2004 usa olympic boxing team

The U.S. men's and women's water polo teams qualified by winning the water polo event at the 2003 Pan American Games. Ski and Snowboard. Tarver received a flash knockdown in the 1st round, although he still won the round 6-2, he was ahead after 2nd round 22-5. This entire U.S. boxing team will be Olympic rookies. Caroline Bruce, Wichita, Kan. Lisa Fernandez, Long Beach, Calif. M = Medal race; OCS = On course side of the starting line; DSQ = Disqualified; DNF = Did not finish; DNS= Did not start; RDG = Redress given. In Olympic basketball tournaments, 12 teams take part. The 2004 team was surely a dark spot in USA basketball history. Lashinda Demus, Columbia, S.C. Misty May, Newport Beach, Calif. Andre Wardwas the last U.S. man to win an Olympic boxing title in 2004. Tim Wadlow, San Diego, Calif. Event. Players such as James and Anthony had yet to see their 21st birthday, and collegiate star Emeka Okafor had yet to put on a professional basketball uniform. Tiombe Hurd, Upper Marlboro, Md. Actually nothing was going through my head; I kind of went into this zone where I didnt actually exist, said Podmilsak, who made his major championships debut at last months X Games, finishing sixth. Optms wrote:Two things that don't get mentioned often here: 1. Amanda Beard, Irvine, Calif. The following is the United States roster in the men's basketball tournament of the 2004 Summer Olympics. Paul Gonzales was the winner of the Val Barker Trophy for Outstanding Boxer at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. A'ja Wilson. I dont expect to be skating that much faster than the best skaters in the world, Stolz told Dutch broadcaster NOS, but somehow I am.. row2k's Olympics coverage is brought to you by: