why does sansa marry tyrion

Because she had no option, Cersei tells her that she is going to be married no matter what, so she can either go peacefully or kicking and sc Furthermore, as a noble house's daughter, Sansa is well aware of the existence of arranged marriages. Now, Sansa has the potential to finally come into her own. This can only happen if a septon agrees to dissolve the marriage. The context is mildly important. Theon and Sansa have perhaps suffered the most on the show in terms of physical and psychological pain, and yet have proven to be resilient -- if a bit twisted, but hey, that's Westeros. The father had superior authority over the other members of the family. But the way this is shot is one saving grace. Furthermore, Sigurd's illegitimate son King Haakon II the Broad-shouldered (1147-1162) was born as early as 1147, just 2 years after 1145. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORWAY.htm#SigurdHaraldssonMunddied11554. Sansa's marriage to Ramsay was, unfortunately, non-consensually consummated, meaning that Sansa is now legally a widow. An action orchestrated by Tywin in the show to take away the possibility of Sansa marrying Loras Tyrell giving them power over the north. Tyrion wa The biggest issue is that when Sansa was to marry Joffrey, she had to wait for her parents consent and since her mother is still alive why does she not have to wait now? What episode does Ramsay marry Sansa? Sign up for our Celebrity & Entertainment newsletter. He could help her secure her claim to Winterfell and the North. Because she was an asset. The Lady of Winterfell, and, by extension, the North. Thats why the Tyrells wanted her for Willas. The Reach and the Nor When season 7 left off, Sansa Stark, played by Sophie Turner, was Lady of Winterfell in her family home with her siblings Arya and Bran. How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? Is it suspicious or odd to stand by the gate of a GA airport watching the planes? Being that her Mother is still alive at this time, it would only be logical that she is the only one who could decide who her daughter was to marry. He was married to her, but this was a forced union which neither of them wanted and which was more of a friendship than a marriage. In Lysa Arryns opinion, for example, death frees a spouse to marry another, as she tells her niece Sansa in Season 4: Youll be a widow soon. Game of Thrones: Joffreys Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? So Sansa' marriage to Ramsay in the show was illegal and not binding as she was already Tyrion's wife. 22 hours ago, by Njera Perkins The mother would only have the right to decide if the father was dead. Despite the Lady of Winterfell bringing next level sass to the proceedings, it's an amicable reunion and not exactly what you might expect from an estranged married couple. He's like some kind of inside out Severus Snape. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? By the law of the land, she's no man's wife. In the season eight premiere, Sansa is reunited with her first husband, and in no time flat, she's informing him that he's not as clever as she once thought he was if he really thinks his sister will send her army North. This can only happen if a septon agrees to dissolve the marriage. Over time, the two developed a relationship and Tyrion brought Shae back to Kings Landing and she took on the position as handmaiden for Sansa so the two could safely and secretly be together. One other Westerosi marriage was successfully annulled on the show to make Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Starks marriage valid. Lannister would have no claim to the North. By getting rid of her Tully red locks, she's taking away the one physical trait that most connects her to Catelyn Stark. Nancy F. Cott, Jonathan Trumbull Research Professor of American History at Harvard University, whos an expert in marriage history, believes its all quite simple. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Tyrion was also forced to marry her, something she doesn't seem to realize. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. You're kidding, right? Sansa was a prisoner of the Lannisters. During her time as their guest, she'd been severely beaten, and publicly shame Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. Princess Agnes of France (1171/72-1220 or after 1240), daughter of king Louis VII, was sent to Constantinople in 1179 and married or betrothed to Emperor Alexios II (1169-1183) on 2 March 1180. Tyrion never consummated the wedding but Sansa never requested an annulment. Wikipedia says that Sigurd was born in 1133, only 12 years before the latest Sverre should have have been born. Sansa has picked up a lot from her friend and confident Margaery Tyrell, and Cersei Lannister, for that matter. What conditions are allowed for a decree of legitimisation or inheritance? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. I certainly hope not. In ecclesiastical law, the Church would say they are married to each other forever so long as they had pledged themselves and consummated the marriage with sex, Cott told HuffPost. As Littlefinger explains to the despicable Ramsay Bolton in season five, the marriage between Sansa and Tyrion was never consummated, which in Westeros means it's null and void. Although most Game of Thrones fans won't even know his name, Waymar Royce is one of the most memorable characters in the series simply because he's one of the first people who ever appears on screen. Or the crown just doesnt care. Assuming Catelyn has always been truthful about that; this means that Sansa has grown up knowing that marrying someone and loving them are two separate things. It's not him personally, but he's part of her situation, the man she was literally forced to marry, and a member of the family that had her father executed and her household murdered. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Once the wedding reception is over, Tyrion and Sansa head to their bedroom to do what everyone expects them to, but Tyrion knows this is something Sansa does not want to do so instead he drinks some more until he passes out. Although Sansa has nothing to do with the storyline in Winterfell with Ramsay and Theon, that storyline itself didn't come from nowhere. Inspect her, if you must. When news of Olenna Tyrells plan to marry Sansa to her grandson Loras spread to Tywin Lannister, he arranged for Loras to be married to Cersei and Sansa to be married to Tyrion. She is still a child even though she has "Flowered" (Tryion says this What did you think about Sansa's treatment? Further south, Tyrion, played by Peter Dinklage, was on a boat heading north to Winterfell with Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. Tyrion Lannister It may be several seasons before the two are reunited, but I would love it if they ultimately fell in love for real. The North is already in open revolt, so the Lannisters (who are controlling Joffrey right now) don't need to worry about what they think, and are using Joffrey's power as the king to cement a claim to Winterfell through marriage (and eventually a half-Lannister, half-Stark child). By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Since he's now dead, she's technically a widow, although since she fed her monstrous husband to his dogs, it's safe to say she's happy about her current relationship status. It's personal, and therefore, even more traumatizing. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. . Did you see that happen? Sansa and Tyrion were married on season 3 of "Game of Thrones;" as the show heads into its final season, it is likely that the two will cross paths. What a King or Queen or even lesser royalty orders you to do is law. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? That wasn't in the official King's Landing Gazette or anything @einpoklum - and who exactly is going to challenge their word? While he awaited trial, Tyrion suggested that Sansa would testify on his behalf, and it was then that he learned she had been missing since the wedding and Joffreys death. As long as both parties are of age, not too closely related to each other and all other things that would make it a valid marriage, once they have said their vows, they are married and they stay married. But, luckily, that also means Will you continue to watch the show? Don't miss a beat. ", Sansa tries to prevent her father's execution in ", Promotional image of Sansa in the Great Hall of the Red Keep in ". A divorce doesn't exist. Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video. In medieval times minors could be married by the authority of their parents. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Because Cersei promised to torture and wed her to Tyrion if she objected instead of just wedding him. Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? 23 hours ago, by Victoria Edel Isn't Sansa already married In the A Song of Ice And Fire books, Ramsay Bolton (formerly known as Ramsay Snow) marries a girl who is posing as Arya Stark, but is actually Jeyne Poole, a childhood friend of Sansa's from Winterfell. First, a reminder of how those two ended up married in the first place. It may well be that there would be people in the North who would never accept a marriage of Sansa that Ned or Caitlyn didn't agree to, but unless they overthrow the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, there's nothing they can do but submit to his decision. Has their bond legally persisted through all of this? Being that she is captive, being made to get married under duress would not make the marriage official , which would mean Tyrion Lannister would have no claim to the North. Why are they asking Professors of history for this answer and calling them experts on the world GRRM has created? By the law of the land, she's no man's wife.". WebSansa will not marry Tyrion by choice ever because of what House Lannister did to House Stark and the fact that Sansa doesnt trust Tyrion. Cersei is Queen Mother, a title whose importance wanes with each passing day. That's why I cheered for joy when Sansa made her big entrance at the end of last season with dyed black hair and a steely expression. It's almost a given for people of her stature. But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, we mustn't forget that the eldest Stark daughter is still legally married to Tyrion Lannister, though their marriage was never consummated do the old and/or new gods allow for annulment in Westeros? The biggest deviation from her story is obviously her returning to Winterfell and being married off to Ramsay Bolton. When Joffrey declared it is time for their bedding ceremony, Tyrion refused and threatened Joffrey at first, but then played along and brought Sansa up to their bedchamber. BAELISH: Then I have delivered everything I've promised. What actually happens in the books is that Sansa's best friend Jeyne Poole is married to Ramsay, but Ramsay is pretending that Jeyne is actually Arya Stark in order to give some veil of legitimacy to his claim over Winterfell. Here are some thoughts on the matter: We feel protective of Sansa On the show, Sansa is supposedly old enough to be wed several times over, but we can't help remember her as the wide-eyed child who thought Joffrey (Jack Gleeson) was her sweet, golden-haired prince. Nancy F. Cott, Jonathan Trumbull Love and marriage are rocky subjects in the world of Westeros. While they may have come together under less than ideal circumstances, they really are an excellent match. And unless the parents of a person were the monarchs other persons might have the right or power to override the parental authority with superior feudal or other authority. Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying, Bulk update symbol size units from mm to map units in rule-based symbology. Who is "the valonqar" from Cersei's prophecy? This would help Sansa Stark to take back Winterfell and avenge the death of her mother and brother, so it's not a terrible plan. First, a quick recap. Game of Thrones airs Sundays at 9/8c on HBO. In fact, based upon the Red and Purple Weddings before it, many of us expected (and in hindsight would have welcomed) a far bloodier outcome. How did Renly expect Robert to set aside Cersei and take Margaery as queen instead? Just as Ramsay forces Sansa to submit, the camera pulls away to only show Theon's face and his reactions, and it is a mirror of all of our suffering -- he cries, he's anguished, he cannot help someone he cares for from being hurt. Why did Lord Tywin try to execute Tyrion? Jaime has one hand and no allies, Tommen is a soft boy, not a king to Waymar Royce is the son of Yohn Royce, the man who becomes one of Sansa's closest advisers in the series, and Sansa falls head over heels in love with Waymar when she meets him at Winterfell, where he and his father stop on their way to the Wall. Sansa Stark Tyrion Lannister Still Married - Refinery29 Watching Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3, Sansa makes a reference that she and Tyrion were married, but this is a genuine question as I am unsure if I missed something. The writers could easily reveal that Tyrion and Sansas marriage is still valid, or they could land on the fact that Sansa is a single woman after Ramsays death. After the Battle of the Bastards, Jon Snow took Ramsay captive and left Sansa in charge of his execution. Some random peasant? Game of Thrones star discusses dysfunctional dinner scene. They interacted a few times, and Robin was his typical bratty self with her. However, arranging the match is no easy task, as Harry is a highborn lord and he believes that Sansa is just the bastard Alayne Stone. Becoming a nun was considered being married to God. And yet, were six episodes, Most people know how much an unexpected text message in the middle of the night can ruin a good sleep. After what she's been through, we doubt she'll be rushing to get married again any time soon. And also, this answer is entirely based on information from the books. Your culture and entertainment cheat-sheet. She's still posing as Petyr's daughter Alayne, and as the Lady of the Eyrie is gone since Lysa's death, Sansa is essentially acting as the Lady of the Eyrie in her stead. But it was very common for parents to send minor children to monasteries until monastic orders began to prohibit it later in the middle ages. A second ceremony could even be held to validate it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sverre_of_Norway3. So Sansa' marriage to Ramsay in the show was illegal and Can airtags be tracked from an iMac desktop, with no iPhone? I wholeheartedly agree with everything in that post, but I'm fairly certain Sansa was 14 at that time. Doesn't change anything, though. Part of HuffPost Entertainment. Aegon. Being that her Mother is still alive at this time, it would only be logical that she is the only one who could decide who her daughter was to marry. Disturbing doesn't even being to describe it. Game of Thrones had to really push to top how upsetting the Red Wedding Who is the third man that Sandor Clegane is referring to? How to match a specific column position till the end of line? I would love for Sansa to ended up with someone kind and loyal like Pod. Just before Ramsay rapes Sansa, he starts to taunt her by asking why's she still a virgin, was she afraid of dwarf and so on. Why are the Queensguard in Game of Thrones (S07) wearing black armour? This is a setback for Sansa The eldest Stark daughter has not just survived, but thrived. @TLP yet she can be engaged to marry Harry? In George's world, Consummation is required to make the wedding binding, if not consummated, it can be set aside by High Septon or a council of Faith on request of either party. The crown I guess would see Tyrion as still sentenced to die so perhaps effectively Sansa is at most effectively a widow in the crowns eyes. The show presents the marriage between Tyrion and Sansa as an unwilling match on both ends, but in the books that isn't entirely true. How will she go forward after experiencing such abuse? Tywin is dead. Official is what these people tell it is. "What if I never want you to?" 21 hours ago, by Victoria Edel We do know this is not what she wants at all as she is crying when what seems to be Loras Tyrell's ship sailing away. He was in love with Sansa's mother Catelyn and couldn't stop bringing up how much Sansa resembled Cat. That they are married before the Gods, if is was forced, would the Can you provide references for the answer you have written? Were perfect for each other., But just when they have all the makings to become a power couple in Westeros, Tyrion is informed that his family conspired with the Freys and Boltons to savagely murder Sansas brother Robb (Richard Madden) and mother Catelyn (Michelle Fairley) at whats known as the Red Wedding.

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