level Estimates of Household Firearm Ownership, The Effects of the 1996 National Firearms Agreement in Australia on Suicide, Homicide, and Mass Shootings, The Relationship Between Firearm Availability and Suicide, The Relationship Between Firearm Prevalence and Violent Crime, Education Campaigns and Clinical Interventions for Promoting Safe Storage, Gun Buyback Programs in the United States. A. Braga, B. S. Turchan, and L. M. Barao, Why Do Gun Murders Have a Higher Clearance Rate Than Gunshot Assaults?, Cook, P. J., and J. As of March 23, 2017: The Violence Project, Mass Shooter Database, web tool, undated. South Carolina is not one of them. (b) Is guilty of community endangerment due to unsafe storage of a firearm in the second degree if a prohibited person obtains access and possession of the firearm and: (ii) Carries, exhibits, or displays the firearm in a public place in a manner that either manifests an intent to intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons; or. As of July 6, 2019: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Underlying Cause of Death, 19992020, WONDER data system, undated-b. The View Stolen Gun page will have a "Send A Tip" button that will allow for an e-mail to be sent to the reporting agency if you have information regarding the stolen gun. To use this online reporting system, each of the following statements must be true: His Victims Families Are Now Pushing for a Safe-Storage Law. Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice. Contacting the local law enforcement authorities is essential to the quick recovery of firearms taken in a crime. Criminals, Victims, and the Culture of Violence,, Glatt, K. M., Helpline: Suicide Prevention at a Suicide Site,, Gold, Sharon L., Why Are Victims of Domestic Violence Still Dying at the Hands of Their Abusers? A., B. Turchan, and L. Barao, The Influence of Investigative Resources on Homicide Clearances,, Braga, Anthony A., and David L. Weisburd, The Effects of Focused Deterrence Strategies on Crime: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Evidence,, Braga, A. Nicholson spent 14 months in jail before pleading guilty to possession of a stolen pistol and three counts of receiving stolen goods. As of September 12, 2022: Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence, Maryland Safe Storage Map, webpage, undated. Cohen, Amy P., Deborah Azrael, and Matthew Miller, Rate of Mass Shootings Has Tripled Since 2011, Harvard Research Shows,. As of August 31, 2022: Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, Mass Shootings in the United States: 20092020, webpage, June 4, 2021. Raifman, Julia, Elysia Larson, Colleen L. Barry, Michael Siegel, Michael Ulrich, Anita Knopov, and Sandro Galea, State Handgun Purchase Age Minimums in the US and Adolescent Suicide Rates: Regression Discontinuity and Difference-in-Differences Analyses,, Raissian, Kerri M., Hold Your Fire: Did the 1996 Federal Gun Control Act Expansion Reduce Domestic Homicides?, Rajkumar, A. P., E. M. Brinda, A. S. Duba, P. Thangadurai, and K. S. Jacob, National Suicide Rates and Mental Health System Indicators: An Ecological Study of 191 Countries,. Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions, Johnson, R. M., C. Barber, D. Azrael, D. E. Clark, and D. Hemenway, Who Are the Owners of Firearms Used in Adolescent Suicides?, Johnson, Renee M., Tamera Coyne-Beasley, and Carol W. Runyan, Firearm Ownership and Storage Practices, U.S. If the underlying conviction is a Class A felony . As of August 31, 2022: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Expanded Homicide Data Table 15: Justifiable Homicide, by Weapon, Private Citizen, 20152019, webpage, Crime in the United States 2019, 2020c. This makes sense, as studies show that eighteen to twenty year olds commit a disproportionate number of firearm homicides in the United States and research indicates that the brain does not fully mature until a later age. Black and Brown Pennsylvanians are 25 times more likely to be killed in a gun homicide. It is always good to follow up periodically to check the status in either case. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with the Indigenous populations and communities, and strive to work with our Tribal partners to improve the lives of Indigenous People and non-Indigenous neighbors throughout the state. As of August 18, 2022: Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and the National Urban League. That may not seem like much, but when youre the gun owner, its more than you would like. A. Braga, Gun Shows and Gun Violence: Fatally Flawed Study Yields Misleading Results,, Wintemute, G. J., C. A. Parham, J. J. Beaumont, M. Wright, and C. Drake, Mortality Among Recent Purchasers of Handguns,, Wintemute, Garen J., Carrie A. Parham, Mona A. Wright, James J. Beaumont, and Christiana M. Drake, Weapons of Choice: Previous Criminal History, Later Criminal Activity, and Firearm Preference Among Legally Authorized Young Adult Purchasers of Handguns,, Wintemute, Garen J., Veronica A. Pear, Julia P. Schleimer, Rocco Pallin, Sydney Sohl, Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, and Elizabeth A. Tomsich, Extreme Risk Protection Orders Intended to Prevent Mass Shootings: A Case Series,.

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