political organisation of the acholi

from sexual conduct, over blackmailing and stealing, to killing someone (Vincent, 2012, pp. The Acholi or Acoli are part of Luo-speaking Nilotic people of East Africa who lives predominantly in Northern Uganda (an area commonly referred to as Acholiland), including the districts of Agago, Amuru, Gulu, Kitgum, Nwoya, Lamwo, and Pader; and Magwe County in South Sudan. of the nineteenth century, both among Acholi chiefdoms and with [10] Peace talks beginning in 2005 promised some relief to these people, and some camps were closed in 2007 as security in the north improved. Uma, F. K. (1971). The Acholi are proud and loud, but have been exposed as a group without a uniting leadership. However, to what degree this emergence was accompanied with the creation of a common Crazzolara, J. P. (1950-1954). Political Organization. Kitgum, Pader and Gulu, the three districts of the Acholi sub-region, each established peace forums for continuing discussions. Organizations that are driven by unhealthy levels of political behavior suffer from lowered employee organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and performance as well as higher levels of job anxiety and depression. Led by Alice Auma, who claimed to The majority of elected members of parliament in the Acholi sub-region are members of the opposition.[14]. Once chiefdoms were established, Acholi religious beliefs focused on three types of spirits (jogi; sing. (1936). Statt Afrika im Kampf gegen Hunger zu helfen, beuten Industriestaaten second Milton Obote regimes, however, as well as of the various rebel Childlessness is one of the most serious misfortunes imaginable; women are typically blamed, and the marriage often ends or the husband takes a second wife. In 2009, Acholi was one of the six Ugandan languages identified as having more than one Crazzolara, J. P. (1938). (1970) 'State formation and fragmentation in Agago, Eastern Acholi', This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 19:17. Acholi have played a pivotal role in the turbulent post-independence era. social organization of acholi - Brainly.com Acholi: Talking Politics in Northern Uganda Many Ugandans follow politics with keen interest, and President Yoweri Musevei's 34-year tenure notwithstanding, politics is a frequent topic of in-depth conversation and spirited debate among friends and acquaintances, and my conversations with my mentor are no exception. This cookie is set by Youtube. Uganda, leading raids all over the region. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. members of royal lineages, and lineage heads all seem to have been [18] It is important because it is intended to restore communities to balance, and to bring people back into relation in their home communities, where ideally they would return at the end of the war. Certain rwodi and interpreters began to accumulate some of the new wealth brought into Acholi by international trade, and descendants of some of these men used their inherited wealth to build up prominent twentieth-century families. Whitmire (2013) on the other hand argued that a This article was most recently revised and updated by, Minority Rights Group International - World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - Acholi. In contrast, the Acholi and other northern ethnic groups supplied much of the national manual labour and came to comprise a majority of the military, creating what some have called a "military ethnocracy". [25], Some of the groups in Acholi, like the UPDA, detested the Museveni regime because it had overthrown the government in which they served. Customs may reinforce social justifications for inequitable land rights for men and women. Though some sense of a community and identity has persisted among residents, the area is characterized by substandard housing, poor environmental health and limited livelihood opportunities. Updates? aimed at achieving clearly-defined political goals, which typically benefit the interests of their members. Over the second half of the nineteenth century, Acholi was incorporated into international trade networks through the activities of northern, Arabic-speaking ivory and slave traders. "Kony's Message: A New Koine?". (Ugandan Parliamentary Committee on Defence and Internal Affairs 1997. with chiefdoms providing a layer of organization above the lineages from Lineage heads, assisted by lineage elders, organized both production (based on cooperative village-lineage labor) and reproduction (through the control of the material means and ideological rules of marriage). Administrative divisions within Acholi, however, both during colonial The presumed nominal forebears of the present-day Acholi group migrated South to Northern Uganda from the area now known as Bahr el Ghazal in South Sudan by about 1,000 AD. Our interactive map highlights countries most at risk of genocide and mass killing. The Taxpayer First Act, Pub. Odongo, J. M. Onyango-ku-, and J. This period of increased contact with non-Acholi accelerated the The personal and group loss resulting from death is acknowledged as real and permanent. In . The 1980 population of the Uganda Acholi was approximately 580,000 (Kasozi 1994, ii), up from some 465,000 in 1969 (Langlands 1971), perhaps 125,000 in 1900 and about 100,000 at the end of the eighteenth century (Atkinson 1994, 275-281). Colonial rule brought the penetration of a money economy into Acholi, along with the establishment of numerous rural and small-town trading centers and the two major urban centers of Gulu and Kitgum, where a range of local and imported goods are available. Politics has been around for millennia. Encyclopedia.com. (unpublished thesis) Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International . Political Organization. Identification. All members of the household acknowledge the authority of its head, the husband; each wife or other adult female in the household has traditionally had her own fields, granaries, and kitchen or cooking hut. Similarly, General Okello Lutwa who toppled the Obote II regime, was an Acholi. During the colonial period, political leadership in Acholi was contested among those with traditional leadership qualifications and others who benefited from the new dispensation, including collaborators with the British and those who managed to obtain Western education. Atkinson, Ronald R. (1989). occur, however, it was usually limited in scope, with relatively few The Shona-speaking peoples comprise about 80 percent of the population of Zimbabwe,, Swazi ETHNONYMS: Afipa, Wafipa became more frequent, more deadly, and more widely spread. Pyerino Okoya and Lt. Gen Bazilio Olara-Okello. Men have also traditionally played a significant role in agriculture, especially for such time-limited, labor-intensive tasks as clearing, planting, and harvesting (often as part of lineage-based cooperative labor teams). Women also provide major labor in the fields, as well as being responsible for most child rearing and all cooking and other food-preparation tasks. Vincent (2012). Twentieth-century densities have been consistently the second lowest in all of Uganda (after Karamoja). Customary leadership of the Acholi was severely affected by the long conflict in Northern Uganda, when many Acholi people lived in IDP camps for as long as 20 years. Spirits of both of these types were generally beneficent. prefix a- denoting the 1st Person Singular (Whitmire, 2013, p. 51). Mothers are responsible for the initial care of their children and for much of their socialization. The old staples of eleusine (finger) millet, sorghum, sesame, and various peas, beans, and leafy green vegetables continue to be grown, along with twentieth-century crops such as cassava, maize, peanuts (groundnuts), fruits, and cotton. They were also against the power consolidation approach of the NRA, which included mass arrest, torturing, killing, cattle raiding, food crop destruction, and looting and burning of villages. When the camps were disbanded and people began to return to their land, customary rules for land tenure did not necessarily have the answers to some of the problems faced by Acholi people: men had lost their fathers from whom they would be granted land; children did not know where their clan land was; women were married to men without following the customary rules for marriage because of a lack of resources; and women were widowed and left with few options for survival. Acholi conceive of death as an inevitable, personal defeat and tragedy, against which there is no ultimate defense. The political ramifications for Uganda, however, were severe. The socio-political and economic organization of the Maasai during the Finally a common social order and political culture developed, and new society and The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. [9], In the 2000s, James Ojent Latigo described some of Uganda's social problems as based on the way the political elites have used ethnicities to divide the country. Uganda Now: Between Decay and Development. The Acholi of Uganda. The combination of the two events, have put pressure on the LRA to lay down its arms. PDF University of Bradford eThesis During the later nineteenth century, the emergent Acholi became involved in the international trade in ivory and slaves, which were exchanged mainly for cattle, beads, blankets, cotton cloth, and firearms. This paper is a case study analysis of the sociological phenomena of forgiveness occurring in an ongoing two-decade war in northern Uganda. Acholi have played a pivotal role in the turbulent post-independence era. The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) under the leadership of Joseph Kony has waged a war against Yoweri Museveni's government. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Numbering between 400 and 500 by the turn of the twentieth century, these exogamous groups claim descent from a common ancestor (although means exist to incorporate many types of "outsiders" as well) and have special lineage shrines, ritual ceremonies, praise-calls, and totems. This included both agricultural and hunting land. L. No. Location. In most chiefdoms, only members of designated lineages could make or repair royal drums. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press. Notable among the Acholi soldiers who made the ranks were Gen. Tito Okello-Lutwa, Brig. connected and intertwined chiefdoms. Vincent (2012), a Gulu-based passed through Sudan to the northern Uganda. The activities of the LRA have been devastating within Acholiland (though they spread also to neighbouring districts and countries). Identification and Location. The Acholi have a modified Iroquois kinship-terminology system, reflecting Acholi's patrilineal and patrilocal ideology. PDF "Acholi Youth Are Lost": Young, Christian and (A)political in Uganda Encyclopedia of World Cultures. came a new hierarchy of chiefs, clerks, and policemen, all under the )[9], "Since independence in 1962, Uganda has been plagued by ethnically driven, politically manipulated violence referred to by some as a history of 'cycles of revenge and mistrust'. ." neighboring chiefdoms within the same zone. The essential lawlessness of the Idi Amin and Apart from hundreds of thousands of deaths and tens of thousands being abducted, The Canadian government, for instance, will be more inclined to fund an organisation whose mandate is continental Africa rather than an association with a very narrow focus on Acholi problems. In response, Musevenis government forced 1.4 to 1.9 million civilians into camps where they ostensibly were to be protected by the Ugandan army. collective identity evolved, and a common language (Luo) spread. (Atkinson, 2011 This cookies is set by Youtube and is used to track the views of embedded videos. Recognized compensation and reconciliation procedures seem to have often limited or prevented serious conflict, especially among neighboring chiefdoms within the same zone. The republican constitution adopted in 1967 abolished the monarchies and assigned ultimate political power to an elected president. Since independence, formal schooling has provided a strong socializing influence from outside the home for more and more Acholi, especially those attending secondary school. [1994], p. 80). They are speakers of Western Nilotic languages and are traditionally farmers. A company limited by guarantee in the UK no. [23] This resulted in resistance building up in the region and soon a host of rebel groups sprang up in the north. When conflict did Colonial chiefs in a stateless society: a case-study from Northern with the Gulu district being by far the most populated one (Uganda, 2016). . An Exploration of Linguistic Practices and Language Attitudes in Gulu, Northern Uganda. Due to a changing economy, after the 1950s, fewer Acholi was recruited to the armed forces but continued to be associated with them in popular mythology and stereotypes. Pottery and basket making were widespread and relatively nonspecialized arts, carried out by both men and women. 3 vols. Uganda Journal 7(1): 27-43. 2008. Milton Obote, the independence leader, relied heavily on the support of his fellow Luo-speakers Acholi and Langi in government. of as dialects of Acholi. (February 23, 2023). Since the entrenchment of colonial rule, an average of 10 to 20 percent of adult Acholi males at any one time have been involved in migrant labor or employment in the police or army that has taken them from their home and families. "Land Tenure in Acholi." As some of these languages show some form Dholuo, which is spoken in in the West of Kenya. Wright, A. C. A. ETHNONYMS: Ebantfu ba kwa Ngwane (the people of Ngwane), emaSwati, emaSwazi, Swati subcounty level; and larger zones of the most intensive (and peaceful) find its conclusion until the 19th century. Abstract The aim of this thesis will be to decipher why Acholi ethnic identity remained such a critical political tool in late and post-colonial Uganda, from 1950-1985, just before the outbreak of civil war in 1986. T(h)uri Kumam The insurgency's military. It refers to people known locally as Luo Gang. Political organisation - Wikipedia At the height of the insurgency, some 1.8 million people were living in camps in the north, and due to a combination of LRA activities and the Ugandan armys counter-offensives virtually the entire population of Acholiland was displaced. Dwyer, John Orr (1972) 'The Acholi of Uganda: adjustment to imperialism'. It is part of the Southern Lwoo languages [23][24], The attempt to pacify the Northern Uganda was carried out recklessly with much brutality and unprofessionalism from the NRA soldiers and government. These figures represent population densities of 20.4 persons per square kilometer in 1980, 16.5 per square kilometer in 1969, and about one-fourth and one-fifth the 1969 densities during the earlier two periods. The cookie is used by cdn services like CloudFare to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. B. Webster, eds. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form. 2 I Abstract The aim of this thesis will be to decipher why Acholi ethnic identity remained such a critical political tool in late and post-colonial Uganda, from 1950-1985, just b As they have for centuries, Acholi farmers rely mainly on iron hoes and other hand tools. centralised kingdom but instead organised themselves as a collection of smaller chiefdoms. In precolonial Acholi, lineage heads and elders were most responsible Acholi chiefdoms ranged in population from under 1,000 to as many as 20,000 people and consisted of a number of fenced villages, each with recognized land rights vested in the patrilineal lineage (kaka ) at its core. Common synonyms for this type of organization are "interest groups," "pressure groups," and .

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