Epic biographical film Gandhi will be made again. In a press conference at a Dhaba near Khadi Gramodyog Bhavan in Mumbai, Director/Producer Sanjay Leela Bhansali announced that he has received all the rights of the film. In an exclusive interview to DelhiPress, Mr. Bhansali said that the original Gandhi was nominated for 11 Oscars and won 8 of them but the film could only earn $127 million, which is not acceptable, and that it must be redone.
Famous for showing historical facts as is, Mr. Bhansali was later seen sharing his thoughts and ideas with renowned struggling artist, Mr. Pahlaj Nihalani.
Mr. Nihalani said that little bit changes in the film will increase the sale of the film. He has announced that in the remake of the legendary film, instead of Ben Kingsley, Gandhi will be played by Indian Prime Minister Sri. Narendra Modi. The decision has been taken after the successful experiments done by the Indian Prime Minister by doing sale campaigns for ‘Jeo’ Reliance, Paytm and recently replacing Gandhi himself from his famous iconic picture of knitting Charkha. All three experiments have given a tremendous boost to the sale of their products.
Nihlani, famous for making a super-hit Modi Video by showing the Expressway in Dubai, a US air-force Tom Cat and Moscow’s international Trade center as Modi’s accomplishments, said that he will change few scenes in the film which will then earn more than Rogue 1 and Dangal combined. In his new remake biopic, Sri Modi will be sitting in the 1st class compartment in South Africa and Modi in his white suit, will throw the TTE and the Englishman out from the train.
In other changes he said in a scene where Gandhi offers his dhoti to a woman in Ganga, Sri Modi will throw away his 10 lakh suit towards the woman. And the background music will be “Modi, Modi, Modi, Modi”. In the scenes where Gandhi comes back to India and meets Gokhle, Sarojini Naidu, Nehru, Tilak and other freedom fighters, Sri Modi will be shown meeting Sri Mukesh Ambani, Sri Vijay Mallya, Sri Lalit Modi and Sri Salman Khan.
Further developments are expected and more information will be given after the release of Padmavati.
Disclaimer: All news articles contained within DelhiPress are work of fiction penned down only for your entertainment.
Rani Sen is a struggling movie critic who started her career reviewing Bhojpuri movies. Just to clarify, she has absolutely nothing to do with the world famous, Shahrukh loving, movie critic Raja Sen from rediff.com. She loves writing her introduction in third person.
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