was lynette really pregnant in desperate housewives

During the final course of the dinner, Lynette, Bree and Susan find out that Carlos killed Gaby's stepfather, and they help cover up the murder. She causes Lynette many problems and stresses her out with work. ("You Can't Judge a Book By its Cover") Lynette starts to look for her mother, who left suddenly. Lynette informs Stu that he can file for sexual harassment. ("Welcome to Kanagawa"), Lynette decides to embrace religion so she attends Bree's church. When Tom finds out what Lynette had done, he forgives her, and decides to become a stay-at-home dad, and so she has to go back to work and take over as the breadwinner for the family. It turns out Tom had Parker and he becomes concerned at his wife's mental state after the shooting, so Lynette agrees to visit a therapist, after sharing her suspicions with Karen. Nora eventually discovers that she was lied to, despite Lynette and Tom's efforts to hide the party, and she tries to take Kayla home, but has a change of heart when she sees her daughter having a good time. ("School of Hard Knocks") To retaliate, Lynette decides that she wants to try dating again, but when she is taken home by a man and they're about to have sex, she begins to cry, saying the thought of sleeping with another man is terrifying. Muriel later approaches Lynette at a BBQ and continues to boss her around, causing her to reveal her cancer by removing her wig. ("Pleasant Little Kingdom"), When Paul Young reveals he's opening a halfway house on the lane, Lynette decides to lead a protest in hope it will stop him. Tom returns home and apologizes to Lynette. However, her friends see Lynette's baldness, so she explains to them what's happening and assures them she'll be fine. He then gives her a huge amount of work to do in one night, but when Lynette attends her daughter's Christmas pageant instead, Carlos subsequently fires her. Later on, Lynette discovers that Porter and Preston have been uninvited from a party. Ida Greenberg and her cat join them but Tom, allergic to cats, starts struggling to breathe. ("You Gotta Get a Gimmick"), Tom starts to see a therapist and she gets him to make a "feelings journal". Angry, Lynette yells at Carolyn, but ends up being shot in her arm; she's then taken to hospital. Lynette is shot in the arm, but survives. Lynette learns that Renee and Tom had a one-night stand 20 years ago which happened right after Tom and Lynette became engaged and she was visiting her parents (they were on a break). vicedirettrice della societ di Carlos Solis. Lynette tries to decline the job, but Carlos tempts her with a 50% salary rise. The boys go over to apologize in person and Karen shows an unexpectedly soft side when she reveals that her own son died when he was twelve. Tom becomes concerned about her obsession and tries to stop her, but she tells him that when something attacks your home you have to fight it (referring to her cancer). Lynette is relieved at the end of her marriage, but fears that their children will be upset when they tell them. [19] Lynette had four children with Tom: twins Preston and Porter born in February 1998, Parker born in November 1998,[21] and Penny born in 2004. ("Women and Death"), On moving in day, Tom and Lynette were having an argument when neighbors Mary Alice Young, Bree Van de Kamp and Susan Mayer come to welcome them. Lynette calls Tom a "Pompous Ass" while Tom labels Lynette as a "Raging Bitch" leaving them to decide that it is only them who need to spend a holiday together. Is Lynette really bald in Desperate Housewives? Lynette told her that this was a punishment from God. Five Desperate Housewives Moments That Really Didn't Age Well - EVOKE Whilst at the supermarket with her children, she runs into an old colleague. However, they just move to Karen's house. [22] She had a very successful career, but she gave up all that to become a stay-at-home mother. Ed refuses to fire Lynette, so instead decides to fire Tom. She starred as Gabrielle Solis, a former model-turned-housewife who begins an affair with her gardener played by Jesse Metcalfe when she grows frustrated in her marriage. He asks if there's a really a meeting cuz it sounds like the only one they're watching is Danny. She didn't have the time. Tom discovers a treasure trove of stolen things in the boys' playhouse, including the clock. When he confesses to Lynette that he is attracted to her, she fires him, establishing firmly that her family matters more than her business. While in jail, Lynette tells Tom what Kayla did. This troubled childhood left Lynette with a constant fear that everything in her life could fall apart suddenly, so she needs to control everything in order to feel safe and secure. She calls herself weak and a bad mother, but Bree and Susan assure her she isnt. ''Desperate Housewives'': Supermarket shootings | EW.com Orson was Bree's best man, I loved them together . Preston's mind isn't changed, but Tom announces he wants to go to college to learn Chinese to widen his job net. Lynette's hair is back and Kayla is gone and not mentioned at all. McCluskey (Kathryn Joosten): She was the real heart of the finale. 44 related questions found. The well-dressed, ever-glamorous Gabrielle (Gaby) Solis (played by Eva Longoria) led an incredibly fascinating life on Desperate Housewives - and was paired with some equally fascinating love interests with hidden details. Lynette tries to send a clear message to Annabel, that Tom is not available. Kayla later frames Lynette for burning her and she's arrested. She and Tom soon bought a penthouse overlooking Central Park, where years later she'd take her six grandchildren and yell at them.Mary Alice Young, Lynette officially accepts Katherine's job offer and four weeks later, she, Tom and the children pack up and move to New York to start their new life. Tom eventually finds and kills the rat and this helps him realize he needs to clean up. Lynette attempts to show him that she's safe by getting new neighbour, Art, to pretend to be a superhero. ("The Lies Ill-Concealed") Tom hires Lynette and Renee to redesign his office, but after hearing his requests, Lynette ignores them and designs it the way she thinks he'll want it. ("Pilot"), When Lynette takes her children with her for a car journey, her three sons misbehave continuously, even when their mother asks them to stop. When Tom finds out about what Lynette has done, he quit his job, and in the season finale informs her that she will be going back to work. She suggests firing Claire as its clear hes attracted to her and wont admit it. However, this fails when he comes home late and finds her sleeping on the couch. But she is astonished that Renee is taking Tom's diagnosis seriously. She is eventually pulled over by a police officer. However, there is a misunderstanding and Lynette finds out Tom ordered them and forget to cancel the delivery. This leads Lynette to have a talk with the boss' wife, Janie Peterson, and tells her how Tom will be missing so much of his children's lives now. She goes looking for him and Lynette tries to stop her. At the police station, after Preston is released, she overhears that Barbara was found dead too. When she overhears them arguing, she suspects that he is the person who attacked Julie, so she and Tom warn the police. Lynette is strongly against the idea, so she switches his marijuana with oregano. . S.S.S. Lynette celebrates outside, enjoying her new freedom. Renee later apologizes to Lynette and is forgiven, and reveals that she has just bought Edie Britts former home on Wisteria Lane. As Irina leaves Lynette's house, Eddie Orlofsky gives her a lift and he kills her when she mocks him. Because of an injury, the nine-months pregnant Lynette carrying twins begets one from the pair . No One Is Alone. Lynette is happy about Tom's accomplishment but when she learns that the job involves more traveling than his current position she begs him to reconsider. Renee hooks her up with her hairdresser, Frank, but the date doesn't go so well as Lynette tries to control his life and she tells him what to do. . When Carlos finds out, he breaks up . He is then forced to admit he has an illegitimate daughter with Nora Huntington, who he met before Lynette. pubblicitaria. Mike has taken the job in Alaska, and Susan accepts Lynette's offer to be baby Paige's nanny, even though she thought she was being hired to work in Lynette and Renee's new business. Desperate Housewives Season 5 Episode 5 Full Episode Free ("City on Fire") When questioned about Porter threatening Warren by the police, Lynette lies.. Later, she tells Tom the truth and expresses her doubts. ("Anything You Can Do"), Lynette begins seeing a therapist because of the tiredness she has been experienceing due to taking the ADD medication. Joined May 9, 2020 Messages 5,016 . She struggles to cope with the effects her chemotherapy is having on her, and she throws up in a fellow mom's bag, who complained about her not organizing a fundraising event. However, when Gregg decides to send Tom to India for a year, Lynette realizes things have gone too far. After setting up a camera in the kitchen, Lynette watches the footage recorded and she is pleasantly surprised at how well Claire is getting on with the children. When Lynette confronts Anne about her affair with Porter, they are overheard by Anne's abusive husband Warren. Lynette soon coverses with another hard working mom about taking her child's ADD medicine she will have all the energy she needs, and succeeds in finishing in time as well as putting Maisy in her place on opening night. He decides not to go, leaving his relationship on the rocks, which leaves him furious with Lynette. Lynette fears Tom has left her when she can't find him, but she goes to the dinner anyway. ("Making the Connection"), Lynette's sister, Lydia, comes to visit to comfort Lynette after the separation. They then take shelter in Lynette's house and later find that Karen's house collapsed. ("Is This What You Call Love? She creates a plan to destroy the guitar, but Dave just buys a replacement and explains the effect of a mid-life crisis which Tom is having. Assuming he's talking about Porter, she apologizes and insists that he doesn't listen to them, however, Tom stops her and explains that it's Preston who was arrested. giraffe experience blackpool zoo. She then spreads Edie's ashes on Wisteria Lane. ("If There's Anything I Can't Stand"), When Katherine runs to be President of the Homeowners' Association, she threatens to change lots of features on Wisteria Lane. She then admits to Lydia that she doesn't think she can change for Tom, because "she's as good as it gets", but Lydia assures her she can change. Desperate Housewives s06 - The plan goes amazingly at first, but then it suddenly goes up in flames and she is discovered. However, during sex, Lynette cries as she realizes her marriage is over. The war escalates when Karen runs over one of the boys' bikes with her car and Lynette retaliates by throwing eggs. As the series begins, Lynette is near to breaking point - she has been stuck at home alone with four kids for 6 years. Mayes cites Lynette's storylines with her children as proof that Cherry "recognizes that every mother has been driven to the edge by her kids at one point. 29 related questions found. Stu, a bumbling secretary at the agency, is kind to Lynette, often doing her favors or helping her in tough situations. The Script On the show, Lynette Scavo, whose twins have untreated attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, pops a prescription stimulant to get through a long night of costume making for the. ("A Little Night Music"), When Lynette tells Eddie about his mother and the police find Irina's body and question Preston, Eddie becomes scared and decides to move back home. Renee (who is still staying in the Scavo home) warns Lynette that she should take Toms concerns more seriously, but Lynette ignores this. She gets to know a gentle side of him which writes poetry, but he soon learns the truth, upsetting him deeply. Lynette is on board at first, as she thinks it would cause them to break up, but when Preston tells her he wants to drop out of college, she's horrified. While at the supermarket, Lynette meets new neighbour, Art Shepard. ("Come In, Stranger"), Lynette meets a new rival, Maisy Gibbons, while pitching in to help with a theatre rendition of Little Red Riding Hood at the twins' new school. Lynette decides she's going to sue Carlos, but when her lawyer approaches Carlos, Gaby arrives to apologize. [15] Stella marries Glenn Wingfield, whom Lynette adores. She finally overcomes this fear and they have sex. However, she loses, so she begs Katherine not to get rid of the tree-house because it's a place for her children to escape from the cancer talk. ("Sweetheart, I Have to Confess"), Nora announces she's leaving for Mexico with Kayla, so Lynette suggests fighting for full custody of Kayla to Tom. However, he rejects her apology and says he can finally be himself without upsetting his sister, making Lynette believe he was a pedophile after all. To give Tom the experience of what it is like to be her, Lynette gives the kids sugar and snacks beforehand which gives Tom quite a night. Lynette reluctantly does the right thing and calls the paramedics and then rides along to the hospital with her. Touched by the miracle of life and after being persuaded by Lynette, Eddie turns himself into the police for his crimes; Lynette is proud of him. When Tom finds out, he's angry that Lynette deceived him in such a way. Lynette isn't always easy to sympathize with, however. Tom asks Kayla to be nice to Lynette, so she accepts, but explains she won't love her, upsetting Lynette. Lynette learns Nora wants Tom back and warns her to keep her distance. To prove this, when he returns home from work that night he surprises her by wearing a small animal print thong. As Mary regains strength, she's torn between wanting to save her dignity, and craving the respect of this man who's slipped past her defenses. When she learns that both Irina and Eddie's mother have been found dead, she confronts Eddie at his house and he traps her inside. She was known for her power lunches, her eye-catching presentations and her ruthlessness in wiping out the competition. The second housewife (after Gabrielle), to suffer a miscarriage. ("Sunday in the Park with George"), Lynette convinces Janie Peterson to give Annabel Foster a promotion in an attempt to keep her away from her and Tom. Developed by series creator Marc Cherry, Lynette was portrayed by Felicity Huffman.Lynette is introduced as a frustrated stay-at-home mother of four children, who she had with her businessman husband Tom (Doug Savant). When thieves attacked her restaurant, she was locked in freezer with. On ''Desperate Housewives,'' unhinged Carolyn Bigsby holds an assortment of shoppers hostage; Nora dies, and Lynette fights back By Lindsay Soll Updated November 06, 2006 at 05:00 AM EST Advertisement Lynette (Felicity Huffman): She thought Tom (Doug Savant) invited himself over to her house to tell her he wanted to get back together. "Housewives" to film in pregnant star's home | Reuters ("Color and Light"), When Lynette realizes the twins have been sneaking out the house without Tom's knowledge, she fears they could fall prey to pedophile. A desperate and strung out Lynette then arranges a playdate with another local mother and proceeds to steal some of her child's ADD medication from their medicine cabinet, realizing at that moment that she has sunk to a new low. When they rush back into the car, Lynette is pleased to see the boys learned their lesson and put on their seat belts. When she awakens, Tom tells her that the ill baby died but the other survived. Does gabrielle have a baby in desperate housewives? She admits to being a total whore in college, and she even had a threesome with two of the men from the rugby team. [14] Tom and Lynette married in 1997[20] and moved to Wisteria Lane the following year. After being warned by Martha Huber, Lynette climbs into the pool in her dress and collects her children. When Lynette is given a call that Rick's restaurant is on fire, she suspects it was Tom. Desperate Housewives - Wikipedia Meanwhile George Williams resurfaces in Bree's life, much to Rex's displeasure.Also, Lynette is shocked to learn that Tom's old girlfriend Annabel Foster who he dumped for Lynette has been hired at his firm again. Stu takes this advice, leading to Ed firing lots of workers, including Nina, but not Lynette, as she's too valuable, but this means she'll be working more hours. Overview: Driven by a hidden agenda, Dave convinces Susan to throw Mrs. McCluskey a surprise party for her 70th birthday. ("You'll Never Get Away From Me"), Due to Lynette spending a lot of time at work, Parker creates an imaginary friend, Mrs. Mulberry, to cope. The dream ends with her disabled son's graduation, where he thanks her for always challenging him. Lynette tells Eddie the news and then learns that he killed his mother. When she arrives for her interview, she is grilled by Nina Fletcher. One month later, she and Tom are still separated, but are struggling to keep it hidden from their children. does mike ever remember susan desperate housewives She soon discovers that Maisy runs the play committee to her own liking, including neutralizing the ending of the play. In the finale, Julie gives birth to Porter's daughter, who is Scavo's granddaughter. Unpopular Opinions : Desperate Housewives | Lipstick Alley she ends up being sent away to live with grandparents Who's baby got switched on. Pin On Tv Shows . She is immediately much happier, but makes a fool of herself at a charades game. lynette and tom look after her. Lynette gets a job at an advertising agency and for much of the season, deals with obstacles at work and colleagues. Lynette and Tom discover that Porter is having an affair with Anne Schilling, an older married woman. When an out-of-work Tom follows his lifelong dream to open a pizzeria, Lynette attempts to support him. ("How About a Friendly Shrink?") Nora tries to kiss Tom, but he pulls away, angering Nora. This all backfires when Lynette is confronted at school by Alisa, with help of her daughter, who scolds her for basically telling Dennis to leave her. "), Lynette learns from Preston of Porter's plans to leave Fairview with Anne because she's pregnant. She tells him she's not looking to get married or have children, but she does like a white picket fence. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Admitting that her stories "do take a while to get going", O'Neill was drawn to the plot of Lynette and Tom working together. It was very expensive, and this then led to the Pizzeria's financial difficulties and downfall. When Rodney refuses to be ashamed for his actions, Lynette tosses him out of the house. He heads back up stairs, aroused, and he and Lynette make out. The first person Lynette tells about the separation is Renee. HandymanEli Scruggs gives Penny to Lynette, and she's horrified that she forgot about her daughter. She overhears a new client of Lynette and Renee's, and suggests that she ask her daughter for her favorite characters to paint on her wall. ("Finishing the Hat"). Orson resorted to blackmail. Desperate Housewives: 5 Times Lynette & Tom Were Couple - ScreenRant Lynette lets the boys off with a warning if they swear never to do it again and write apology notes. ("Kids Ain't Like Everybody Else"), Lynette decides to make a new marketing campaign for Bree's cookbook and considers going back to work. ("A Weekend in the Country") When Parker wants to quit his baseball team, Lynette goes to extremes to prevent him from leaving, as she does not want quitters in her family. The other mothers timidly agree, however now Lynette is swamped by Maisy's demanding expectations for the costumes; if she does not want her boys to be taken out of the play, the costumes have to be perfect. He was so in love that he broke up with his girlfriend, Annabel Foster. The officer tells Lynette that they've arrested one of her sons for taking a car for a "joyride". While discussing with Tom, it becomes clear that they are being uninvited from parties because mother's have spread rumors that they started the outbreak. "[25], Along with costars Marcia Cross and Teri Hatcher, Huffman was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Comedy Series in 2005. Stella, not wanting to ruin the happy memories, decides not to return and moves in with Glenn. When she attempts to join the yoga class again, she is yet again too late. She and her husband, Dennis Stevens, are invited over to have dinner with the Scavos, and Lynette soon realizes that the Stevens' marriage is on the rocks and that Dennis has no problem saying bad things about his spouse, with the excuse that she can't hear him. He tries to convince Lynette, saying they can hire a nanny and use the daycare. Tom borrows the money from Lynette's mother, Stella Wingfield, much to his wife's chagrin. New neighbors moved in, and evil made an appearance on Wisteria Lane . ("Guilty"), When Lynette begins to fall under the stress brought on by her four kids, she decides that a nanny is needed around the house. She dumps her four children on her best friend Bree, who is reluctant to watch over them. ("What's to Discuss, Old Friend? Later, unaware that she's pregnant, Carlos promotes Lynette because the person he was going to give the promotion to was pregnant. Realizing she is addicted, Lynette manages to stop taking the pills after she and Tom hire a nanny. Tom and Lynette agree that Eddie must see a therapist. When Tom becomes too much at home, Lynette is left with the kids at work and she breaks down because of the stress, however, Rick is there to help, so he's hired anyway. At their graduation I'll be the crazy old lady with oatmeal on her chin. Katherine Mayfair comes back to Wisteria Lane, offering Lynette a job at her new food company. "), When the neighborhood handyman, Eli Scruggs dies, Lynette helps plan him a funeral ceremony. She was too busy figuring out how to bend Tom to her will.Mary Alice Young, Lynette prepares herself for her first job interview in years, and is clearly nervous. Tom tries to calm down Lynette so she doesn't give their new neighbors the wrong impression. During the time Bree and the Scavo kids spend together, the unruly Porter fails to obey the Bree by messing with her freshly made cookies against her will. When they pay her a large amount of money, hoping it will get rid of Nora, things backfire and she decides to move to Fairview. Felicity Huffman's 'Desperate Housewives' character Lynette Scavo paid $15,000 to get her kids into a private school as the actress was recently accused of doing for her own daughter in real life. Data di nascita. Carlos/Gabby and Lynettes pregnancy : DesperateHousewives - reddit She then breaks down outside, screaming that "she's sorry". You were adventurous, you backpacked through Croatia, you jumped on stage at a Springsteen concert. Things get worse, and after coming home from a long day at work, Lynette is forced to clean some of the house, much to Tom's disapproval.

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