which of the following is a categorical imperative? quizlet

-Patient-centered medical home. According to Kant, to test the moral validity of a maxim, one should first _______. A physician running a busy practice makes decisions for his employees on a regular basis. A categorical imperative, instead of taking an if-then form, is an absolute command, such as, "Do A," or "You ought to do A." Examples of categorical imperatives would be "You shouldn't kill," "You ought to help those in need," or "Don't steal." It doesn't . -Ethics, Based on social condition, what is striving for the highest possible standard of health for all with special attention to the needs of those at greatest risk called? The typical dichotomy in choosing ends is between ends that are right (e.g., helping someone) and those that are good (e.g., enriching oneself). Treat reason, as the fundamental principle of action, always as a guide., c. Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should agree with your inclinations., d. Therefore the universal law of nature is, the existence of things so far as it is determined by universal law., e. Serve the will as the objective ground of its self-determination, and all such relative ends can be grounds only for hypothetical imperatives., a. provide certain kinds of moral law but not all kinds, c. contain only the necessity that the maxim should accord with the law, a. deontologists believe our intentions are morally significant; utilitarians generally do not, b. utilitarians believe our intentions are morally significant, and deontologists generally do not, c. deontologists insist on the moral primacy of happiness, but utilitarians generally do not, d. deontologists believe that the only good thing that can be imagined that is good in itself is that which all people seek as a good: pleasure, e. utilitarians insist that moral duty, after all, may often conflict with the happiness of the many, a. utilitarian calculations could be manipulated to benefit the calculator, b. utilitarian calculations could be manipulated to benefit the many, c. utilitarians must perform calculations of utility, d. happiness is the true foundation of morality, b. humans are often willing to sacrifice it for other moral goods, d. Better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a swine satisfied!. The Golden Rule, on the other hand, is neither purely formal nor necessarily universally binding. -When children focus on rules and respect for authority. Multiple choice question. But his maxim is this: from self-love I make as my principle to shorten my life when its continued duration threatens more evil than it promises satisfaction. [17] -The rightness or wrongness of an act and not the consequences. mmanuel Kant defined categorical imperative as the guiding principle for all decision-making. For a will that resolved in this way would contradict itself, inasmuch as cases might often arise in which one would have need of the love and sympathy of others and in which he would deprive himself, by such a law of nature springing from his own will, of all hope of the aid he wants for himself. Moreover, they are often easily assimilated to the first three formulations, as Kant takes himself to be explicitly summarizing these earlier principles. According to Kant, sentient beings occupy a special place in creation, and morality can be summed up in an imperative, or ultimate commandment of reason, from which all duties and obligations derive. -Certification [18], Pope Francis, in his 2015 encyclical, applies the first formulation of the universalizability principle to the issue of consumption:[19]. -Jean Piaget Kant thought that lying was justified in certain circumstances. which of the following is a categorical imperative? quizlet Ethics Theories: Utilitarianism Vs. Deontological Ethics It maintains not only that virtue is to be desired, but that it is to be desired disinterestedly, for itself. Use a chart like the one below to reflect on the social commentary in the Prologue. Multiple Choice - Oxford University Press This leads to the concept of self-legislation. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. -Beneficence -Beneficence Multiple choice question. -Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs Actually, in a profounder sense, this is how lawlessness or experimentation are established. -Rule-utilitarianism -Nonmaleficence -Utilitarianism It asks us to imagine a kingdom which consists of only those people who act on CI-1. -Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. -Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools Human beings have the ability to act autonomously. -A determined principle Central concept in Kantian moral philosophy, First formulation: Universality and the law of nature, Application of the universalizability principle to the ethics of consumption. -Principle of utility The following is an excerpt from article DE197-1 from the Christian Research Institute. This challenge occurred while Kant was still alive, and his response was the essay On a Supposed Right to Tell Lies from Benevolent Motives (sometimes translated On a Supposed Right to Lie because of Philanthropic Concerns). This conformity alone is properly what is represented as necessary by the imperative. -Abraham Maslow. For example: if a person wants to stop being thirsty, it is imperative that they have a drink. Sartre argued that morality was developed __________. If a principle were to become universal law, but no one would be willing to act on that principle, it is invalid. -Loyalty to the role he or she plays. -Deontological theory [Solved] Kant: The Enlightenment The Categorical Imperative Kant tells Multiple choice question. Hag question step behind the veil of ignorance Choose. -benevolence Thus, for instance, Kant says it is right for a person to lie if and only if he is prepared to have everyone lie in similar circumstances, including those in which he is deceived by the lie. A new long-term care facility is applying for accreditation of the facility. A categorical imperative, on the other hand, denotes an absolute, unconditional requirement that must be obeyed in all circumstances and is justified as an end in itself. 1.2.4: Categorical and Hypothetical Imperatives Multiple choice question. -By interviewing grandparents. Which of these contributed directly to the outbreak of the Vietnam War? -Veracity Beneficence The free will is the source of all rational action. -Health equity -A rule that is considered universal law binding on everyone and requiring action. -The National Committee for Quality Assurance Chpt 5 PHIL Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet In Groundwork, Kant gives the example of a person who seeks to borrow money without intending to pay it back. -subjective Kant denied that such an inference indicates any weakness in his premises: not lying to the murderer is required because moral actions do not derive their worth from the expected consequences. Hypothetical imperatives tell us which means best achieve our ends. But if I think of a categorical imperative, I know immediately what it contains. B. Kant divides the duties imposed by this formulation into two sets of two subsets. -Nurses should not question authority It is a universal moral principle that dictates how individuals should act in all circumstances. Kant argued that morality is based on a universal, absolute code of conduct, and that every person should act in accordance with this code. -Standards of behavior considered to be good manners among members of a profession Kant considered the right superior to the good; to him, the latter was morally irrelevant. 0. . The first formulation is best described by the following statement, "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law without contradiction." (Kant, 1785, 1993). b. It is an attempt to legitimize the present model of distribution, where a minority believes that it has the right to consume in a way which can never be universalized, since the planet could not even contain the waste products of such consumption. -utilitarianism, Who are in the most likely position to violate confidentiality rules? Always treat others as ends and not means. -Justice, Which of the following theorists believed that human behavior is based on specific human needs that must often be met in a specific order? -Categorical imperative. The will is therefore the faculty of desire considered not so much in relation to action (as choice is) but rather in relation to the ground determining choice in action. An imperative that tells you what to do to achieve a particular goal. Solved Identify the following as associated with a) the - Chegg Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Do Your Duty: Kant - God and the Good Life An imperative that applies to everyone regardless of what they happen to want or what goals they have. But to treat it as a subjective end is to deny the possibility of freedom in general. -A nursing assistant administering an intravenous drug to a patient, An example of a medical provider not always telling the truth is when a doctor uses what type of intervention? The theme could be closely related to one particular topic. -The child is totally self-centered. -Nonmaleficence How did Piaget formulate that there are four levels of moral development? PHL 230 Module Quiz 1 - Which of the following is a comprehensive Kant's objection to the Golden Rule is especially suspect because the categorical imperative (CI) sounds a lot like a paraphrase, or perhaps a close cousin, of the same fundamental idea. -Advocacy Many poets use assonance and consonance in their poems. -Beneficence He defines an imperative as any proposition declaring a certain action (or inaction) to be necessary. Multiple choice question. Identify an example of consonance in "After Apple-Picking." -Consequence-oriented Schopenhauer's criticism of the Kantian philosophy expresses doubt concerning the absence of egoism in the categorical imperative. Likewise, the second formulation lays out subjective conditions: that there be certain ends in themselves, namely rational beings as such. -Defines grounds for suspension or revocation for a specific profession. Human choice, however, is a choice that can indeed be affected but not determined by impulses, and is therefore of itself (apart from an acquired proficiency of reason) not pure but can still be determined to actions by pure will. -Rule-utilitarianism For as a rational being he necessarily wills that all his faculties should be developed, inasmuch as they are given him for all sorts of possible purposes.[14]. That is, morality seen deontologically. -reimbursement What theory of decision making is being employed by this physician? -Maleficence Where does the categorical imperative come from? Kantianism (Categorical Imperative): Kantianism is an ethical theory based on the moral philosophy of German philosopher Immanuel Kant. Kant Flashcards | Quizlet Which of the following is not true within Mill's theory of justice? -It assumes that it represents the right answer. Choose from the following words: eloquence, furtive, futile, genial, incessant, provisional, retraction, stupendous, sullenly, tousled. In the Groundwork, Kant goes on to formulate the categorical imperative in a number of ways following the first three; however, because Kant himself claims that there are only three principles,[11] little attention has been given to these other formulations. -Keep patients alive no matter what the family says. An individual tends to move from needs-based motivation to a ________ ________ system that develops from childhood. Start studying Categorical Imperative. c. Because my happiness means the happiness of all mankind. What were past virtues for nurses? -The traits, characteristics, and virtues a moral person should have. -value Utilitarianism (also called consequentialism) is a moral [] -Veracity. Slave ethics compensates by an imaginary vengeance. Another imaginary vengeance we inflict on ourselves is __________. -virtue ethics Chapter 9 - Designing Adaptive Organizations, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. 2 ASSIGNMENT 4 Theme-Based Curriculum Introduction In many elementary schools, theme-based learning is a common method of organizing the curriculum. -Immanuel Kant Assignment 4 m (1).docx - 1 ASSIGNMENT 4 Assignment 4: Kant's ethical view is one of the most complex and influential ethical systems in the history of philosophy, but the basic ideas are really quite easy to grasp. According to Kant's reasoning, we first have a perfect duty not to act by maxims that result in logical contradictions when we attempt to universalize them. Instead of resolving the problems of the poor and thinking of how the world can be different, some can only propose a reduction in the birth rate. The theory of deontology states we are morally obligated to act in accordance with a certain set of principles and rules regardless of outcome. relationships take priority over universal principles Choose . In such a kingdom people would treat people as ends, because CI-2 passes CI-1. Taking the fundamental principle of morality to be a categorical imperative implies that moral reasons override other sorts of reasons. Which is a categorical variable quizlet? -Health insurance representatives -Autonomy -Consequence-oriented theory Multiple choice question. -Conviction of a felony.

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