depending upon the estimated dollar value of the acquisition

Any discrepancy or mistake of fact (such as duplications, omissions, and errors in computation) contained in the certified cost or pricing data or data other than certified cost or pricing data submitted in support of a proposal shall be brought to the contracting officers attention for appropriate action. The greatest risks associated with unbalanced pricing occur when-. CONTRACT AWARD: Depending upon the estimated dollar value of the acquisition:. Cost - the cost of the purchased software 12. excluded. The resulting freeze in assessed values has created sizeable assessment inequality that varies systematically with the value of the parcel. (i) Except as provided in paragraph (n)(2)(ii), the contracting officer shall insert the clause 52.215-23, Limitations on Pass-Through Charges, in solicitations and contracts including task or delivery orders as follows: (A) For civilian agencies, insert the clause when-, (1) The total estimated contract or order value exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold as defined in section 2.101 and, (2) The contemplated contract type is expected to be a cost-reimbursement type contract as defined in subpart 16.3; or, (1) The total estimated contract or order value exceeds the threshold for obtaining cost or pricing data in 15.403-4; and, (2) The contemplated contract type is expected to be any contract type except-. The contracting officer may incorporate the make-or-buy program in negotiated contracts for-, (1) Major systems (see part 34) or their subsystems or components, regardless of contract type; or, (i) The contract is a cost-reimbursable contract, or a cost-sharing contract in which the contractors share of the cost is less than 25 percent; and. (6) If a change or modification calls for essentially the same type and mix of work as the basic contract and is of relatively small dollar value compared to the total contract value, the contracting officer may use the basic contracts profit or fee rate as the prenegotiation objective for that change or modification. -Agency identification (ii) Consider whether award of the contract will result in paying unreasonably high prices for contract performance. The K values are based on 1968 dollars. (1) At a minimum, the contracting officer must use price analysis to determine whether the price is fair and reasonable whenever the contracting officer acquires a commercial product or commercial service (see 15.404-1(b)). (ii) The Government proves that the facts demonstrate that the price would not have increased in the amount to be offset even if the available data had been submitted before the "as of" date specified on the Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data. Change in ROE of combined firm. (b) Actions authorized under Pub. (B) The partial termination settlement plus the estimate to complete the continued portion of the contract exceeds the pertinent threshold set forth at paragraph (a)(1) of this subsection (see 49.105(c)(15)). What is the order of priority for the required sources of services? What is the method of procurement and synopsis for a requirement >$3.5K to 15K? When does the Service Contract Act of 1965 apply? 2. This results in a change in delivery schedule and increased cost to the contractor. 1. As well, generally internally generated goodwill and other intangible assets can not be recognized on the balance sheet. The analytical techniques and procedures described in this subsection may be used, singly or in combination with others, to ensure that the final price is fair and reasonable. Enter those necessary and reasonable costs that, in your judgment, will properly be incurred in efficient contract performance. Acquisition planning commences with a legislated directive or when a concept or a need is identified. (ii) The contracting officer determines that technical or cost risks justify Government review and approval of changes or additions to the make-or-buy program. When performing surveillance on a contract, a COR may be asked to? as a COR, establishing a joint partnership with your Contracting Officer, TYPES OF CONTRACT CHANGES: With regard to contract modifications, IDENTIFY THE STEPS IN THE PROPOSAL EVALUATION PROCESS: A nominated COR frequently is asked, IDENTIFY DIFFERENCE ACTUAL/EXPRESS, IMPLIED, APPARENT AUTHORITY: Our acquisition regulations provide the foundation, RECOGNIZE IMPORTANCE OF COMPETITION: The competition in Contract Act requires that, IDENTIFY THE CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTS: The services contracting that the Government prefers not to use, IDENTIFY THE CORS ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Your personal and professional conduct influences, RECOGNIZE THE DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS EXPECTED OF A COR: The COR's authority is delineated in which document, IDENTIFY PROPER INVOICE REQUIREMENTS: Failure of the government to pay the contractor within 30 days, IDENTIFY THE ACTIVITIES PERFORMED IN PLANNING THE ACQUISITION: The purpose of market research is to maximize the capabilities, EFFECTIVE ACQUISITION TEAM: To have an effective acquisition team, it is important that you choose a group, IDENTIFY PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT RESPONSIBILITIES: What is the COR's primary purpose in performing an inspection, . When taking into account expected run-rate synergies and tax benefits, the acquisition reflects a multiple of 8.3 times estimated LTM Adjusted EBITDA. The estimated cost of equity for Glaxo in December 1994 was Cost of Equity = 8.00% + 1.10 (5.50%) = 14.05% This is the cost of equity, if cash flows are estimated in dollars. Overpayments do not result from amounts paid for contract financing, as defined in 32.001. (vi) Independent development. Wiki User 2017-06-15 17:26:11 The contracting officer shall, when contracting by negotiation, insert the clause at 52.215-11, Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing DataModifications, in solicitations and contracts when it is contemplated that certified cost or pricing data will be required from the contractor or any subcontractor (see 15.403-4) for the pricing of contract modifications, and the clause prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section has not been included. (2) The contracting officer shall not request a separate preaward audit of indirect costs unless the information already available from an existing audit, completed within the preceding 12 months, is considered inadequate for determining the reasonableness of the proposed indirect costs ( 41 U.S.C.4706 and 10 U.S.C. Citation of the FAR that it prescribes Considering the hierarchy at 15.402, the contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.215-21, Requirements for Certified Cost or Pricing Data and Data Other Than Certified Cost or Pricing Data-Modifications, in solicitations and contracts if it is reasonably certain that certified cost or pricing data or data other than certified cost or pricing data will be required for modifications. -Acquisition history. Consequently, award of any lower-tier subcontract expected to exceed the certified cost or pricing data threshold requires the submission of certified cost or pricing data unless-, (i) An exception otherwise applies to the subcontract; or. Field pricing assistance is generally available to provide-. Urgency (b)(1) The extent of market research will vary, depending on such factors as urgency, estimated dollar value, complexity, and past experience. Actual decision, or determination What are the two most common types of best Value evaluations? (1) Format for submission of certified cost or pricing data. awarding a Time and Materials contract? -Does NOT require Congressional Approval. At least 15 days prior to solicitation or proposed contract action, FAR 5.101(a)(2) Proposed contract actions expected to exceed $15,000, but not expected to exceed $25,000by displaying in a public place, or by any appropriate electronic means. (2) The contracting officer shall tailor the type of information and level of detail requested in accordance with the specialized resources available at the buying activity and the magnitude and complexity of the required analysis. The ARB Coordinators will review packages, schedule and facilitate Pre-ARB and ARB meetings, capture discussions in board minutes, distribute minutes, and coordinate and document approvals/disapprovals. (ii) The probable cost is determined by adjusting each offerors proposed cost, and fee when appropriate, to reflect any additions or reductions in cost elements to realistic levels based on the results of the cost realism analysis. (2) There are two types of should-cost reviews-program should-cost review (see paragraph (b) of this subsection) and overhead should-cost review (see paragraph (c) of this subsection). (3) Commercial products and commercial services. In pricing production of recently developed complex equipment, the contracting officer should perform a trend analysis of basic labor and materials, even in periods of relative price stability. Specify the total estimated dollar value of the acquisition, inclusive of options, and the total performance/delivery period. Goodwill can only be acquired. The ACO or the auditor, as appropriate, shall notify the contracting officer immediately if the data provided for review is so deficient as to preclude review or audit, or if the contractor or offeror has denied access to any records considered essential to conduct a satisfactory review or audit. chapter 271 and 41 U.S.C. Decision, or approval. Focused How To Create A Route For Wahoo Elemnt, accepting an unsolicited gift valued at $15, IMPORTANCE OF REQUIREMENTS DEFINITION PROCESS: The COR will be evaluating a contractor's performance using the ___, . What are the dollar thresholds for J&A approval? The six types of successful acquisitions | McKinsey (1) When the program is to be incorporated in the contract and the design status of the product being acquired does not permit accurate precontract identification of major items or work efforts, the contracting officer shall notify the prospective contractor in writing that these items or efforts, when identifiable, shall be added under the clause at 52.215-9, Changes or Additions to Make-or-Buy Program. (i) The contracting officer shall not negotiate a price or fee that exceeds the following statutory limitations, imposed by 10 U.S.C.

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