taking communion at home with family

Even a 2 year old can understand and repeat that communion is about Jesus. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. How to Take Communion With Your Kids - unexpected - Melanie Dale Hi thank you for sharing.The Lord Jesus also lay it on my heart to take communion at home.if I get up in the morning I get up meditating on 1corinthians. This is the sacrifice that saves the universe. Netflix. Its helped me especially when theyre away from me and at their dads house. Prophetess Jamie 1Cor15:58/Heb6:10. to examine themselves before ever putting the bread and cup to their lips; to act soberly and with decorum, not coming together like a herd of hungry sheep, each vying to get to the bread first; and. We believe that Jesus did this just before the third Passover cup. I started doing it and I felt Gods power moving in my life. I decree it over you in the name of Jesus! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Feel free to offer prayers or praise in between. I should take it often now. Taking Communion at Home If you are not familiar with the meaning of communion, use the Scriptures above for an explanation on how it came about and what it's for. Thank you Nicky from the UK . We then pray one more time to thank Jesus for His sacrifice and for the new covenant. I hope you check out these resources, and make sure you are attending a church that is holy spirit filled and believes healing is for today. But I wanted to thank you so much for expressing that it is perfectly fine to have communion at home. My question is, would it be proper to send the implements to my sister who is 73 and a good friend who is 62 and take communion over the phone? Communion uses bread as a symbol for Jesus' body and wine as a symbol for His blood. Thanks for the reminder. Bless you Jamie for bringing this topic up again. Go ahead and drink the cup. Holy Spirit will lead you. It is important to notice that this was something commonly done in the churches described in the New Testament, and it is not something that needed to be administered, performed, or distributed by a church leader. Thankyou Jamie this is really helpful I never knew i could take communion at home I will follow this through and let God do the rest. After taking communion, Jesus and His followers walked to the Mount of Olives where Jesus prayed His famous prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane only hours before He was arrested and eventually died so that we could truly live. Its about being reminded of what Jesus did for us on the cross and its a time to celebrate how He has saved us. It's true; you don't. You can take the Lord's Supper either way-at home with the Lord, or at your church. The form you have selected does not exist. Jesus and His followers used wine and unleavened bread, but it is simplest to use grape juice and whatever bread or crackers you have available. Therefore, Paul rebuked them. If you take communion at home regularly and carefully explain the reasons behind it, theyll understand the meaning and importance of it. Use what you have. Love you and thank you again. So we will take our instructions from Him. Its very powerful . Communion at Home. A Heart That Receives: Do You Need To Just RECEIVE From God? Please help me understand . Close in prayer. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. Lord Jesus, I loose Your holy flow, Your healing, resurrection life, joy, peace, righteousness, power, and Your perfect shalomnothing missing, nothing brokeninto my life and into the lives of all my family. This is My body. Then, with the cup of wine, He explained further. It is a beautiful tradition to honor Jesus. Give usthis day our daily bread,and forgive us our debts,as we also have forgiven our debtors.Andlead us not into temptation,butdeliver us fromevil , The Lord has pressed upon me several times recently to start taking communion at home while I continue to heal from a chronic illness. You can get it online for about 1.50. That He was poured out to wash away our sins. I pray that my life may be one that glorifies You in thought, word and deed and that with each passing day, I draw ever closer into close communion with You. Thanks Jaime. But no matter where you take communion, be sure your heart is right. You need to understand God does not put sickness on you, that comes from the enemy. March 03, 2023 4:54 PM. The eating of the bread and drinking of the wine that led to what we call communion is still a regular part of celebrating Passover that Jewish people and some Christians celebrate each year. Communion of the Sick - Catholic News Agency Jesus knew what was about to happen to Him. May God bless you and increase you Jamie! Your ministry is established by God and so no power has authority over it in the name of Jesus. I imagine Him hanging on the cross; I remember the blood He poured out for me. The prayer that you shared is a blessing. But dont forget, this is an incredible reason to celebrate. My husband and I take Communion often. I take communion at home for many years now. A big part of communion is remembering and reflecting. I skip days as i take. I love Jamie, I pray for more anointing and his glory on you. The early church, described in the Book of Acts and in the various letters to the churches, were congregations often made up of groups no larger than 10-20 people. A symbolic way to remember what Jesus did for us. Communion is a holy time set aside to remember Jesus sacrifice for us His broken body and His shed blood. In whatever way communion is administered, the communal nature of the event must not be surrendered to the "have it your way" idea of popular culture (Romans 12:1-2). One of the Christmas traditions of our family is sharing family communion together on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. 6. Communion is a way to remember what Jesus did on the cross. With Passover as the setting, Jesus took the bread, broke it, yet didnt follow the typical Passover tradition. Thank you Jamie. Thats why the first step to taking communion at homeor taking communion anywhereis to examine ourselves. Dont pig out on communion, even if you really like Triscuits. I especially have been taking it over my sons for their deliverance from drugs. I would sometimes just go to a friends house,bringing the elements with me, and invite them to partake. All you need is juice or water, and a piece of bread, cracker, a chip, or even a cookie will do. As the early church participated in communion, I encourage you to make this part of your own personal spiritual practice. In Jesus name, amen.. If you dont have those available, you can substitute for what you have on hand. In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying,This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Then, they can truly experience the holiness of this time in a corporate worship setting. Software Full Name: Adobe Premiere Pro 2023. 1 Corinthians 11:27-32. taking communion at home with family - 3atuae.com that always made me mad, now I know why. Thanks for giving us to step by step prayer and preparing before taking Communion. Invite the participants to a time of silent reflection and confession of sin. Some say no, because communion taken at home is under the headship of the parents, who are saved. Some people say yes, because thats one of the requirements laid out by Jesus. With so many of us currently worshipping from home watching our services online or holding our own service at home, the question pops up Can we partake in communion at home? Lets pray. Andthey devoted themselves to the apostlesteaching and thefellowship, tothe breaking of bread and the prayers. All. Have the leader or another participant to pray for the bread and lead the group in this first part of communion. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lords deathuntil he comes.Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lordin an unworthy manner will be guilty concerningthe body and blood of the Lord. click here or the images. Remember, Jesus went to the cross for Salvation And Our healing. And read my Bible. Communion Word Of Life AG Menu Learn how your comment data is processed. I was recently told by God, that I need to stop playing games with Him and just do what Hes been saying. I have my Communion cups at home. Jesus promised to spare us eternal death and cover our sins by His own blood. This is important. Also, I didnt know I could buy certain crackers to use. Communion is meant to be a personal, yet shared experience. You can either place the elements on a table and people can get them there, or you can pass them out. Id love to hear about it in the comments below. Why Communion Matters - Focus on the Family Jamie, When we say in services. There have been positive changes not only in myself but in my life. Whats important is focusing on the meaning of this spiritual symbol. In Lukes Gospel, he included a few more of Jesus words from that evening: And he took bread, andwhen he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying,This is my body, which is given for you. So, taking communion together in a common ceremony is crucial, whatever else we do. Those six words, and the Apostle Pauls reminder in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, are the reason we take communion together as Jesus followers. He gave it to them and said, Each of you drink from it, for this is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. This message was extremely encouraging to me. This will show you how taking communion at home will allow you to be taking communion for healing. Thank Jesus for His sacrifice; for forgiving your sins; for saving you; and for everything else you can think of while you do. We talked about His birth, His blessed life, and His horrible execution totally undeserved. I sincerely hope you celebrate and partake in communion at home soon. It was a miraculous event where an angel of the Lord passed over the land and protected the Israelites from being killed by a mean king. They get to choose if they're ready. Taking communion at home is a beautiful time of connection and spiritual renewal as a family. Communion is a symbolic way to show we belong to Jesus and to remember what He did for us. Distribute the bread and wine/juice. God, thank You for sending Jesus who not only lived for us, but died for us. NEW ebook: Crimson Flood (prayer guide for Lent), 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten. I bought kosher wine for the one ounce communion cups, put the wine in ice cube trays, and froze it. Each time I take communion, Lord, I want to recommit my life, my heart, my thoughts, my everything to You. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In this time, those who gathered for worship would share a meal and a time of worship, prayer, and fellowship together. We wanted you to have eternal life, and without His sacrifice , it just couldnt happen. Amen , This is so on point. And its the perfect time to thank Him for His grace which gives us life. Informative and Encouraging It happened as part of the celebration of Passover which was actually a festival that began in the Old Testament period. The most famous story of communion in the Bible is the story of The Last Supper. May we stand united in love through these times! But it holds power not only as a symbol, but it also reminds us to invite the Holy Spirit to examine our lives and to continue to do His work of washing us by the grace of Jesus. 2. If you have concerns about this, I would encourage you first to pray about it. For example, while holding the cup, a symbol of Jesus blood, say: Remembering what Jesus did while taking communion can feel like a somber moment, and thats okay. God Bless You and your family ! Jewish people would have celebrated Passover as a way to remember how God brought them out of Egypt and spared their lives in so many ways. I do attend a church, however, consider myself non-denominational as I dont feel doctrines are God given and prefer to pray and repent through the Lord and his Commandments. It happened as part of the celebration of Passover which was a festival that began in the Old Testament period. I Googled at-home communion, and there you were! May you increase in your ministry and I pray for more blessings to you. Have the leader read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 to your group. Also, Sid roth, Supernatural( in Gods kingdom) is another good resource). Love-in-Christ. You allowed Your only Son to literally be poured out so that we could be in a fully restored relationship with You. Thank you for helping support the ministry in this way. Raising Jesus Kids. How to Celebrate Holy Week at Home - The Purposeful Mom When we partake in communion, we are honoring His sacrifice, thanking Him for our salvation, and remembering the promises given to us by the new covenant. But, if I should slip and fall again, He would be there to catch me. The dinner was to remember something called Passover which had happened a long time before Jesus was born. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself. Hi Jamie. ? It will look different for each family, and that's ok! Thank you for this word. You can read the story (and if youre going to host communion youll definitely want to) in Matthew 26, Luke 22, and Mark 14. I thanked Him for the miraculous Gift of His precious Son. You probably already have these things in your house! Not if you want to obey God and walk in the authority He commanded us to walk in. The most powerful communion Ive ever experienced was with grapes and pretzels. I will pray for you. God told us in the Bible to bind and loose things and to declare and decree. What you use is not as important as to why you're taking communion. Not sure why, but I hadnt done it at home for quite some time. I study my Bible and pray daily and have decided to add communion to this process to praise and glorify my Lord who has given me all things! Its not about the elements, its about the meaning behind them. I even gave my baby a little portion at this time of the coronavirus two days ago. A Simple Guide To Taking Communion At Home With Kids Jesus asked us to carry out this simple tradition to remember that He gave His life for our lives. But the disciples didnt know that yet. Would our prayer be of heartily and humble improvement in our Lords eyes if instead of taking authority over the action of these things, that we humbly ask if HE can apply, break, loose every chain in the name of Jesus? Used by permission. "And He (Jesus) took the bread, gave . Thank You that His body was raised back to life. As Christians we have been given authority over all the power of the enemy. About. Thats important: often. Jesus was encouraging us to remember Him often, and He prescribed the Lords Supper as one of the ways to do that. With the blood of Jesus, and in the name of Jesus, I break every curse, hex, witchcraft, and enemy assignment against me or my family. Communion at home does not have to be formulaic. Ill report again any outcomes He supplies. (Procedure at the end of this article) Though it is best to participate in the Lord's supper in the body of Christ in a church gathering, it is okay to take it at home. He is still blessing me in so many ways and all the praise and glory is for my Lord and Savior and the sacrifice of his Son who rose again to sit at the right hand of his father for our pain and suffering. I want take holy communion today because I need changes in my life and family, Hello, Thank you Pastor Jamie I had already taken communion this morning and I run across your email what a blessings thank you for sharing you are such a blessings and I Thank God all you do . Thank God for what He has done and His promises to us with prayers of gratefulness, joy, and hope. I apply/I break/I loose just something I noticed and wanted to ask you about. Are You Pursuing Your Destiny and Calling in God? As I face my fears I know I have taken advantage of your kindness. I pray you enjoy them as you grow closer to Him through His Word! But, before He died, Jesus had a Last Supper with His loved ones. 4. For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. Another wonderful way to remember God and all He has done for us is to pray Gods names. We take it very seriously and teach them what its about, and we feel peace about this decision. Just you and the Lord. Amen., Including a S.O.A.P Study Worksheet, Instructions for S.O.A.P. thank you. You allowed Your only Son to literally be poured out so that we could be in a fully restored relationship with You. Jesus has made a way for us to receive forgiveness and life! Since the picture : The War Room, and after my husband passed away and I retired, I have turned a spare room into a War Room to read my Bible, talk to God, learn from the Holy Spirit and Jesus, and to pray like a warrior. I very much liked your after-Communion prayer. Pray then like this:Our Father in heaven,hallowed beyour name.Your kingdom come,your will be done,on earth as it is in heaven. How to Do Communion at Home and a Powerful Communion Prayer Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thats why I encourage people who are right with God to go ahead and take communion at home, just between you and God. Reading through the comments, I am also reassured, seeing that people are getting healing and progress is just evidence of the power of communion. Every year, the people would celebrate the Passover to remember how God had saved them. The questions were about 1) avoiding witchcraft, and 2) taking communion. Also, I reccomend a book called Gods Creatice Power for healing by Charles Capps. This article is indeed a blessing and I agree that the body and blood of Jesus Christ can break any satanic hold on our lives. May you be blessed as you bless others. Youve Been Fighting Witchcraft and You Didnt Even Know It, pre-filled communion elements from Celebration Cup (affiliate link; click the photo above for more info), If You Feel Like Youre Going to Die Inside, Take Communion. Thats what Jesus and the disciples were celebrating at the time of the first communion. Its a time to examine our relationship with the Lord and with others. Ask some people in your group to come ready to share a story of something that Jesus has restored in their life. I had started but missed out on some days and had just resumed and you mail come in right in time as usual. You just have toprepare, pause, pray, partake, and praise! Prepare the atmosphere. In the simplest terms: we take communion to remember what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross. Anytime! You are my child, and I love you very much! No forced communioning over here. In this way, when we take communion at home, we acknowledge our sinswhat we have done and what we still need to work onso that our gratitude may increase for what Jesus has done for us. I ask the Lord to reveal to me if I have any unrepented-of sin; any unconfessed sin. He told them the wine they drank represented His Blood to be shed for us all. There should be some type of bread element and some type of juice element. He also told them that their inattention to the sacredness of this ceremony was actually killing some of them. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Ideas for Taking Communion at Home. And day by day,attending the templetogether andbreaking bread in their homes, they received their foodwith glad and generous hearts. When the Eucharist is brought to the home, the family should prepare a table with a cloth and a lighted candle. The apostle Paul gives some clear direction in 1 Corinthians 11:23-29 (below) about how to practice The Lords Supper, as he calls it. You will just follow the steps. Online Marketing For Your Business How To Take Communion At Home [Wiseman, Dr Jennifer] on Amazon.com. So, I started last night. cheapened it all . Once again thanks Jamie. Thanks Jamie. In the name of Jesus, I apply the blood and body of Jesus Christ to my life, the lives of my family, our safety, our finances, our ministry, our work, and everything that pertains to us. 5. May all be blessed through the blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Sorry, But Correction Is Not Spiritual Abuse, How To Get Recharged If You Feel Like Youre Dying, If You Feel Like Youre Going To Die Inside, Take Communion. to be sure they had already eaten before they took the sacred elements, so they werent doing so to satiate their hunger. God bless you and your family. He said, Eat. I am 80 and feel so handicapped in my usefulness to and for God. For example, while holding the bread, a symbol of Jesus body, say: Next, pray for the cup during this second part of communion. This page/post may contain affiliate links. Jesus had to do this for everyone, and God said that Jesus agonized over His decision. Your home may be your church due to illness or the pandemic or another reason. 5.0 out of 5 stars The proximity and ability to be able to take Holy Communion at home,with family as well as friends. The bread represents Jesus's body. If it works for you, you may want to sing a song together. You can read the story in Matthew 26, Luke 22or Mark 14. Taking communion (also called the Lords Supper or the Eucharist) together with your local church body is a big blessing. Confessions of An Unlikely Worship Leader, Dimensions of Destiny: A Study of Divine Alignment, Getting to Know the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, How to Heal from Rejection and Abandonment, Praying the Names of God: The Ultimate FREE Guide. The Son of God, who came in the body of a man, gave Himself up so we could live! Communion should lead to praise. Jamie. Jamie. At 80 years young, you are still VERY useful to the Lord; please ask Him what your ministry is for this season of life if you havent already, for He has LOTS of things for you to do! I am seeing miracles in my life as a result of this sacred meal too. Cat missing since 2016 reunited with Virginia family | Raleigh News praise the Lord for this great message. Go ahead and drink the cup. The enemy simply has no power against the blood of Jesus. Its great to pray individually, but there is something special about praying aloud with the group. We will break it down for you below. Infact a 40days challenge is what i need. I spoke to him and held him tight in my arms as he ate. And the 7 days of prayer for our children is awesome. Im so glad the Lord is renewing your fire for celebrating His body and blood! If youre a believer, you can take communion at home or just about anywhere. That He was poured out to wash away our sins. While many become angry when they lose a loved one, I thank my Lord Jesus Christ every night for my earthly parents, my brother, and my beloved husband. First, is it possible to take communion at home? Make sure there is no unconfessed sin or un-repented-of sin in your heart. I dont know what to anticipate for undertaking this daily communion yet I think/feel it will open kingdom of God doors. I ask You, Holy Spirit, to cover me and my family and everything that pertains to us. Christians tend to celebrate communion more frequently some weekly, some monthly, and others, even daily.

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