punisher family death scene daredevil

more people are shot. Bendix said she was with a friend, so Castle asked if she really trusted that friend. Once he learned that they had robbed an underground card game run by the Gnucci Crime Family at Linello's and were killing Chavez for accidentally revealing his identity during the heist, Castle bludgeoned his hammer down to Lance's head and threw his corpse into the mixer. Having smashed Russo's face in the mirror a final time, the Punisher had left his bleeding body behind and instead went to care for Carl and Hayley, cutting them down and setting them free. ""Ready for bear. Micro got Castle to promise to help her in exchange for the information on a weapons cache. As Daredevil slowly began to wake up, having been tied to a nearby chimney with chains that ensured he was unable to move or escape from his situation, Castle watched close by. In that state? Punisher Prison Fight Scene | Daredevil (2x9) [HD] - YouTube In response, Frank, himself a former decorated Marine, committed himself to a one-man war against all crime in New York City but in particular, the three gangs involved in that fateful shootout: the Irish, the bikers, and the cartel. Castle and Bendix began their plan. As Leo had noted that she did not know what to call him, Castle reintroduced himself, with Leo noting that he was scarier than Pete had been, which Castle had acknowledged was true. You're Frank Castle, right? Paying a visit at Graniteville Diner, Castle went inside the diner and ordered his food once he sat down. Daredevil and The Punisher: A History | Fandom From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. He then vows to spend the rest of his life enacting vengeance on criminals as The Punisher. Punisher Prison Fight Scene | Daredevil (2x9) [HD Color Regraded]Property of Marvel and Netflix. [11], Castle imagined a Thanksgiving dinner with both the Castle and Lieberman families but they were surrounded by masked soldiers from the Cerberus Squad. I would never give you up.Frank Castle and Curtis Hoyle. [18], Why do you have a Homeland Security Chopper on call like it's an Uber? [28], Having used a bug in Morty Bennett's phone, Micro tracked him down to the CIA Safe House. I'm sorry you didn't.Frank Castle to Billy Russo. Castle likes pancakes, Lombardi's sausage, and mushroom pizza. Bendix posed as a waitress and she showed the photographs to Nikolai Poloznev. Opposite the memorial was a grouping of posters and paraphernalia proclaiming disdain for Castle and relief at his death.[27]. Although Russo's speed proved superior for a while as he smashed the Punisher's face into the steel poles and kicked him to the ground, the Punisher managed to use his brute force to gain an advantage as he countered Russo's punch before lifting him straight up into the air and slamming him onto the ground. Charlie Cox and Jon Bernthal definitely brought their A game to this scene; one of the highlights of season 2 were the scenes with them together. Castle and Micro watched as the Anvil agents stabbed the cans of petrol that they strapped onto Sarah and Zach's backs, threatening to burn them with flares if anything went wrong. Russo figured that Castle was listening and scolded Castle for being a monster. He then discovered Schoonover's secret stash of military-grade weapons and a bulletproof vest. Frank whatever I've done, I'm sBilly Russo to Punisher. Castle then noted that if he was ever back in Michigan, he would give Beth a call, before they exchanged a hug and Castle gently taped on their truck's window to say a goodbye to Rex, stepping towards the motel. Castle soon got a call from Pilgrim, who said that he would deliver Bendix if Castle got David Schultz. [7], Why you protecting that piece of shit? I'm guilty!Frank Castle. Knowing that he was serious, Barrett explained that Konchevsky worked from Kazan's Gym, noting they were not good people, but the Gym would be a good target. 10 Most Powerful Characters Punisher Killed In Comics, Ranked - ScreenRant The Blacksmith. During the torture, Gunner Henderson questioned Orange over what Zubair was saying, as Orange insisted that it was nothing important and demanded that Henderson not question his intelligence. Rawlins stopped the torture after two hours of beating Castle, taking a break while Russo convinced Castle to enter the codes into Micro's computer. Although he flatlined, he came back to life without any medical aid. Although they were then ordered to go into Kandahar and capture the target, Castle warned against it, believing this was a trap for Cerberus Squad, with Russo agreeing. Since those two other men assumed they heard gay sex in their stall, they walked out before the Punisher left O'Hare's corpse, zipping his hoody to hide the vest. Bendix had knocked on the door, as Clive looked through a peephole in the door and had immediately refused to allow Castle in. He then showed how easily she could have died by shooting the gun at the wall. As promised, Castle took Beth and Rex to Donatello's for pancakes, where Castle had asked Beth about how often she worked at Lola's Roadhouse, as she explained that she did the weekends, and during the rest of the week she taught piano and guitar, while Castle listened with interest. You'll remember, Bill!Punisher to Billy Russo. But as the interview went on, Schoonover revealed under her questioning that he was the season's *real* main antagonist, the Blacksmith, who had been setting up Castle to take the fall for his crimes the whole time. [13] Castle had then gone overseas and had come back to meet his second child and his son, Frank Castle, Jr. for the first time, finding he was already walking and, upon seeing his father for the first time, the young Frank, Jr. had screamed at seeing him. After being ridiculed of looking like a hipster, Castle looked at his newspaper about the murder of five people and a suicide from Linello's, being reported by Karen Page from the New York Bulletin. The first time I got scared was on a plane on the way home. He then quickly realized it was Bendix, trying to practice her gun removing skills. [8], I counted on it, now I can ask you face to face, who was there that day? The Punisher: Created by Steve Lightfoot. The Punisher: 10 Times Frank Castle Killed Someone Who Didn't - CBR [6], Hey, you did good, kid. [9] As they completed one of their trainings together, Castle and Russo both underwent the gauntlet, in which they would walk through all their fellow marines while getting beaten down to prove their endurance as well as their physical strength, as Castle had given Russo a mocking prep talk before he went through the gauntlet first, making it to the end. Bendix hesitated, but exhaled and pulled the trigger. Castle threw Grotto on the ground before them and explained how he had found him trying to steal a car to escape. I can't let you just walk away, Frank. ""You think he deserved it? However, Bendix gave him the wrong apartment number, so Castle walked in to an empty room. Suddenly, Bendix came out of nowhere, grabbing O'Rourke. As they stood outside the building, Castle then suggested that he could kick the door down, although Bendix commented on the size of the door and that he would be unable to. At Larkville County Sheriff Station, Castle was going under the name "Pete" has no file, no known address, nothing. He has nightmares of wife Maria being shot in their bedroom, but the actual site . Punisher (Frank Castle) In Comics Powers, Enemies, History | Marvel He is in the top 10 anti-hero list though, and fans love him for that! Daredevil carried the severely injured Castle to a graveyard, where he eventually found he could no longer walk and sat beside a grave. Arriving at the Lieberman house, Castle found out that Sarah Lieberman had unplugged the Internet to punish Zach Lieberman for his behavior, causing the cameras to go offline. I'm just not, so whatever happens here, we stick to the plan, okay? Castle first appeared in Daredevil season 2, wherein he was avenging his wife's and children's deaths by killing the members of the criminal gangs involved in the amusement . The Ark - Get Out and Push & We Weren't Supposed to be Awake - Double As they waited in the Apartment, Castle and Amy Bendix played card games, in which Bendix showed Castle the game of keeping track on her hidden Queen, which she would carefully shuffle, as Castle would become annoyed that she was beating him at the game. Go get 'em devil dog, go get 'em!Frank Castle and Billy Russo. However, Castle did not go into any further detail about his actual feelings about avenging the murder of his wife and two children, since he had known that Bendix intended to get revenge for the murders of Fiona and her Crew, since Castle remained unsure if this would be the correct action for her. Bendix got up and asked if he could teach her to do it instead. Some non-canon comic books, movies, and even the Netflix series show Frank Castle killing a person that does not deserve it. However, at the last moment, Russo predicted what was happening and dived for cover, which caused Castle to miss his shot. With no other choice, the Punisher did as Russo instructed as Russo lowed his weapon from the kids, threatening that if they did not shut up he would shoot them both. So even though Matt Murdock and Frank Castle first encountered one another at the end of the Season 2 premiere, and continued to violently grapple with each other for the next few episodes, it wasn't until the Punisher was in custody that Nelson & Murdock and resourceful assistant Karen Page, in particular began piecing together the story of the flesh-and-blood man behind the terrifying sobriquet. But I'm not looking for a pal, yeah? Cox got extended screen Pilgrim hid behind the corner and they exchanged more shots. Schultz said he had no idea what Castle was talking about, but Castle knew he was lying. One that gets encrypted tactical frequencies. Changing the subject, Hoyle then told Castle about how he was dating Delia Robinson, which pleased Castle, although Hoyle insisted that he did not want Robinson to get anywhere near the war with Russo. Since Bendix continued looking at him, Castle glanced over to her again, as she again questioned what he wanted, to which Castle had just claimed that Bendix was the one who had actually been looking at him, before he questioned if Bendix was doing okay, only for her to just pay Quinn for the drink and then walk away from the bar. Murdock explained that they believed that Samantha Reyes now wanted him dead for some reason. Geraldinegoodison48. Arguably better than season 1. So I want you to take that weapon you point it at me. Although Wolverine has survived similar near-death experiences before, he doesn't here. Fighting Through Torture. Your way's bullshit, Red, it doesn't work, I need him, I need him gone, it's gotta be permanent, it's gotta be finished!Daredevil and Punisher. Even watching my buddies die, it just it didn't mean nothing. That's what I think. Russo claimed that Castle was just like him, despite Castle not wanting to believe it. Here, Captain America is one of the main causes of Punisher's misery. Frank, as part of the NYPD SWAT team, shows up to find the park destroyed and his wife and child killed. Despite the loud ringing in ears, Castle overheard someone asking for a mission update and saw Agent Orange looking at all of the wounded and severely damaged soldiers, calmly asking if they had successfully killed the target as he wanted. Investigating, Castle fought his way into the women's bathroom and confronted her attackers. He would manage to kill several hostiles, Castle would proceed to eliminate the whole group of hostiles. Having driven all night, Castle then decided to get some sleep, but not before tying Rachel to the bed to prevent her from leaving and gagging her with duck tape. I really loved the acting tho, except for Billy. Castle then called Bendix to warn her. The Punisher warned that eventually, they would face each other one on one, although Russo denied this. However, when Batzer asked how Castle pleaded, Castle stared straight into Reyes' eyes and pleaded not guilty so he could destroy Reyes' own career in the courtroom by exposing all of her lies and dealings with his family's deaths. With Bendix by his side, Castle returned to New York City with Dinah Madani as they attempted to stop Pilgrim and Russo from causing chaos, with the assistance of Madani and Curtis Hoyle. Suddenly, Mahoney approached them, knowing they would be there. Coming to the outskirts of New York City, Castle and Russo were reunited as Russo offered his condolences for the deaths of Castle's family. Castle, who perceived Russo as an enemy, admitted to doing so with haste. Intended to do his own research into the current situation, Castle had prepared to leave Dinah Madani's Apartment, without anybody there ever noticing he was gone, as he checked to see if Amy Bendix was still asleep, before locking her bedroom door to ensure that she did not run away. With the Schultzes dead, the Punisher had then allowed Pilgrim to leave along with his sons. When Page returned she berated Castle for stealing her car as he joked about singing along to the music. This allowed Castle to make a swift escape from the police.[21]. [29], That kid out there, she got people that want to kill her. The series is executive produced by showrunner Steve Lightfoot (Hannibal), Jim Chory (Marvel's Daredevil, Marvel's Jessica Jones, Marvel's Luke Cage) and Jeph Loeb (Marvel's Daredevil, Marvel's . ""I infiltrate here. Once a smoke grenade had been dropped in the room, the exhausted Castle tried to defend himself before he was subdued by the overwhelming number of trained guards and was then arrested once again. I don't work with Russians.Nikolai Poloznev and Punisher. [14], Frank, you son of a bitch, please! This is S2, S3 is really good though,it is definitely worth a watch. Karen begged Frank not to torture the man, saying that he'd be dead to her if he killed Schoonover but the vigilante responded that it didn't matter, because Frank Castle was already dead. While Castle looked out of the window of the apartment, Madani prepared to meet with Rafael Hernandez, who she denied the actual details of Castle's return to. Micro arrived in the Mustang and they traded vehicles. Castle was assigned Christopher Roth as his attorney, but he was visited by Nelson and Murdock and Matt Murdock explained that they wished to represent him. The Anvil agents left after the hacker succeeded to wipe all of Micro's files as Rawlins proceeded to test Castle's heartbeat. Finding himself in an open hallway surrounded by hostiles, Castle continued firing until he took a bullet to the shoulder which knocked him to the ground as he hid behind a pillar. [39], Where are we going? Castle was informed about Anderson and Eliza Schultz, the CEOs of Testament Industries. However, Russo spotted Punisher coming at him and began firing at his former friend, as the two exchanged gunfire before Punisher was struck into the leg, forcing him to take cover. Attempting to lighten the mood between them, Castle would then note that Russo had since become a badass since he joined the United States Marine Corps, which they had both laughed at as their friendship grew. As Billy Russo and his crew were leaving the bank, Castle dressed as Jake Nelson arrived. While Castle quietly pulled out the wire that was hidden in his jacket pocket, Micro expressed his gratitude to him over everything that he was doing for his family. As Castle returned once Jerry had gone, Daredevil accused him of taking pleasure from risking the lives of innocent people, noting how he had been ready to shoot Jerry, although Castle claimed that had only been for his benefit. As Castle spoke to their group about his feelings since leaving the Armed Forces, he had noted that since he had killed William Rawlins, and defeated Billy Russo, he no longer has any sort of objective or mission to fulfill, Castle admitted to being scared for not knowing what the rest of his life may hold for him. As most of the men had departed, Punisher entered the Gym, where Kazan then asked Turk Barrett if this was his friend, although Barrett insisted that he was no friend of his, while Punisher had questioned who was waiting to kill him at Barrett's Shop, while Kazan had then questioned what the Punisher had to do with the Chicago business. Later that day, Castle interrogated Rachel, demanding to know why she was being hunted and refusing to believe her cover story as a college student. . However, Castle was not going to listen. You're gonna learn about loss. Just as Castle prepared to take the shot and execute Grotto, he was interrupted by Daredevil, who rushed onto the rooftop and disarmed Castle, knocking the gun from his hands. The Punisher then left Russo's corpse behind, allowing Brett Mahoney to discover it with Hoyle and Madani, who both denied that the Punisher was actually the one who had finished Russo off. ""Makes two of us now. As Castle looked at the statue and witnessed another family, he recalled upon looking at the statue and even threatening his son, something he apologized for and holding his children close. Thanks for the sandwich. You see, Castle is not a traditional hero. Warned of approaching soldiers by Micro, Castle demanded that Bennett kept silent in a closet before dropping two smoke grenades and concealed his face. However, Jack witnessed this and began shooting the Punisher in the back on his vest, forcing him to take cover. Furious about being denied revenge, Castle accused Daredevil's methods of failing, telling him that he did not understand the pain of having his wife and children taken away from him, even making Daredevil admit that Castle's methods were sometimes the answer. Once they were inside, Clive then showed Castle and Bendix around the studio as he explained how he expected to get paid for his time and the use of the studio, also promising that these images could not be traced back to the New York City Police Department. Castle rushed inside the ambulance, panicking to find supplies. When Marvel TV decided to introduce Castle on Daredevil in 2016, the producers faced a much more difficult task. [34], Okay, so walk away, go. The Punisher's fight against the Marvel Universe wasn't the only war waging in the alternate universes of the comics. But leave it to the increasingly-complex Marvel Cinematic Universe to take a story every casual fan thinks they already know, faithfully adapt it to the screen and then subvert it in some way that will surprise even the most die hard comic book reader. Castle stood in silence in front of his family's grave; especially Maria's. Daredevil tried to learn more about him, but Castle just told him to stop digging to try and get some kind of better understanding of his mindset. You set up a safe place, make the exchange.Frank Castle and Turk Barrett. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Frank enters, shoots a now non-Venom Eddie Brock, then turns his gun on Spider-Man. Cyclops is the first hero killed when Punisher takes on the Marvel Universe. He didn't run, he didn't hide, he went to settle scores. Haven't seen him since I was a little kid. 'Cause that's trouble I don't need.Frank Castle and Clint, Seeking to find any surviving members of the Kitchen Irish, Castle went to an illegal pawn shop, where he spoke to Clint the owner, offering him a considerable amount of cash for New York City Police Department radios and the shells in his shotgun. However, before the money would be collected from Frank Castle's Van, the bomb which Castle had left exploded, killing Rafe and destroying the cash. This angered Castle, telling them to let him go so he could take care of it. As Castle lost another game, he accused Bendix of holding the Queens in her hand, or swapping the cards, which she denied, as Castle turned over the cards and realized he was wrong. He was called by Sarah, her insurance company needed a signed statement about the accident so they can move forward with the claim. Just stay away from me.Punisher to Karen Page. At the same time, he does not seem to care what the citizens of New York and the law enforcement think of him as he has witnessed their ineptitude in dealing with his family's murder first hand. But see, they came after you. [30] Castle, however, ensured that the wound was not fatal by aiming directly for the strongest part of the helmet, leaving Daredevil on the rooftop before escaping.

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